Abstract | Uvod: Prisustvo ozljede osim fizičkog, može narušiti i psihološko zdravlje. Depresivnost, anksioznost te stres su poteškoće koje nastaju kao posljedica narušenog zdravstvenog statusa. Osim ozljede, oboljenje SARS-CoV-2 virusom također nepovoljno utječe na kliničku sliku psihološkog zdravlja.
Cilj rada: Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razinu depresije, anksioznosti i stresa kod osoba na fizikalnoj rehabilitaciji nakon pretrpljene ozljede. Dodatno, ispitana je povezanost sociodemografskih obilježja, obilježja ozljede i izloženost SARS-CoV-2 virusu s mjerama mentalnog zdravlja.
Metoda: U presječnom istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 55 pacijenata u postupku fizikalne rehabilitacije, od čega 27 muškaraca i 28 žena. Prosječna dob ispitanika je 56,4 godine, većinom su srednje stručne spreme (76,4%), u partnerskoj vezi (74,5%) te je 43,6% zaposleno a njih 40% umirovljeno. Ispitanici su ispunjavali sljedeće samoprocjenske upitnike: sociodemografski upitnik, Skalu depresije, anksioznosti i stresa (DASS-21), modificirani upitnik o zdravstvenom statusu (SF-36) i kratki upitnik o izloženosti COVID-19 bolesti.
Rezultati: Većina ispitanika je imala ozljedu na jednom mjestu (89,1%) pri čemu su najučestalije vrste ozljede umjetni zglob (32,7%) i oštećenje mišića (29,1%). Značajan rizik za rizik za depresiju ima 7,3% ispitanika, anksioznost 16,4% te stres njih 4,4%. Ženski spol, mjesto ozljede noga, vrste ozljede umjetni zglob i ozljeda slabinskog dijela značajno su povezani s lošijim ishodom mentalnog zdravlja dok je status umirovljenika povezan s nižom razinom depresivnosti. Osobe koje su preboljele COVID-19 i kojima je bliska osoba oboljela imaju značajno veće razine ispitivanih psiholoških poteškoća. Značajni samostalni prediktori depresivnosti i anksioznosti su osobna izloženost bolesti COVID-19 te ugradnja umjetnog zgloba. Dodatno, značajan prediktor anksioznosti je fizička ograničenost zbog ozljede. Jedini značajan prediktor stresa je ugradnja umjetnog zgloba.
Zaključak: Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na dobro mentalno zdravlje osoba na fizikalnoj rehabilitaciji nakon doživljene jedne ili više fizičkih ozljeda. Pandemija COVID-19 ima značajan utjecaj na mentalno zdravlje te je u rehabilitacijskom radu potrebno povećati senzibilnost na utjecaj istih na pacijente u fizikalnoj rehabilitaciji. Posebno su rizične osobe s ugrađenim umjetnom kukom. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: The presence of an injury, in addition to physical, can also impair psychological health. Depression, anxiety and stress are difficulties that arise as a result of impaired health status. In addition to injury, SARS-CoV-2 virus also adversely affects the clinical picture of psychological health.
Aim: The main objective of the study was to examine the level of depression, anxiety and stress in persons on physical rehabilitation after suffering an injury. Additionally, the association of sociodemographic characteristics, injury characteristics, and SARS-CoV-2 virus exposure with mental health measures was examined.
Method: A total of 55 patients in the physical rehabilitation procedure participated in the cross-sectional study, of which 27 were men and 28 were women. The average age of the respondents was 56.4 years, most of them had secondary education (76.4%), were in a partnership (74.5%) and 43.6% were employed and 40% were retired. Participants completed the following self-assessment questionnaires: the Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21), the Modified Health Status Questionnaire (SF-36), and the Short Questionnaire on COVID-19 Disease Exposure.
Results: The majority of respondents had injured one part of the body (89.1%), with the most common types of injury being an artificial joint (32.7%) and muscle damage (29.1%). 7.3% of respondents had a significant risk for depression, 16.4% for anxiety and 4.4% for stress. Female gender, leg injury, artificial hip and lower back injury were significantly associated with poorer mental health outcomes while retiree status was associated with lower levels of depression. People with who have experienced COVID-19 and or who’s close ones were positive for COVID-those have significantly higher levels of psychological difficulties examined. Significant independent predictors of depression and anxiety are personal exposure to COVID-19 disease and implantation of an artificial joint. Additionally, a significant predictor of anxiety is physical limitation due to injury. The only significant predictor of stress is the implantation of an artificial joint.
Conclusion: Results of the study indicate good mental health of persons in physical rehabilitation after experiencing one or more physical injuries. The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on mental health an in clinical work it is necessary to increase the sensitivity to its’ impact on patients in physical rehabilitation. Particularly at risk are people with a built-in artificial hook. |