Abstract | Poremećaj pažnje i hiperaktivnosti (ADHD) jedan je od najčešćih psihijatrijskih poremećaja koji se javljaju u djetinjstvu. Simptomi ovog poremećaja su nepažnja, hiperaktivnost i impulzivnost. Uz glavne simptome poremećaja javlja se i velik broj drugih stanja poput poteškoća sa učenjem, depresije, tjeskobe, teške regulacije emocija te promjena u ponašanju. Kroz rane godine života djeca koja boluju od ovog poremećaja često su obilježena kao zaigrana ili puna energije, no kroz godine to se razvija u probleme vezane uz akademske uspjehe, problematične odnose sa vršnjacima i bližnjima te poteškoće u funkcioniranju. U zadnjih par desetljeća kroz razvoj važnosti mentalnog zdravlja i bolesti na pojedinca došlo je do spoznaja da velik broj osoba koje boluju od ovog poremećaja nisu dijagnosticirane na vrijeme te upravo zbog toga nisu naučili koristiti mehanizme potrebne za kontrolu bolesti.
U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje o informiranosti studenata sestrinstva o poremećaju pažnje i hiperaktivnosti. Istraživanje se provodilo anketnim upitnikom koji se provodio online putem u periodu od svibnja 2023. do rujna 2023. godine, ciljana skupina ispitanika bili su studenti preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva jer upravo su oni radnici koji će se u budućnosti susretati sa ovim poremećajem kroz različita mjesta rada i kroz razne dobne skupine oboljelih. U svrhu istraživanja formiran je anketni upitnik koji sadrži 26 pitanja. Prvih 6 pitanja daje nam uvid u opće podatke (spol, dob, srednjoškolsko obrazovanje), a drugih 20 pitanja vezana su za sami poremećaj te razinu informiranosti studenata o istom. |
Abstract (english) | Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in childhood. The symptoms of this disorder include attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Alongside the primary symptoms, many other conditions can co-occur, such as learning difficulties, depression, anxiety, emotional dysregulation, and behavioral changes. In the early years of life, children with this disorder are often seen as playful or full of energy, but over time, it can lead to problems related to academic challenges, problematic relationships with peers and family, and difficulties in functioning. Over the past few decades, with the increasing recognition of mental health and individual illnesses, it has become evident that many individuals that suffer from this disorder are not diagnosed early enough, which hinders their ability to acquire the necessary coping mechanisms.
This study investigated the awareness of nursing students about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The research was conducted using an online questionnaire from May 2023 to September 2023, targeting nursing students. These students are future healthcare professionals who will encounter this disorder in various healthcare settings and across different age groups of patients. The research questionnaire consisted of 26 questions, with the first 6 questions collecting general demographic information (gender, age, high school education), and the remaining 20 questions focusing on the disorder itself and the students' level of awareness. |