Abstract | Uvod: Tema istraživanja je povezanost okolišnih čimbenika sa uzimanjem psihofarmaka kod medicinskih sestara. Uporaba psihofarmaka javnozdravstveni je problem koji je teško rješiv s obzirom na složenost, težinu i raznolikost problema koji iz njega proizlaze tj. društvene, psihološke, ekonomske i političke gubitke, te se negativno odražava na obiteljski i društveni život onih koji ih koriste.
Cilj: Glavni cilj istraživanja je ispitati povezanost okolišnih čimbenika sa uzimanjem psihofarmaka kod medicinskih sestara i tehničara. U radu će se također utvrditi razlika u konzumaciji psihofarmaka kod medicinskih sestara i tehničara s obzirom na dob, ispitati razlika u konzumaciji psihofarmaka kod medicinskih sestara i tehničara s obzirom na radni staž, te ispitati razlika u konzumaciji psihofarmaka kod medicinskih sestara i tehničara s obzirom na ozračje timskog rada u radnom okruženju.
Metode: Online anketno istraživanje provedeno je putem Google obrasca u travnju 2023. Upitnik se sastojao od 3 dijela: sociodemografske karakteristike, učestalost uzimanja psihofarmaka i čimbenici radne okoline. Rezultati su prikazani deskriptivnom statistikom, tablično i grafički. Analizirane su 3 nezavisne varijable (dob, staž, radna okolina) i 1 zavisna varijabla (psihofarmaci). Zavisna varijabla je na omjernoj, a nezavisne na nominalnoj ljestvici. Razlike među varijablama testirane t-testom uz p<0,05. Statistička analiza provedena u SPSS.
Rezultati: Medicinske sestre i tehničari koji su stariji od 40 godina više koriste psihofarmake od onih koji su mlađi od 40 godina. Medicinske sestre i tehničari koji imaju više od 10 godina radnog staža više koriste psihofarmake od onih koji imaju manje od 10 godina radnog staža. Rezultati upućuju na značajnu zastupljenost uzimanja psihofarmaka među ispitanicima, uz umjereno zadovoljstvo radnom okolinom i međuljudskim odnosima.
Zaključak: Preporuka je provoditi preventivne programe usmjerene na starije medicinske sestre/tehničare, kako bi se smanjila njihova sklonost uzimanju psihofarmaka. Potrebno je raditi na poboljšanju radne okoline kroz jačanje osjećaja zajedništva, timskog rada i međusobne podrške među osobljem, što bi moglo smanjiti sklonost uzimanju psihofarmaka. Ključno je usmjeriti se na starije zaposlenike i poboljšanje međuljudskih odnosa i kulture na radnom mjestu, kako bi se prevenirala prekomjerna uporaba psihofarmaka. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: The research topic is the correlation between environmental factors and the use of psychotropic drugs among nurses. The use of psychotropic drugs is a public health issue that is difficult to solve given the complexity, severity and diversity of the problems that arise from it, i.e., social, psychological, economic, and political losses, and it negatively affects the family and social life of those who use them.
Objective: environmental factors and the use of psychotropic drugs among nurses and technicians. The paper will also determine the difference in psychotropic drug consumption among nurses and technicians with respect to age, examine the difference in psychotropic drug consumption among nurses and technicians with respect to years of service, and examine the difference in psychotropic drug consumption among nurses and technicians with respect to the atmosphere of teamwork in the work environment.
Methods: An online survey was conducted via Google Forms in April 2023. The questionnaire consisted of 3 parts: sociodemographic characteristics, frequency of taking psychotropic drugs and work environment factors. The results are presented using descriptive statistics, tables and charts. Three independent variables (age, years of service, work environment) and one dependent variable (psychotropic drugs) were analyzed. The dependent variable is on a ratio scale, and the independent variables are on a nominal scale. Differences between the variables were tested using a t-test with p<0.05. Statistical analysis was performed in SPSS.
Results: drugs than those younger than 40 years. Nurses and technicians with more than 10 years of work experience use more psychotropic drugs than those with less than 10 years of work experience. The results indicate a significant presence of psychotropic drug use among respondents, with moderate satisfaction with the work environment and interpersonal relationships.
Conclusion: It is recommended to implement preventive programs targeting older nurses/technicians, to reduce their tendency to use psychotropic drugs. It is necessary to work on improving the work environment by strengthening the sense of community, teamwork, and mutual support among staff, which could reduce the tendency to use psychotropic drugs. It is crucial to focus on older employees and improving interpersonal relationships and culture in the workplace, to prevent excessive use of psychotropic drugs. |