Author Maja Adrić
Mentor Saša Uljančić (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Malnar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Bošković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Uljančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Midwifery) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-06-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Prijelom kosti odnosno fraktura silom je izazvani prekid kosti, koji može nastati zbog izravnog i posrednog djelovanja sile. Traumatski prijelom nastaje djelovanjem mehaničke sile na zdravu kost. Može biti zatvoren gdje je očuvan integritet kože i otvoren, odnosno kompliciran, kada je integritet kože prekinut uz jače oštećenje mekih ćesti i velika je mogućnost nastanka infekcije. Prijelomi potkoljenice pripadaju najčešćim kostolomima i čine oko 15% svih prijeloma. Kliničkom slikom dominiraju bolnost potkoljenice, oteklina u predjelu prijeloma zbog krvarenja, te deformacija potkoljenice. Dijagnostika prijeloma kosti postavlja se klinički i rentgenološki. Postoje sigurni i vjerojatni klinički znaci koštanog prijeloma. U liječenju prijeloma potkoljenice vrijede sljedeća načela: okrajinu u što kraćem roku treba osposobiti za potpunu fiziološku funkciju uz najpoštedniji terapijski postupak. Postoje dvije vrste liječenja loma: 1) konzervativno liječenje, liječenje bez operacije, te 2) operacijsko liječenja loma. Uz ta dva osnovna načina liječenja kao zasebnu skupinu možemo izdvojiti i liječenje trajnom ekstenzijom, koja se po svojim obilježjima kao metoda liječenja nalazi u sredini (granici) između konzervativnog i operacijskog liječenja. Proces zdravstvene njege je osnova za utvrđivanje i rješavanje pacijentovih problema iz područja zdravstvene njege. Preoperativna sestrinska priprema sastoji se od dva dijela: psihičke i fizičke pripreme. Osnovni je cilj pripreme smanjivanje intenziteta straha i edukacija o preoperativnoj pripremi te ishodu operativnog zahvata i mogućim komplikacijama. Fizička priprema počinje dan ili dva prije operacijskog zahvata. Cilj je postoperativne njege rano otkrivanje i sprječavanje nastanka mogućih poslijeoperacijskih komplikacija, opservacija te praćenje motorike i senzornih funkcija, kontrola vitalnih funkcija, laboratorijskih parametara te kontrola ravnoteže tjelesnih tekućina. Fizikalna terapija započinje prvog poslijeoperacijskog dana. Cilj je rehabilitacije da se pacijent što prije vrati u stanje u kakvome je bio prije kirurškog liječenja. Da bi se postigli željeni ciljevi nužan je multidisciplinarni pristup u zbrinjavanju pacijenta (medicinske sestre, liječnici, fizioterapeuti, psiholozi...).
Abstract (english) Bone fracture (fracture) is interruption of the bone caused by force, which can be direct or indirect. Traumatical fracture occurs when a mechanical force affects a healthy bone. It can be closed bone fracture where integrity of the skin is preserved and open bone fracture or complicated where integrity of the skin is interrupted with more damage to the soft tissue and a strong possibility of infection. The tibia fractures are one of the most common bone fractures and take about 15% of all fractures. Clinical picture shows us pain, swelling in the area of the fracture due to bleeding and deformity of the lower leg. Diagnosis of fracture is set clinically and by an x-ray. There are certain and uncertain clinical signs of a bone fracture. In the treatment of lower leg fractures, the following principles should be followed: limb should be able to complete physiological function with suitable therapy as soon as possible. There are two ways in treating a fracture: 1) conservative treatment, treatment without surgery, and 2) surgical treatment of fracture. With these two basic ways of treating a fracture, there is also a treatment with permanent extension, which is, by its nature as a method of treatment, in the middle of the (border) between the conservative and surgical treatment. The process of health care is the basis for determination and solving patient’s problems. Preoperative nursing preparation consists of two parts: mental and physical preparation. The main goal of psychological preparation is reducing the intensity of anxiety and education on preoperative preparation, the operating protocol and the outcome of the surgery and the possible complications. Physical preparation begins a day or two before surgery. The goal of the post-operative care is early detection and prevention of possible postoperative complications, observation and monitoring of motor skills and sensory function, control of vital functions, laboratory parameters and body fluid balance control. Physical therapy begins the first postoperative day. The purpose of the rehabilitation is to get the patient back in the condition in which he/she was before the surgical treatment. In order to achieve the long term goals, we must to have a multidisciplinary approach in taking care of patients (nurses, doctors, physiotherapist, and psychologist).
Keywords (english)
lower leg
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:790140
Study programme Title: Professional study of nursing (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
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Created on 2019-04-02 12:12:48