Author Sanja Juretić
Mentor Dean Markić (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Malnar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dean Markić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Midwifery) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-09-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Urology
Abstract Urolitijaza je jedna od najstarijih poznatih bolesti jer su kamenci urinarnog sustava od davnina značajan problem za ljudsku populaciju. Tijekom 20. stoljeća učestalost urolitijaze raste, a odgovornom se najčešće smatra prehrana bogata životinjskim proteinima i pročišćenim ugljikohidratima.
U osnovi kamenci se sastoje od proteinskog matriksa i kristalizirajućeg materijala. Kamenci mogu biti kalcijski (sastavljeni od kalcijevog fosfata ili oksalata), struvitni, uratni, cistinski ili, veoma rijetko, od nekog drugog sastava. Većina bolesnika s urolitijazom nema nikakve smetnje, a ako smetnje ipak postoje najčešće se radi o bolovima u lumbalnom području (renalna kolika) i povišenoj tjelesnoj temperaturi. Kamenci se dokazuju nekom od slikovnih metoda poput ultrazvuka, intravenske urografije ili kompjuterizirane tomografije. U većine bolesnika s asimptomatskim kamencem u bubregu liječenje nije potrebno. Simptomatska se urolitijaza može riješiti spontanim izmokravanjem, a koje se može pospješiti obilnom hidracijom, antagonistima kalcija, alfa adrenergičkim blokatorima te farmakološkom lizom kamenaca. Ako ove metode liječenja ne dovedu do eliminacije kamenca, pristupa se endoskopskim ili kiruškim metodama liječenja urolitijaze.
Perkutana litotripsija kamenaca mokraćnog sustava kao minimalno invazivna metoda liječenja izuzetno je efikasna u liječenju urolitijaze. Funkcija i morfologija bubrega ovom su endoskopskom metodom minimalno alterirani. Ovom metodom se razbijaju kamenci u bubregu i početnom dijelu uretera. Broj komplikacija je manji nego kod otvorenih zahvata, a oporavak bolesnika je značajno brži. Uloga medicinske sestre instrumentarke je izuzetno bitna i to u svakom dijelu operacije: od pripreme instrumenata, pozicioniranja bolesnika, izvođenja zahvata pa sve do poslijeoperacijskog praćenja i sterilizacije instrumenata. Zaključno, možemo reći da se radi o sigurnoj endoskopskoj metodi kojom se efikasno rješava urolitijaza.
Abstract (english) Urolithiasis is one of the oldest disease of mankind. From the ancient time people have problems with the urinary stones. During the 20th century the incidence of urolithiasis increase and the most important cause is, probably, food rich with animal proteins and purified carbohydrates.
Basically, urinary stones are composed from protein matrix and crystalized materials. They can be divides as calcium stones (calcium phosphate or oxalate), struvite stones, uric acid stones, cystine stones or very rare stones can be made of some other composition. The majority of the patients are asymptomatic. Patients with symptoms are presented with pain in lumbar region (renal colic) and fever. The stones can be diagnosed using imaging methods as ultrasound, intravenous urography and computerized tomography. Asymptomatic patients usually does not need treatment. Symptomatic patients sometimes can spontaneously voided stones which can be facilitated with adequate hydration, using calcium antagonists, alpha adrenergic inhibitors and with pharmacological lysis of the stones. If this methods does not help for the elimination of the stones, the endourological and surgical methods are recommended for the treatment of urolithiasis.
Percutaneous lithotripsy of the urinary stones, as minimaly-invasive method, is very effective method for treating urolithiasis. The function and morphology of kidneys are little altered using this method. This method is using for lithotripsy of the stones in the kidney and upper part of the ureter. The number of complications is lower than with open surgery and recovery of the patients is more faster. The role of nurse is very important in the every part of the operation included preparation of the instruments, positioned of the patients, during operation time as assistant, postoperative monitoring and sterilisation of the instruments. For conclusion, percutaneous lilthotripsy is safe and effective method for the treatment of urolithiasis.
bolesti bubrega
perkutana litotripsija
Keywords (english)
kidney disease
percutaneous lithotripsy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:376650
Study programme Title: Professional study of nursing (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-04-09 08:47:24