Abstract | Uvod i cilj istraživanja: S godinama, učestalost prijeloma bedrene kosti stalno raste. Iako se često ispituju različiti načini liječenja, malo se zna o uzrocima i predisponirajućim čimbenicima. Kod starijih osoba prijelomi vrata bedrene kosti najčešće su traumatske ozljede koje mogu dovesti do teške invalidnosti. Provedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj utvrditi razlike u stopi incidencije traume femura među spolovima te dobnim skupina, također imalo je za cilj utvrditi najčešći uzrok traume femura.
Materijali i metode: U istraživanje su bili uključeni pacijenti oba spola koji su stariji od 20 godina, s prijelomom bedrene kosti, vratom bedrene kosti, peritrohanteričnim prijelomom te prijelomom donjeg dijela bedrene kosti te s nespecificiranim dijelom prijeloma bedrene kosti kojima je pružena medicinska skrb od strane djelatnika Zavoda za hitnu medicinu Ličko-senjske županije, ispostava Otočac u razdoblju od 01.01.2023. do 31.12.2023. godine.
Rezultati: Raspodjelom ispitanika s prijelomom prema dobi vidljivo je da su većim dijelom Prijelom bedrene kosti – S72 imali ispitanici >65 godina, njih 76,19% (n= 16), odnosno 23,81% (n= 5) ispitanika između 20 - 64 godine. Također, Prijelom vrata bedrene kosti (femura) – S72.0 imalo je 90,91% (n= 10) ispitanika starijih od 65 godina, odnosno 9,09% (n= 1) ispitanika između 20 – 64 godine. Raspodjelom ispitanika s prijelomom prema spolu vidljivo je da skoro podjednak broj ženskih ispitanika, njih 47,62% (n= 10) te broj muških ispitanika, njih 52,38% (n= 11) zadobilo Prijelom bedrene kosti (femura) – S72. Vidljiva razlika među spolovima je kod Prijeloma vrata bedrene kosti (femura) – S72.1 gdje je 81,82% (n= 9) ispitanika ženskog spola te 18,18% (n= 2) muškog spola.Broj ispitanika koji je prijelom zadobio u prometnoj nezgodi te u nezgodi van prometa je n= 33. Nezgoda van prometa koje su uzrokovale prijelom bilo je 90,91% (n= 30) te 9,09% (n= 3) je bilo prijeloma uzrokovanih prometnom nezgodom. Prometne nezgode su uzrokovale samo Prijelom bedrene kosti – S72, dok ostali prijelomi nisu zabilježeni.
Zaključak: Potrebne su intervencije za prevenciju prijeloma kuka. Budući da se većina prijeloma kuka događa nakon pada. S obzirom na globalnu incidenciju, u budućnosti bi trebalo provesti istraživanja na većem području s većim, u dužem razdoblju kako bi se dobio veći broj ispitanika kako bi se na samom kraju dobili relevantni podatci u ovom području. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction and research objective: With age, the frequency of femur fractures is constantly increasing. Although various treatments are often tested, little is known about the causes and predisposing factors. In the elderly, femoral neck fractures are the most common traumatic injuries that can lead to severe disability. The purpose of the conducted research was to determine differences in the incidence rate of femur trauma among genders and age groups, and also to determine the most common cause of femur trauma.
Materials and methods: The study included patients of both sexes who are older than 20 years, with femur fracture, femoral neck fracture, peritrochanteric fracture and fracture of the lower part of the femur and with an unspecified part of the femur fracture who were provided medical care by employees of the Institute for Emergency Medicine of the Lika-Senj County, Otočac branch in the period from 01.01.2023. until 31.12.2023. year.
Results: The distribution of subjects with a fracture according to age shows that the majority of subjects >65 years of age, 76.19% (n= 16) and 23.81% (n= 5) of subjects between 20 - 64 years old. Also, 90.91% (n= 10) of subjects over 65 years of age, or 9.09% (n= 1) of subjects between 20 and 64 years of age had Fracture of the neck of the femur (femur) – S72.0. The distribution of subjects with a fracture according to gender shows that an almost equal number of female subjects, 47.62% (n= 10) and the number of male subjects, 52.38% (n= 11), suffered a femur fracture - S72. A visible difference between the sexes is in the fracture of the neck of the thigh bone (femur) - S72.1, where 81.82% (n= 9) of the respondents are female and 18.18% (n= 2) are male. The number of respondents who suffered a fracture in traffic accidents and non-traffic accidents is n= 33. Non-traffic accidents that caused a fracture were 90.91% (n= 30) and 9.09% (n= 3) were fractures caused by a traffic accident. Traffic accidents caused only Femur Fracture – S72, while other fractures were not recorded.
Conclusion: Interventions are needed to prevent hip fractures. Because most hip fractures occur after a fall. Considering the global incidence, in the future, research should be carried out in a larger area with a larger, longer period in order to obtain a larger number of respondents in order to obtain relevant data in this area at the very end. |