Abstract | Svrha istraživanja
Danas je prisustvo očeva na porodu uobičajena pojava. Shodno tome očevi su
postali sastavni dio primaljske skrbi u porodu, meĎutim u formalnom obrazovanju
primalje ne stječu dovoljna znanja o radu sa očevima. Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je
sagledati doţivljaj poroda iz aspekta očeva.
Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 19. srpnja do 4. kolovoza 2021.
godine. Odazvalo se 33 očeva kojima je najmanje dva sata po porodu, odnosno prije
no što su napustili rađaonicu, dano ispuniti online ”upitnik za očeve“. Osim sociodemografskih karakteristika, upitnik je sadržavao pitanja o prenatalnoj informiranosti,
karakteristikama poroda, emocionalnom stanju i zadovoljstvu kvalitetom zdravstvene
usluge očeva tijekom njihovog prisustvovanja porodu u rodilištu Kliničkom bolničkom
centru (KBC) Rijeka.
Analiza pitanja o osjećajima tijekom prisustvovanja porodu pokazala je da se
96,97% očeva osjećalo sretno, 42,42% bespomoćno, 33,21% je osjetilo strah,
12,12% se osjećalo uzbuđeno, a 6,06% traumatizirano. Najveći postotak očeva
(91,88%) mišljenja je da je najveću korist od njegove prisutnosti porodu imala
supruga/partnerica. Da je prisustvovanje porodu bilo korisno iskustvo za ispitanika
sloţilo se 81,31% ispitanika, te da je koristilo braku/vezi (76,68%). Dojam da je
prisustvovanje oca porodu bilo korisno za dijete složilo se 54,31% ispitanika. Samo
1,25% ispitanika je imalo dojam da je njihov dolazak na porod bio beskoristan. Nisu
pronađene razlike u razini zadovoljstva i socio-demografskih obiljeţja ispitanika.
Doživljaj i iskustvo poroda za očeve povezan je s pozitivnim i negativnim
osjećajima. Pozitivni osjećaji i zadovoljstvo su prevladavajući. Očevi smatraju kako
njihova prisutnost najviše koristi njihovoj partnerici. |
Abstract (english) | The purpose of the research
Today, the presence of fathers at childbirth is a common occurrence.
Consequently, fathers have become an integral part of midwifery care in childbirth.
However, in formal education midwives do not acquire sufficient knowledge about
working with fathers. The aim of this research was to take a look at the experience of
childbirth from the perspective of fathers.
The survey was conducted from July 19th to August 4th 2021. 33 fathers
responded and were asked to complete an online ”fathers questionnaire“ at least two
hours after the birth, and before leaving the delivery room. In addition to sociodemographic characteristics, the questionnaire included questions on prenatal
information, birth characteristics, emotional state and satisfaction of quality of care
they experienced during their stay in the maternity ward of KBC Rijeka.
Analysis of data collected regarding their emotional state showed that 96.97%
of fathers felt joy, 42.42% felt helpless, 33.21% felt fear, 12.12% felt excited, and
6.06% traumatized. The highest percentage of fathers (91.88%) felt that their
presence at childbirth was most beneficial for their wife/partner. 81.31% of
respondents agreed that attending childbirth was a useful experience for the
respondents, and it reinforced the bond between partners (76.68%). The impression
that the father's presence at the birth was beneficial for the child was agreed by
54.31% of respondents. Only 1.25% of respondents had the impression that their
arrival at childbirth had no effect. No differences were found in the level of
satisfaction and socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents.
The childbirth experience for fathers is associated with positive and negative
feelings. Positive feelings and satisfaction are prevalent. Fathers feel that their
presence benefits their partner the most. |