Abstract | UVOD: Održavanje mentalnog zdravlja i dobrobiti ključni su za kvalitetu života svih
psihijatrijskih pacijenata i produktivnost zajednica, a jedna od glavnih prepreka ostvarenju
pozitivnog mentalnog zdravlja i dobrobiti je stigma i diskriminacija, koje mogu utjecati na sve
aspekte života pojedinca.
CILJ: Ispitati stavove medicinskih sestara/tehničara o psihijatrijskim pacijentima te iste
usporediti obzirom na spol ispitanika i prethodno iskustvo u radu s psihijatrijskim pacijentima.
METODE: U istraživanju su sudjelovale medicinske sestre/ tehničari trenutno zaposleni u
zdravstvenoj zaštiti, s minimalno 1 godinom radnog staža. Prikupljanje podataka potrebnih za
istraživanje provedeno je pomoću Skale za mjerenje stavova zajednice prema mentalnoj bolesti
(CAMI, eng. Community Attitudes Toward the Mentaly Ill). Za statističku obradu podataka
koristio se program Statistica (TIBCO Software Inc.), a testiranje hipoteza provedeno
je pomoću neparametrijskog Mann Whitney U Testa za nezavisne uzorke i T-testa za nezavisne
uzorke. Svi testovi testirani su na razini statističke značajnosti od 0,05 (5%).
REZULTATI: U istraživanju je sudjelovao ukupno 201 ispitanik, od čega je 90,55% bilo
ženskog spola, a prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 40,70 godina. Zdravstvenu njegu
psihijatrijskom pacijentu u dosadašnjem radu pružalo je 89,05% ispitanika. Prosječni ukupni
rezultati ispitanika prema subskalama iznosili su 21,22 za autoritarnost, 42,30 za
dobronamjernost, 19,06 za društvenu restriktivnost i 39,08 za stav zajednice, što ukazuje na
pozitivne stavove ispitanika prema osobama s mentalnim bolestima. Ispitanici ženskog spola i
oni koji su imali prethodno iskustvo u radu s psihijatrijskim pacijentima imali su pozitivnije
stavove prema istima, u odnosu na muškarce i one bez prethodnog iskustva s istima.
ZAKLJUČAK: Stavovi medicinskih sestara/tehničara prema psihijatrijskim pacijentima su
pozitivni. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: Maintaining mental health and well-being is crucial for the quality of life
of all psychiatric patients and the productivity of communities, and one of the main obstacles
to achieving positive mental health and well-being is stigma and discrimination, which can
affect all aspects of an individual's life.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the attitudes of nurses/technicians about psychiatric patients and to
compare them regarding the sex of the respondents and previous experience in working with
psychiatric patients.
METHODS: Nurses/technicians currently employed in health care, with a minimum of 1 year
of work experience, participated in the research. The collection of data required for the research
was carried out using the Community Attitudes Toward the Mentally Ill Scale (CAMI).
Statistica (TIBCO Software Inc.) was used for statistical data processing, and
hypothesis testing was performed using the non-parametric Mann Whitney U Test for
independent samples and the T-test for independent samples. All tests were tested at a statistical
significance level of 0.05 (5%).
RESULTS: A total of 201 respondents participated in the research, of which 90.55% were
female, and the average age of the respondents was 40.70 years. 89.05% of respondents
provided health care to psychiatric patients in their previous work. The average total scores of
respondents according to subscales were 21.22 for authoritarianism, 42.30 for benevolence,
19.06 for social restrictiveness and 39.08 for community attitude, which indicates positive
attitudes of respondents towards people with mental illnesses. Female respondents and those
who had previous experience working with psychiatric patients had more positive attitudes
towards them, compared to men and those without previous experience with them.
CONCLUSION: The attitudes of nurses/technicians towards psychiatric patients are positive. |