Abstract | Uvod i cilj istraživanja
Osobe koje dugo leže često pate od komplikacija dugotrajnog ležanja koje povećavaju smrtnost, patnju i bol a mogu se prevenirati ili već nastale umanjiti. Ključ uspjeha je interdisciplinarni timski rad, sistematičan i precizan prema prepoznavanju, prevenciji, liječenju i pravilnom pristupu od svih članova tima.
Materijali i metode
Ispitanici su djelatnici ustanova: 1. Centra za rehabilitaciju „Nada“, 2. Doma za starije i nemoćne osobe Sveti Antun.
istraživanju je pristupilo 27 ispitanika prve i 25 ispitanika druge ustanove od očekivanih 60 nije ih se odazvalo 8, sukladno tome korištene su neparametrijske statističke metode, metoda kategorizacije odgovora, modificirana Likertova ljestvica iz anketnog upitnika i priloga kojeg ispunjava glavna medicinska sestra ustanove. Odgovori ispitanika su uvedeni u MS office / excel tablice te pridružene u program „statistica“.
Zadovoljstvo timskom suradnjom je znatno veće u djelatnika centra za rehabilitaciju „Nada“ vidljivo na slici 16 i tablici 13, i gotovo sve stavke timskog rada.
Broj nepokretnih korisnika u ustanovi Centar za rehabilitaciju Nada je manji od broja korisnika ustanove Dom za starije i nemoćne osobe Sveti Antun s obzirom na ukupnu populaciju (194 / 202) i populaciju nepokretnih korisnika (34 / 81) samim time je i manji broj komplikacija dugotrajnog ležanja. Prikazano u tablici 3 i slici 13
Potvrđene su obje hipoteze, naime za prevenciju komplikacija dugotrajnog ležanja važan je interdisciplinarni timski pristup, a broj komplikacija dugotrajnog ležanja ovisi o kvaliteti i kvantiteti rada svakog člana tima, te tima kao cjeline. Rezultati istraživanja iako statistički značajni trebali bi se uzeti s dozom sumnje zbog malog broja ispitanika i malog broja sličnih istraživanja. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction and aim of the research
People which lie in bed for a long time often suffer from long-term complications that increase mortality, suffering and pain, and can be prevented or reduced. The key to success is interdisciplinary teamwork, systematic and accurate towards the recognition, prevention, treatment and proper approach of all team members.
Materials and methods
Respondents are employees of institutions: 1. Rehabilitation centre "Nada", 2. Home for elderly and disabled people Sveti Antun, 27 respondents from the first institution and 25 from the second institution from the expected 60 which were admitted, 8 did not respond, accordingly, non-parametric tests were used. Statistical methods, response categorization method, modified Licert scale from the survey questionnaire and an attachment completed by the head nurse of the institution. Respondents' answers were introduced into MS office / excel spreadsheets and added to the statistics program.
The results
Satisfaction with team cooperation is significantly higher in the staff of the rehabilitation center "Nada" visible in Table 13, and picture 16, in almost all items of team work.
The number of stationary beneficiaries in the Institution Rehabilitation Center NADA is smaller than the number of beneficiaries of the Institution for the Elderly and Disabled in Sveti Antun with respect to the total population (194/202) and the population of fixed users (34/81), thus reducing the number of long-term complications of prolonged bedrest. Shown in Table 3 and picture 13.
Both hypotheses were confirmed, namely that interdisciplinary team approach is important for the prevention of long-lying complications, and the number of long-lying complications depends on the quality and quantity of work of each team member and the team as a whole. Research results, although statistically significant, should be taken with a dose of suspicion because of the small number of respondents and the small number of similar studies. |