Abstract | UVOD: Medicinske sestre instrumentarke od samih početaka razvoja kirurgije sastavni su članovi operacijskog tima. Uloga medicinske sestre instrumentarke očituje se kroz perioperativnu skrb, osiguravanje aseptičnih uvjeta, pripremu instrumenata za operativni zahvat te asistiranje prilikom operativnog zahvata. Rad u operacijskoj sali zahtjeva adekvatno snalaženje, sposobnost rada u multidisciplinarnom timu te stalnu edukaciju sukladno razvoju medicine.
CILJ: Cilj je ispitati stavove studenata Preddiplomskog stručnog studija sestrinstva na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci, o važnosti uloge medicinske sestre/tehničara instrumentarke u operacijskom timu. Specifični ciljevi su ispitati stavove studenata sestrinstva o nužnosti timskog rada u operacijskoj sali te ispitati stavove studenata sestrinstva o potrebnim specifičnim znanjima i vještinama medicinske sestre/tehničara za rad u operacijskoj sali.
METODE: Prikupljanje podataka potrebnih za ostvarivanje istraživanja provedeno je putem online upitnika, koji je objavljen na platformi Google Forms. Upitnik je sastavljen od strane autorice rada, a podijeljen je u dva dijela. Prvim dijelom anketnog upitnika prikupljeni su sociodemografski podaci (dob, spol, studijski program, godina studiranja i završeno srednjoškolsko obrazovanje) koji nisu povezani s postavljenim ciljevima, već su korišteni za detaljniju analizu ispitanika. Sljedeća pitanja upitnika usmjerena su na ispitivanje stavova studenata, grupirana su s obzirom na postavljene hipoteze. Ispitanici su prije početka rješavanja anketnog upitnika obaviješteni o prikupljanju informacija u svrhu izrade završnog rada.
REZULTATI: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovali su studenti Preddiplomskog stručnog studija sestrinstva, redovnog i izvanrednog studija. Broj ispitanika koji su sudjelovali iznosi ukupno 83, od toga 53 redovna i 30 izvanrednih studenata. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem potvrđuju hipotezu 1, koja dokazuje stavove studenata o važnosti medicinske sestre kao člana operacijskog tima i hipotezu 2, koja dokazuje stavove studenata o važnosti timskog rada unutar operacijske sale. Hipoteza 3, koja dokazuje stavove studenata o usvojenom znanju za rad u operacijskoj sali tijekom studija se, zbog dobivenih rezultata, odbacuje.
ZAKLJUČAK: Studenti Preddiplomskog stručnog studija sestrinstva smatraju da su medicinske sestre važni članovi operacijskog tima te da je timski rad vrlo važan i ključan u radu operacijskog tima. Također, studenti smatraju da tijekom studiranja nisu stekli znanja i vještine potrebne za rad u operacijskom sali te smatraju da je dodatna edukacija nužna. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: Scrub nurses have been integral members of the operating team since the very beginning of the development of surgery. The role of the scrub nurse is manifested through perioperative care, ensuring aseptic conditions, preparing instruments for the surgical procedure and assisting during the surgical procedure. Working in the operating room requires adequate coping skills, the ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and constant education in accordance with the development of medicine.
OBJECTIVE: The objective is to examine the attitudes of nursing students of the Undergraduate Professional Study of Nursing at the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka, about the importance of the role of the scrub nurse in the operating team. The specific objectives are to examine the attitudes of nursing students about the necessity of teamwork in the operating room and to examine the attitudes of nursing students about the necessary specific knowledge and skills of nurses to work in the operating room.
METHODS: The collection of data necessary for the research was carried out through an online questionnaire, which was published on the Google Forms platform. The questionnaire was compiled by the author, and it is divided into two parts. The first part of the questionnaire collected sociodemographic data (age, gender, study program, year of study and completed high school education) that are not related to the set goals, but were used for a more detailed analysis of the respondents The following questions of the questionnaire are aimed at examining students' attitudes, they are grouped according to the set hypotheses. At the very beginning of the questionnaire, respondents were given an informed consent form containing information about the topic and the goal of the final paper for which data is being collected.
RESULTS: Students of the Undergraduate Nursing Professional Study, full-time and part-time, participated in this research. 83 respondents participated in the research, of which 53 were full-time and 30 part-time students. The results obtained from the research confirm hypothesis number 1, which proves the attitudes of students about the importance of the nurse as a member of the operating team, and hypothesis 2, which proves the attitudes of students about the importance of teamwork within the operating room. Hypothesis 3, which proves the students' attitudes about the acquired knowledge for working in the operating room during the course of study, is rejected due to the results obtained.
CONCLUSION: Students of the Undergraduate Professional Nursing Study consider nurses as the important members of the operating team and that teamwork is very important and crucial in the work of the operating team. Also, students believe that during their studies they did not acquire the knowledge and skills to work in the operating room, and they think that additional education is necessary. |