Author Doris Jeličić
Mentor Sanja Juretić (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Čačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Depolo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract U ovome radu biti će prikazane anatomija i fiziologija debelog i tankog crijeva, što su to kolostoma i ileostoma, komplikacije kolostome i ileostome, pomagala te postupak toalete stome, zdravstvena njega bolesnika sa stomom, prehrana, uloga enterostomalnog terapeuta i važnost prijeoperacijskog označavanja mjesta stome. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati i usporediti znanje izvanrednih preddiplomskih studenata Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci, te izvanrednih diplomskih studenata Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci, zaposlenih na različitim radilištima te sa različitim brojem godina radnog iskustva o eliminacijskim stomama probavnog sustava.
Istraživanje će se provoditi putem online ankete koju će ispunjavati izvanredni studenti 2.i 3. godine prijediplomskog stručnog studija Sestrinstva, te izvanredni sveučilišni diplomski studenti smjera Menadžment u sestrinstvu i Promicanje i zaštita mentalnog zdravlja.
Također biti će prikazani završni rezultati istraživanja o općem znanju studenata o eliminacijskim stomama probavnog sustava, s obzirom na to da se mnoge medicinske sestre/tehničari na svojim radilištima nisu susreli sa stomama te provodili zdravstvenu njegu osoba sa stomom, ili se pak vrlo često susreću sa stomama, no ipak nisu dovoljno upoznati sa samim postupkom toalete stome. Kako broj osoba sa stomama svakim danom sve više raste, tako je i potreba za edukacijom medicinskih sestara i tehničara veća.
Kvalitetna zdravstvena njega osoba sa stomom je vrlo bitna za prijeoperacijski, intraoperacijski te poslijeoperacijski period. Također, kontinuirana zdravstvena skrb i edukacija bolesnika nakon hospitalizacije od velike je važnosti za tjelesno a i mentalno zdravlje te za njegov što raniji povratak u normalnu životnu rutinu.
U istraživačkom dijelu rada obrađeni su podatci dobiveni putem ankete o znanju izvanrednih prijediplomskih i izvanrednih diplomskih studenata sestrinstva o eliminacijskim stomama probavnog sustava, s obzirom na radno mjesto i broj godina radnog iskustva studenata.
Abstract (english) This work will present the anatomy and physiology of the large and small intestines, the definitions of colostomy and ileostomy, the complications associated with colostomy and ileostomy, the aids and procedures for ostomy care, the healthcare of patients with a stoma, nutrition, the role of the enterostomal therapist, and the importance of preoperative marking of the stoma site. The aim of this research is to examine and compare the knowledge of part-time undergraduate students and part-time graduate students at the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka, who are employed in different work environments and have varying years of work experience, regarding the elimination stomas of the digestive system.
The research will be conducted through an online survey, which will be completed by part-time students in the 2nd and 3rd years of the undergraduate professional study of Nursing, and part-time university graduate students in Management in Nursing and Promotion and Protection of Mental Health.
The final results of the research on the general knowledge of students about the elimination stomas of the digestive system will also be presented. This is significant because many nurses/technicians at their work sites may not have encountered stomas or provided health care for people with stomas, or they may have encountered them frequently but are still not sufficiently familiar with the procedures for stoma care. As the number of people with stomas increases every day, the need for training nurses and technicians becomes greater.
Quality health care for people with a stoma is very important during the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods. Additionally, continuous health care and education of the patient after hospitalization are crucial for physical and mental health and for their earliest return to a normal life routine.
In the research part of the paper, the data obtained through a survey on the knowledge of part-time undergraduate and part-time graduate nursing students about the elimination stomas of the digestive system, considering their workplace and the number of years of work experience, were processed and analyzed.
eliminacijske stome
medicinske sestre
studenti sestrinstva
zdravstvena njega
Keywords (english)
elimination stomas
nursing students
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:784475
Study programme Title: Professional study of nursing (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-03 14:29:04