Author Sara Bezak
Mentor Sandra Kraljević Pavelić (mentor)
Committee member Željko Jovanović (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 339670
Committee member Sanja Klobučar-Majanović (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 247484
Committee member Sandra Kraljević Pavelić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 254965
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Abstract Kurkumin je lipofilni polifenol podrijetlom iz biljke Curcuma longae te se smatra njezinom najvažnijom bioaktivnom komponentom. Iako tradicionalno ljekovito sredstvo u istočnjačkoj medicini, tek je zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća zaokupio pažnju znanstvenika diljem svijeta radi svojih iznimnih bioloških učinaka. Kurkumin ima pleiotropno djelovanje te djeluje na mnoge molekularne i signalne puteve ljudskog organizma. Kurkumin tako djeluje antioksidativno, protuupalno, imunomodulatorno, antitumorski, neuroprotektivno, antiviralno, antimikrobno i hepatoprotektivno, a pripisuju mu se i brojni drugi biološki učinci. Iako dokazani in vitro, mehanizmi djelovanja kurkumina u ljudskom organizmu nisu još uvijek u potpunosti razjašnjeni, stoga je jedna od novijih hipoteza da bi u njegovom biološkom učinku ulogu mogla imati i interakcija kurkumina s crijevnom mikrobiotom.
Iako ovaj nutraceutik temeljem rezultata brojnih in vitro i in vivo studija ima vrlo velik terapijski potencijal, radi svoje lipofilne prirode gotovo je netopljiv u vodi i ima vrlo nisku bioraspoloživost, posebice kada se primjenjuje oralnim putem. U novije vrijeme, napori znanosti su, osim rasvjetljavanja točnih mehanizama djelovanja kurkumina, usmjereni i na povećanje njegove bioraspoloživosti, a velik napredak na tom polju ostvaren je napretkom nanotehnologije i njezinom implementacijom u biomedicinske znanosti. Danas se, osim bioloških učinaka, a posebno antitumorskog učinka, istražuju i različite formulacije kurkumina, kako bi se poboljšala bioraspoloživost kurkumina ali i kako bi se njegovi biološki učinci pojačali bez prevelikog povećanja doze.
Svrha ovog preglednog rada je prikazati kratak pregled recentnih znanstvenih istraživanja i novih spoznaja na temu kurkumina, njegove bioraspoloživosti i dostupnih formulacija te pružiti znanstveno potkrijepljene dokaze o njegovim biološkim utjecajima i dobrobitima za ljudsko zdravlje.
Abstract (english) Curcumin is a lipophilic polyphenol derived from the plant Curcuma longa and is considered its most important bioactive component. Although a traditional healing agent in Eastern medicine, only in the last few decades it has captured the attention of scientists around the world due to its exceptional biological effects. Curcumin has a pleiotropic effect and has the ability to act on many molecular and signaling pathways of the human organism. Curcumin acts as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antitumor, neuroprotective, antiviral, antimicrobial and hepatoprotective agent, and numerous other biological effects are attributed to it. Although proven in vitro, the curcumin's mechanisms of action in the human body have not yet been fully explained, therefore one of the newer hypotheses is that the interaction of curcumin with the gut microbiota could play an important role in its biological effect.
Although this nutraceutical has a very high therapeutic potential based on the results of numerous in vitro and in vivo studies, due to its lipophilic nature it is almost insoluble in water and has very low bioavailability, especially when administered orally. Recently, the efforts of science, in addition to elucidating the exact mechanisms of action of curcumin, have also been focused on increasing its bioavailability, and great progress in this field was achieved with the discovery of nanotechnology and its implementation in biomedical sciences. Today, in addition to the biological effects, and especially the antitumor effect, different formulations of curcumin are being researched, in order to improve the bioavailability of curcumin but also to enhance its biological effects without excessive dose increase.
The purpose of this review is to provide a brief overview of recent scientific research and new knowledge about curcumin, its bioavailability and available formulations and to provide scientifically supported evidence of its biological effects and benefits for human health
antitumorski učinak
biološki učinci
crijevna mikrobiota
Keywords (english)
antitumor effect
biological effects
gut microbiota
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:242379
Study programme Title: Graduate university Study of Clinical Nutrition Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kliničkog nutricionizma (magistar/magistra kliničkog nutricionizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-10 07:55:49