Title Zadovoljstvo poslom na terenu medicinskih sestara - tehničara u zavodima za hitnu medicinu
Title (english) Satisfaction with work of nurses/technicians on the field in emergency medicine
Author Marko Oškera
Mentor Gordana Pelčić (mentor)
Committee member Igor Eterović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Midwifery) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-11-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Emergency Medicine
Abstract UVOD: Djelatnici hitne pomoći često moraju djelovati brzo i pružiti medicinsku pomoć u okolnostima života i smrti u nepoznatim i nezgodnim uvjetima, dok ih promatraju slučajni prolaznici i rodbina. Osim vanjskih čimbenika – kao što je sve veći broj hitnih slučajeva i sve veći udio starijih ljudi u populaciji – unutarnji stresori, kao što su strukturne promjene u samom sustavu hitne medicinske pomoći, sa sve većom odgovornošću stavlja medicinske sestre-tehničare zaposlene u hitnoj medicinskoj
... More službi pod stalno rastući pritisak. Svrha ovog istraživanja je provesti statističku analizu zadovoljstva poslom i identificirati čimbenike rizika za nisko zadovoljstvo poslom medicinskih sestara-tehničara na terenu.
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi razinu zadovoljstva medicinskih sestara/tehničara poslom na terenu u Zavodima za hitnu medicinu.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Za potrebe izrade empirijskog dijela ovog rada proveden je anketni upitnik među 60 medicinskih sestara-tehničara zaposleni pri Hrvatskom zavodu za hitnu medicinu. Anketiranje je provedeno putem online anketnog obrasca tijekom srpnja 2022. godine. U istraživanje su uključeni pripadnici oba spola i svih dobnih skupina iz cijele Hrvatske zaposleni pri Zavodu za hitnu medicinu.
REZULTATI: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 56,67% muškaraca i 41,67% žena, najviše je ispitanika u dobnoj skupini od 30-39 godina života, nešto je više ispitanika sa srednjom stručnom spremom, iako je visok postotak i prvostupnika i magistra sestrinstva. Većina je zaposlena na neodređeno (86,67%), u braku (50%), s prosječnim neto primanjima od 7500-9500 kn (45%) i radnim stažem na trenutnom radnom mjestu do 10 godina (56,67%). Srednja razina zadovoljstva radnim okruženjem je 3,07, rukovoditeljima i upravom 3,18, pogodnostima, nagradama i priznanjima za rad 3,02, te komunikacijom i timskim radom 3,64. Srednja razina pozitivnog utjecaja posla na zdravlje, financije i društveni/obiteljski život je 2,25 dok je srednja razina zadovoljstva poslom je 2,57.
ZAKLJUČAK: Medicinske sestre-tehničari općenito su nezadovoljni poslom na terenu u Zavodima za hitnu medicinu. Dužina radnog staža u Zavodu za hitnu medicinu ima utjecaj na zadovoljstvo poslom na terenu i to na način da su ispitanici koji rade duže, manje zadovoljni poslom. Organizacijski čimbenici i međuljudski odnosi nisu pokazali statističku značajnost u utjecaju na zadovoljstvo radom u zavodima za hitnu medicinu. Less
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: Emergency responders are often required to act quickly and provide medical assistance in life-and-death situations in unfamiliar and inconvenient conditions, with bystanders and relatives watching. In addition to external factors - such as the increasing number of emergency cases and the increasing proportion of elderly people in the population - internal stressors, such as structural changes in the emergency medical care system itself, place nurse-technicians employed in the
... More emergency medical service with increasing responsibility under ever-increasing pressure. The purpose of this research is to conduct a statistical analysis of job satisfaction and identify risk factors for low job satisfaction of nurses-technicians in the field.
RESEARCH GOAL: The main objective of this research is to determine the level of satisfaction of nurses/technicians with their work in the field in Emergency Medical Services
RESPONDENTS AND METHODS: For the purposes of creating the empirical part of this work, a survey questionnaire was conducted among 60 nurse-technicians employed by the Croatian Institute for Emergency Medicine. The survey was conducted via an online survey form during July 2022. Members of both sexes and all age groups from all over Croatia employed at the Institute of Emergency Medicine were included in the research.
RESULTS: 56.67% of men and 41.67% of women participated in the research, the majority of respondents are in the age group of 30-39 years of age, there are slightly more respondents with secondary education, although there is a high percentage of both bachelor's and master's degrees in nursing. Most are employed on an indefinite basis (86.67%), married (50%), with an average net income of HRK 7,500-9,500 (45%) and up to 10 years of experience at their current workplace (56.67%). The average level of satisfaction with the work environment is 3.07, with managers and administration 3.18, with benefits, rewards and recognition for work 3.02, and with communication and teamwork 3.64. The mean level of positive impact of work on health, finances and social/family life is 2.25, while the mean level of job satisfaction is 2.57.
CONCLUSION: Nurse-technicians are generally dissatisfied with field work in Emergency Medicine Departments. The length of service in the Department of Emergency Medicine has an impact on job satisfaction in the field in such a way that respondents who work longer are less satisfied with their work. Organizational factors and interpersonal relationships did not show statistical significance in influencing work satisfaction in emergency medicine institutes. Less
hitna medicinska služba
medicinske sestre/tehničari
zadovoljstvo poslom
Keywords (english)
emergency medical service
job satisfaction
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:119897
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Nursing: Healthcare Management (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-10-30 07:05:19