Author Matea Fućak
Mentor Sandra Bošković (mentor)
Committee member Kata Ivanišević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Spevan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Bošković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Midwifery) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation
Abstract U prenatalnom, perinatalnom i postnatalnom periodu moguće su mnoge komplikacije koje mogu utjecati na daljnji psihomotorni razvoj djeteta. Pojam „neurorizično dijete“ javlja se 60-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, koristi se za trijažu djece kod kojih postoji indikacija za intenzivno praćenje psihomotornog razvoja tijekom svih faza zbog fizičkog, psihološkog ili socijalnog odstupanja. Globalna incidencija neurorizične djeca na godišnjoj razini iznosi 6-7 %, a u Republici Hrvatskoj oko 10%. Temeljna komponenta psihomotornog razvoja je središnji živčani sustav, koji je po rođenju djeteta nepotpuno razvijen te se intenzivno razvija tijekom prvih godina života. Baby handling metoda je koja se temelji na Bobath konceptu, no najčešće se definira kao pravilno postupanje s djetetom prilikom svakodnevnih životnih aktivnosti djeteta poput hranjenja, presvlačenja, držanja te podizanja i spuštanja. Baby handling ima za cilj inhibirati abnormalne obrasce kretanja i držanja tijela te facilitirati normalne obrasce pokreta i stavova tijela. Navedeno se na neurološkoj razini odvija kombinacijom senzorne integracije i neuroplastičnosti mozga. Pri pravilnom postupanju s djetetom treba obratiti pažnju na to da su ruke djeteta uvijek ispred tijela, a većina pokreta djeteta treba uključivati rotaciju. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi znanje i primjenu tehnika pravilnog postupanja s djetetom (baby handling-a) kod medicinskih sestara i primalja koje su svakodnevno u doticaju s novorođenom djecom te utjecaj godina radnog staža i stupnja obrazovanja na isto. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 40 ispitanica ženskog spola, a najveći broj ispitanica koje su sudjelovale u istraživanju ima više od 55 godina, njih 42,50%. Istraživanje se provelo putem anketnog upitnika putem kojeg su se procjenjivali subjektivni stavovi o baby handling-u i poznavanju te primjeni istog u svakodnevnom radu. Rezultati istraživanja dokazuju da ispitanice poznaju pojam baby handling, smatraju da isti pospješuje psihomorotni razvoj djeteta te ga 60% ispitanica provodi na svom radnom mjestu. Nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike uspoređujući poznavanje baby handling-a i provođenje istog uspoređujući sa stručnom spremom, no polovica ispitanica iz obje skupine stručne spreme navele su kako bi se voljele dodatno educirati o baby handling-u.
Abstract (english) In the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal period, many complications are possible that can affect the further psychomotor development of the child. The term "neurorisk child" appears in the 60s of the last century, it is used for triage of children in whom there is an indication for intensive monitoring of psychomotor development during all stages due to physical, psychological, or social deviation. The global incidence of neurorisk children at the annual level is 6-7%, and in the Republic of Croatia about 10%. The basic component of psychomotor development is the central nervous system, which is incompletely developed after the birth of a child and develops intensively during the first years of life. Baby handling is a method based on the Bobath concept but is most often defined as the proper handling of the child during the child's daily life activities such as feeding, changing, holding and lifting and lowering. Baby handling aims to inhibit abnormal patterns of movement and posture and to facilitate normal patterns of movement and posture. At the neurological level, this is a combination of sensory integration and neuroplasticity of the brain. When handling a child properly, care should be taken that the child's hands are always in front of the body, and most of the child's movements should involve rotation. The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge and application of techniques for proper handling of the child (baby handling) in nurses and midwives who are in daily contact with newborns and the impact of years of service and level of education on the same. The study involved 40 female respondents, and the largest number of respondents who participated in the study is more than 55 years old, 42.50%. The research was conducted through a survey questionnaire that assessed subjective attitudes about baby handling and knowledge and its application in everyday work. The results of the research prove that the respondents know the term baby handling, believe that it promotes the psychomotor development of the child and 60% of the respondents spend it at their workplace. No statistically significant differences were found comparing the knowledge of baby handling and its implementation comparing it with education, but half of the respondents from both groups of education stated that they would like to be further educated about baby handling.
baby handling
Bobath koncept
psihomotorni razvoj
neurorizično dijete
medicinske sestre/tehničari
Keywords (english)
baby handling
Bobath concept
psychomotor development
neurorisk child
nurses / technicians
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:138728
Study programme Title: Professional study of nursing (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-09-10 10:58:56