Abstract | UVOD I CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Amputacija donjih ekstremiteta često se provodi kako bi se uklonilo oštećeno tkivo ili tumor, a ponekad je nužna za spašavanje života. Većinu amputacija uzrokuje periferna arterijska bolest, često u kombinaciji s dijabetesom, dok je trauma drugi najčešći uzrok. Faktori koji povećavaju rizik od amputacije uključuju gubitak tkiva, završni stadij bubrežne bolesti, loš funkcionalni status i dijabetes. Gubitak ekstremiteta značajno utječe na kvalitetu života i svakodnevne aktivnosti, a rehabilitacija i zadovoljstvo protezom ključni su za vraćanje pokretljivosti. Istraživanje u ovom radu fokusirano je na odnos između upotrebe protetskog pomagala, zadovoljstva protezom, kvalitete života i funkcionalnosti kod osoba s amputacijom donjih ekstremiteta, s ciljem poboljšanja skrbi i razumijevanja potreba ove populacije.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Istraživanje je uključilo 68 odraslih osoba s amputacijom donjih ekstremiteta koji su završili rehabilitaciju u Thalassotherapie Crikvenica te članovi UAZ-a. Provedeno je od veljače do svibnja 2024. pomoću anonimnog upitnika. Upitnik je poslan putem e-maila, a podaci su prikupljeni uz dozvolu Etičkog povjerenstva. Upitnik “PROTETIČKI PROFIL AMPUTIRANE OSOBE” sadržavao je 45 pitanja o fizičkom stanju, protezi, mogućnostima, okolini, aktivnostima i demografiji. Upotreba proteze mjerena je učestalošću nošenja i aktivnom uporabom. Podaci su analizirani korištenjem Excela i STATISTICA softvera.
REZULTATI: U studiji s ispitanicima koji koriste proteze, 43,48% nije imalo značajne zdravstvene probleme, dok je 50,72% imalo dijabetes. Proteze su se koristile 7 dana u tjednu i 8 sati dnevno. Većina ispitanika (53,97%) je pala hodajući s protezom. Nije utvrđen utjecaj prisutnosti druge bolesti, prilagodbe na amputaciju ili protezu na korištenje proteze. Sport je statistički značajno poboljšao kvalitetu života (P=0,016), kao i zaposlenje (P=0,007).
ZAKLJUČAK: Osobe s amputiranim donjim ekstremitetima nakon rehabilitacije često koriste protezu više od tri puta tjedno. Fizičko stanje, poput komorbiditeta, te prilagodba na amputaciju i protezu, nemaju značajan utjecaj na upotrebu proteze. Također, problemi povezani s protezom i njena neadekvatnost nisu u velikoj mjeri povezani s funkcionalnošću proteze. Međutim, sudjelovanje u sportskim i drugim aktivnostima te očuvanje sposobnosti za rad značajno doprinose poboljšanju kvalitete života kod osoba s amputacijom. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: Lower extremity amputation is often performed to remove damaged tissue or a tumor, and sometimes it is necessary to save a life. Most amputations are caused by peripheral arterial disease, often in combination with diabetes, while trauma is the second most common cause. Factors that increase the risk of amputation include tissue loss, end-stage renal disease, poor functional status, and diabetes. Limb loss significantly affects quality of life and daily activities, and rehabilitation and satisfaction with the prosthesis are key to restoring mobility. The research in this paper is focused on the relationship between the use of prosthetic aids, satisfaction with the prosthesis, quality of life, and functionality in individuals with lower extremity amputation, with the goal of improving care and understanding the needs of this population.
RESPONDENTS AND METHODS: The study included sixty-seven adults with lower extremity amputations who completed rehabilitation at Thalassotherapie Crikvenica and members of UAZ. It was conducted from February to May 2024 using an anonymous questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent via email, and data were collected with the permission of the Ethics Committee. The “Prosthetic Profile of the Amputee” questionnaire had forty-five questions about physical condition, prosthesis, capabilities, environment, activities, and demographics. Prosthesis use was measured by the frequency of wearing and active use in various settings. Data were analyzed using Excel and STATISTICA software.
RESULTS: In a study with subjects using prostheses, 43.48% had no significant health problems, while 50.72% had diabetes. Prostheses were used 7 days a week and 8 hours a day. Most respondents (53.97%) fell while walking with a prosthesis. The influence of the presence of another disease, adaptation to amputation or prosthesis on the use of the prosthesis was not found. Sport statistically significantly improved the quality of life (P=0.016), as well as employment (P=0.007).
CONCLUSION: People with lower limb amputees often use a prosthesis more than three times a week after rehabilitation. Physical condition, such as comorbidities, and adaptation to amputation and prosthesis, do not have a significant influence on the use of the prosthesis. Also, the problems associated with the prosthesis and its inadequacy are largely unrelated to the functionality of the prosthesis. However, participation in sports and other activities and preserving the ability to work significantly contribute to improving the quality of life of people with amputation. |