Abstract | UVOD: Alkohol je danas sve dostupniji svim dobnim skupinama pa tako i mlađim osobama i studentima. U Hrvatskoj se na konzumaciju alkohola gleda kao na sociološki prihvatljivo ponašanje, jer omogućuje osobama da se bolje zabave. Međutim, svake godine umire velik broj osoba zbog učinaka koje alkohol ostavlja na ljudsko zdravlje ili zbog krive procjene sposobnosti koje osobe imaju tijekom njegove konzumacije. Alkohol konzumira sve veći broj ljudi u ranijoj životnoj dobi zbog čega se sve više pažnje posvećuje posljedicama koje alkohol ostavlja na zdravlje čovjeka.
CILJ: Cilj je ispitati studente Preddiplomskog stručnog studija sestrinstva na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci o navikama konzumacije alkohola. Specifični ciljevi su odrediti s koliko godina je većina studenta (redovni i izvanredni) konzumirala alkohol, koju vrstu alkoholnog pića preferiraju i kod koje grupe studenata (redovnih ili izvanrednih) je češća konzumacija alkohola.
METODE: Prikupljanje podataka za ovo istraživanje provedeno je putem online upitnika na platformi Google Forms. Upitnik je sastavio autor rada, a podijeljen je u dva dijela. Prvi dio upitnika odnosi se na sociodemografske podatke (dob, spol. srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, način studiranja i godina studija). Podaci dob i način studiranja korišteni povezani su s ciljevima rada te su korišteni u ispitivanju hipoteza. Drugi dio upitnika odnosi se na podatke o konzumaciji alkohola (kada je bila prva konzumacija, koju vrstu preferiraju, kolika je česta konzumacija i sl.). Iz drugog dijela uzeti su podaci iz tri pitanja kako bi se ispitivale postavljene hipoteze. Ispitanici su prije ispunjavanja upitnika obaviješteni o svrsi prikupljana podataka iz upitnika odnosno da će podaci biti upotrjebljeni u svrhu izrade završnog rada.
REZULTATI: Ispitanici u ovom istraživanju jesu studenti Preddiplomskog stručnog studija sestrinstva na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci. Istraživanju je ukupno pristupilo 110 studenta, od toga 59 redovnih i 51 izvanrednih studenta. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem potvrđuju hipotezu 1 odnosno potvrđuju da je većina studenata prvi put konzumirala alkohol u dobi od 14-18 godina. Hipoteza 2 također je potvrđena gdje podaci ukazuju da studenti sestrinstva (redovni i izvanredni) preferiraju alkoholna pića s nižim postotkom alkohola, odnosno pivo ili vino. Treća hipoteza kojom se ispitivalo koja grupa studenata (redovni ili izvanredni) češće konzumira alkohol je odbačena, jer obje grupe studenta konzumiraju alkohol jednako često.
ZAKLJUČAK: Većina studenta Preddiplomskog stručnog studija sestrinstva na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci konzumirala je alkohol u dobi od 14-18 godina kao što je to slučaj i u ostalim državama. Preferiraju pivo ili vino u odnosu na žestoka alkoholna pića kao i studenti sestrinstva drugih zemalja, a razlika u učestalosti konzumacije među redovnim i izvanrednim studentima nije značajna. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: Alcohol is now increasingly avalible to all age groups including younger people and students. In Croatia, alcohol consumption is seen as a sociologically acceptable behavior, because it allows people to have a better time. However, every year a large number of people die because of the effects that alcohol leaves on human health or because of the wrong perception of the abilities that people encounter during alcohol consumption. Alcohol is consumed by an increasing number of people at an earlier age, which is why more and more attention is paid to the consequences that alcohol leaves on human health.
OBJECTIVE: The objective is to examine the students of the Undergraduate Professional Study of Nursing at the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka about their habits of alcohol consumption. The specific objectives are to determine the age at which the majority of students (full-time and part-time) consumed alcohol for the first time, which type of alcohol bevarage they prefer and which group of students (full-time or part-time) consume alcohol more often.
METHODS: Dana collection for this research was conducted through an online questionnaire on the Google Forms platform. The questionnaire was compiled by the author of the paper and is divided into two parts. The first parto f the questionnaire refers to sociodemographic dana (age, gender, high school education, method of study and year of study). The data age and method of study used are related to the objectiives of the work and where use din testing the hypotheses. The second parto f the questionnaire refers to dana on alcohol consumption (when was the first alcohol consumption, which type of alcohol bevarages do they prefer, how often do they drink, etc.). Dana from three questiones were raken from the seocnd parti n order too test the hypotheses. Before filling out the questionnaire, the respondents were informed about the purpose of the data collected from the questionnaire, that is, that the data will be used for the purpose of preparing the final paper.
RESULTS: The respondents in this research are students of the Undergraduate Professional Study of Nursing at the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka. A total of 110 students participated in this research, of which 59 were full-time students and the other 51 were part-time students. The results obtained from the research confirm hypothesis 1, that is, they confirm that the majority of students consumed alcohol for the first time at the age of 14-18. Hypothesis 2 was also confirmed where the data indicated that nursing students (full-time and part-time) prefer alcoholic bevarages wih a lower percentage of alcohol like ebeer or wine. The third hypothesis, which examined which gruop of students (full-time or part-time) consumes alcohol more often, was rejected because both groups of students consume alcohol equally often.
CONCLUSION: The majority of Undergraduate Professional Study of Nursing at the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka consumed alcohol at the age of 14-18, as is the case in other countries. They prefer beer or wine compared to stronger alcoholic bevarages, just like nursing student of other countries, and the difference in the frequency of alcohol consumption between full-time and part-time students is not significant. |