Author Marija Majetić
Mentor Gordana Blagojević Zagorac (mentor)
Mentor Slaven Medjimurec (komentor)
Committee member Tamara Gulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Grebić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grubić Kezele (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-07-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Human Physiology
Abstract UVOD: Fizička aktivnost definira se kao bilo koje tjelesno kretanje koje rezultira potrošnjom energije, a koje je proizvedeno radom skeletnih mišića. Trudnoća je razdoblje života koje obiluje fiziološkim, anatomskim, tjelesnim i psihičkim promjenama koje se ne mogu svrstati u bolest. Vježbanje, odnosno fizička aktivnosti povezana je sa poboljšanjem zdravlja trudnice i ploda tijekom trudnoće i u postporođajnom razdoblju.
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi utjecaj fizičke aktivnosti
... More na vrstu i trajanje poroda. Nadalje, cilj je utvrditi korelaciju fizičke aktivnosti i razine šećera u krvi kao i vrijednosti krvnog tlaka.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Za potrebe ovog istraživanja anketirano je ukupno 128 rodilja, od čega je njih 8 isključeno iz istraživanja. Kriterij isključenja bio je unaprijed dogovoreni carski rez. Anketni upitnik izrađen je za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Sadrži ukupno 24 pitanja. Statistički značajne promjene su smatrane uz p<0,05. Analiza podataka obrađena je pomoću računalnog programa Statistica verzije 12 (Sigma Plot Scientific Graphing System, v12.0.).
REZULTATI: Najčešća vrsta poroda kod rodilja koje su bile fizički aktivne prije trudnoće je vaginalni porod, kao i kod rodilja koje nisu bile fizički aktivne prije trudnoće kod kojih je utvrđena vaginalna vrsta poroda 1,09 puta učestalije u odnosu na fizički aktivne ispitanice. Ispitivanjem nije utvrđeno postojanje razlike (ꭓ2=0,34; p=0,560). Najčešća vrsta poroda kod rodilja koje su imale fizičku aktivnost tijekom trudnoće je vaginalni porod kod kojih je utvrđena 1,085 puta učestalije vaginalna vrsta poroda u odnosu na fizički neaktivne rodilje. Ispitivanjem nije utvrđeno postojanje razlike (p=0,440). Srednja vrijednost trajanja poroda kod obje skupine promatranih rodilja je jednaka, te ispitivanjem nije utvrđeno postojanje razlike (Z=0,04; p=0,969). Kod promatranih rodilja koje su imale fizičku aktivnost tijekom trudnoće gestacijski dijabetes je utvrđen 2,22 puta učestalije u odnosu na fizički neaktivne ispitanice. Ispitivanjem nije utvrđeno postojanje razlike (p=0,335). Kod promatranih rodilja koje nisu imale fizičku aktivnost tijekom trudnoće gestacijska hipertenzija je utvrđena 1,24 puta učestalije u odnosu na fizički aktivne ispitanice. Ispitivanjem nije utvrđeno postojanje razlike (p=0,592).
ZAKLJUČAK: Problematika ovog diplomskog rada izrazito je aktualna. Postoje razne zablude oko fizičke aktivnosti za vrijeme trudnoće, zbog čega je potrebno više radova na ovu tematiku.
Fizioterapeutima, kao i ostalim članovima medicinskog tima potrebni su znanstveno utemeljeni dokazi kako bi mogli sa sigurnošću preporučiti određene aktivnosti trudnicama u točno određenom intenzitetu i trajanju. Less
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: Physical activity is defined as any physical movement that results in energy consumption, which is produced by the work of skeletal muscles. Pregnancy is a period of life that is rich in physiological, anatomical, physical and psychological changes that cannot be classified as a disease. Exercise or physical activity is associated with improving the health of the pregnant woman and the fruit during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.
RESEARCH GOAL: The aim of this study is
... More to determine the impact of physical activity on the type and duration of childbirth. Furthermore, the aim is to determine the correlation of physical activity and blood sugar levels as well as blood pressure values.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 128 parturient women were surveyed for the purposes of this survey, of which 8 were excluded from the survey. The exclusion criterion was a prearranged caesarean section. The questionnaire was created for the purposes of this study. It contains a total of 24 questions. Statistically significant changes were considered with p<0.05. Data analysis was processed using the Computer Program Statistics version 12 (Sigma Plot Scientific Graphing System, v12.0.).
RESULTS: The most common type of birth in parturient women that were physically active before pregnancy is vaginal delivery, as well as in parturient women that were not physically active before pregnancy in which vaginal type of childbirth was found to be 1.09 times more frequent compared to physically active parturient women. The study found no difference (ꭓ2=0.34; p=0.560). The most common type of birth in parturient women that had physical activity during pregnancy was vaginal delivery, in which 1,085 times more frequent vaginal type of childbirth was found compared to physically inactive parturient women. The study found no difference (p=0.440). The mean duration of childbirth in both groups of observed maternity units is the same, and the study did not establish the existence of a difference (Z=0.04; p=0.969). In observed mothers who had physical activity during pregnancy, gestational diabetes was found to be 2.22 times more common compared to physically inactive subjects. The study found no difference (p=0.335). In observed parturient women that did not have physical activity during pregnancy, gestational hypertension was found to be 1.24 times more frequent compared to physically active parturient women. The study found no difference (p=0.592).
CONCLUSION: The issue of this graduate thesis is extremely up-to-date. There are various misconceptions about physical activity during pregnancy, which is why more studies is needed on this topic. Physiotherapists, as well as other members of the medical team, need scientifically based evidence to be able to safely recommend certain activities to pregnant women in a specific intensity and duration. Less
fizička aktivnost
vaginalni porod
gestacijski dijabetes
gestacijska hipertenzija
Keywords (english)
physical activity
vaginal delivery
gestational diabetes
gestational hypertension
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:060541
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Physiotherapy (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-27 09:10:07