Abstract | Spolno prenosive bolesti su jedan od najvećih javno zdravstvenih problema današnjice zbog epidemijske proširenosti, mnogobrojnih komplikacija koje izazivaju I golemi troškovi za zdravstveni sustav. Spolno prenosive bolesti su bolesti koje se prenose spolnim putem sa inficirane osobe na zdravu. Može se prenijeti oralnim, vaginalnim te analnim putem, a neke se mogu prenijeti nespolnim putem s majke na dijete posteljicom I krvlju. Prema dosadašnjim podatcima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije godišnje u svijetu se registrira oko 250 milijuna novih slučajeva SPB-a. Ovakva proširenost spolno prenosivih infekcija posljedica je seksualne revolucije 60-ih I 70-tih godina prošlog stoljeća kada je krenula masovna uporaba oralnih kontracepcijskih pilula, što je dovelo da adolescenti ranije stupaju u spolne odnose, čestim mijenjanjem partnera ne vodeći računa da pilula pouzdano štiti od neplanirane trudnoće, ali ne od SPB-a stoga su se epidemijski proširile što je dovelo do povećane učestalosti karcinoma cerviksa, tubularne neplodnosti, povećanu učestalost urinarnih infekcija I njihovih komplikacija, povećanu učestalost muške neplodnosti zbog oštećenja spermatogeneze I povećanu učestalost kasnih spontanih pobačaja I prijevremenih porođaja. Danas se u SPB ubraja više od 30 virusnih, bakterijskih I parazitnih bolesti, bolesti koje se prenose spolnim putem, oralnim ili preko posteljice. SPB su jedan od vodećih uzoraka akutnih bolesti, kroničnog oštećenja zdravlja I smrtnost, s mogućim teškim medicinskim I psihološkim posljedicama za milijune žena, muškaraca I dojenčadi. Oskudni simptomi ili potpuni izostanak simptoma pogoduje širenju u populaciji. Naziv spolno prenosive bolesti označava stanja s već zamjetnim simptomima danas se zamjenjuje s pojmom spolno prenosivih infekcija (SPI) koji označava prisutnost potencionalnog uzročnika u organizmu I mogućnost njegova prenošenja na seksualne partnere. Žene fertilne dobi su najviše izložene toj vrsti infekcija, milijuni dojenčadi diljem svijeta započinjali su život, opterećeni spolno prenosivim infekcijama , stečene od strane majke, uz opasnost od neposrednog I dugoročnog ugrožavanja zdravlja I života. Značenje spolno prenosivih infekcija: 2006-2015, koju je Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija prihvatila na 59. zasjedanju u svibnju 2006 godine (3). Tim su izrazom obuhvatili spolne bolesti, ali I neke druge zarazne bolesti spolnih organa kao što su: stidna ušljivost, genitalni herpes, negonoroični vulvovaginalitis, oštri kondilomi I druge. U SPB ubrajamo: sifilis, gonoreju, trihomonijazu, limfogranuloma venerum, a u novije vrijeme spadaju I AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, infekcije uzrokovane bakterijom chlamydia trachomatis, bakterijska vaginoza, spolne infekcije virusom herpes simplex, infekcije izazvane humanipapiloma virusom, infekcije s haemophylus duceyi itd. U parazitske infestacije ubrajamo phtirius pubis I trichomonas vaginalis. |
Abstract (english) | Sexually transmitted diseases are one of the biggest public health problems today due to the epidemic spread, the many complications it causes and the huge costs to the health system. Sexually transmitted diseases are sexually transmitted diseases from an infected person to a healthy one. It can be transmitted orally, vaginally and anal, and some can be transmitted asexually from mother to child through placenta and blood. According to current data from the World Health Organization, about 250 million new cases of STDs are registered in the world every year. This prevalence of sexually transmitted infections is a consequence of the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, when the widespread use of oral contraceptive pills began, which led adolescents to have sex earlier, changing partners frequently without taking into account that the pill reliably protects against unplanned pregnancies but not from STDs therefore spread epidemically leading to an increased incidence of cervical cancer, tubular infertility, increased incidence of urinary tract infections and their complications, increased incidence of male infertility due to impaired spermatogenesis and increased incidence of late miscarriages and premature miscarriages . Today, STDs include more than 30 viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases, sexually transmitted, oral or placental diseases. STDs are one of the leading patterns of acute illness, chronic damage to health and mortality, with possible severe medical and psychological consequences for millions of women, men and infants. Scarce symptoms or complete absence of symptoms favor spread in the population. The name sexually transmitted disease refers to conditions with already noticeable symptoms, today it is replaced by the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which means the presence of a potential causative agent in the body and the possibility of its transmission to sexual partners. Women of childbearing age are most exposed to this type of infection, millions of infants around the world have started life, burdened with sexually transmitted infections, acquired by the mother, with the danger of immediate and long-term endangerment of health and life. Significance of sexually transmitted infections: 2006-2015, adopted by the World Health Organization at its 59th session in May 2006 (3). This term included sexually transmitted diseases, but also some other infectious diseases of the genital organs such as: pubic lice, genital herpes, non-gonorrheal vulvovaginalitis, acute condyloma and others. SPB includes: syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, lymphogranuloma venerum, and more recently include AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, infections caused by the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis, bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted infections with herpes simplex virus, infections caused by humanopapiloma haphy virus etc. Parasitic infestations include phtirius pubis and trichomonas vaginalis. |