Author Nikolina Kapčić
Mentor Željko Jovanović (mentor)
Committee member Tatjana Čulina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Fadil Habibović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Jovanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Midwifery) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract UVOD: Rak prostate najčešći je visceralni karcinom i drugi po učestalosti uzrok smrti kod muškaraca. U dijagnostičkom postupku raka prostate najčešće komplikacije koje nastaju nakon biopsije prostate su hematurija, uroinfekcija i retencija urina. U Općoj bolnici Karlovac godišnje se napravi oko 200 biopsija prostate.
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati ima li dob i prisustvo komorbiditeta bolesnika utjecaj na veću pojavnost komplikacija nakon biopsije prostate, kao i
... More koje su najčešće rane i kasne komplikacije, te komorbiditeti među ispitanicima.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Uzorak je činilo 107 ispitanika muškog spola s dijagnozom suspektnog karcinoma prostate između 50 i 85 godina, kojima je rađena biopsija prostate u Općoj bolnici Karlovac na Odjelu urologije u periodu od 01.04.2023. do 31.07.2023. Pacijentima je podijeljen anonimni upitnik s pitanjima o ranim i kasnim komplikacijama nakon biopsije prostate, te prisutnosti komorbiditeta. Razlika između proporcija testirana je hi-kvadrat testom. Razina statističke značajnosti postavljena je na p≤0.05.
REZULTATI: Od ukupnog broja ispitanika (N=107), rane komplikacije u vidu povišene temperature nakon biopsije prostate prijavilo je njih 15 (14,02%). Zimicu ili tresavicu nakon biopsije prostate prijavilo je 6 ispitanika (5,61%). Među njima 8 (7,47%) ih se javilo u bolnicu, a 3 (2,80%) je hospitalizirano. Najčešće prijavljena rana komplikacija biopsije prostate je krv u mokraći (32,12%). Kasne komplikacije nakon biopsije prostate u vidu problema s mokrenjem prijavilo je 47 ispitanika (43,93%).Najčešće prijavljena kasna komplikacija biopsije prostate je otežano mokrenje (31,67%). Najčešće prijavljeni komorbiditet među ispitanicima su kardiovaskularna oboljenja (N=53;45,69%). Komorbiditeti su češće zastupljeni u starijoj dobnoj skupini (N=72;62,07%).
ZAKLJUČAK: Iako biopsija prostate i dalje predstavlja zlatni standard u dijagnosticiranju i praćenju raka prostate, svakako treba voditi računa o probiru pacijenata uzimajući u obzir individualne karakteristike i čimbenike rizika, posebice komorbiditete. Less
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: Prostate cancer is the most common visceral cancer and the second most common cause of death in men. In the diagnostic procedure of prostate cancer, the most common complications that arise after a prostate biopsy are hematuria, uroinfection and urinary retention. About 200 prostate biopsies are performed annually at Karlovac General Hospital.
RESEARCH GOAL: The aim of this study was to analyze whether the age and presence of comorbidities of patients have an impact on the
... More greater incidence of complications after prostate biopsy, as well as what are the most common early and late complications, and comorbidities among subjects.
RESPONDENTS AND METHODS: The sample consisted of 107 male subjects diagnosed with suspected prostate cancer between 50 and 85 years, who had a prostate biopsy performed at the Karlovac General Hospital at the Department of Urology in the period from 01.04.2023. to 31.07.2023. Patients were given an anonymous questionnaire with questions about early and late complications after prostate biopsy, and the presence of comorbidities. The difference between the proportions was tested by a chi-square test. The statistical significanceis set to p≤0.05.
RESULTS: Out of the total number of subjects (N =107), early complications like fever after prostate biopsy reported 15 (14.02%). Chills or shaking was reported by 6 subjects (5.61%). Among them, 8 (7.47%) reported to the hospital, and 3 (2.80%) were hospitalized. The most reported early complication of prostate biopsy is blood in the urine (32.12%). Late complications after prostate biopsy in the form of urination problems were reported by 47 subjects (43.93%). The most reported late complication of prostate biopsy is difficulty urinating (31.67%). The most reported comorbidity among subjects is cardiovascular disease (N=53;45.69%). Comorbidities are more common in the older age group (N=72;62.07%).
CONCLUSION: Although prostate biopsy continues to be the gold standard in diagnosing and monitoring prostate cancer, patient screening should be considered considering individual characteristics and risk factors, especially comorbidities. Less
digitorektalni pregled
karcinom prostate
Keywords (english)
digit rectal examination
prostate cancer
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:166053
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Nursing: Promotion and Protection of Mental Health (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-18 17:54:06