Author Irena Dragičević
Mentor Lovro Tkalčić (mentor)
Committee member Melita Kukuljan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Karić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lovro Tkalčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Laboratory and Radiological Diagnostics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Radiology
Abstract Trauma arterije ozljeda je visokog stupnja hitnoće zbog mogućnosti iskrvarenja i tromboze te ju je stoga potrebno brzo i točno dijagnosticirati. CT pregled omogućuje dolazak do točne dijagnoze, ali i evaluaciju distalnih komplikacija arterijske traume i njenog odnosa s drugim tjelesnim strukturama, a kvaliteta ovog pregleda ima velik značaj u očuvanju života pacijenta,
minimalizaciji štete i povratku funkcije.
Istraživanje je provedeno pomoću Registra pacijenata Klinike za vaskularnu kirurgiju u Rijeci i korištenja IBIS i ISSA sustava čime je u razdoblju 2018. godine pronađeno 29 pacijenata s arterijskom traumom. Istraživanje se osvrnulo na odnos broja žena i muškaraca, dobne predispozicije za dobivanje arterijske traume, metode dijagnosticiranja, značajnije artefakte na CT pregledu, lokalizaciju arterijske traume te etiologiju ozljede u pacijenata čija je dijagnoza dobivena CT-om.
Osvrnuvši se na odnos muškaraca i žena s arterijskom traumom, među ukupno 29 pacijenata našao se 21 muškarac. Dobna skupina s najvećim brojem traumi bila je između 61. i 70. godine te je u tu skupinu pripalo 9 pacijenata. 19 pacijenata dijagnozu je dobilo putem CT-a, 5 kliničkim putem, 3 ultrazvukom dok za 2 pacijenata nije bilo moguće doći do pristupa podacima. Svi CT pregledi bili su tehnički uspješni, a samo su se na jednom pokazali značajniji artefakti metalnog objekta koji ipak nisu omeli područje lezije pa ni dijagnozu. Od 19 pacijenata čija je dijagnoza dobivena CT pregledom, u 17 pacijenata trauma je bila jatrogenog uzroka.
Kardiološkim je putem traumu zadobilo 7 pacijenata, 6 kirurškim, a 3 interventnim radiološkim putem. Najveći broj pacijenata, tj. 10 njih, imao je traumu zajedničke femoralne arterije. Ovakvi rezultati povezani su s porastom broja kardiovaskularnih bolesti i sukladno tome, potrebe za provođenjem endovaskularnih i kirurških zahvata na žilju.
Abstract (english) Arterial trauma is an injury of high emergency for the possibility of bleeding-out and trombosis, therefore demanding a fast and precise diagnosis. The CT examination enables the radiologist to come to a correst diagnosis while also enabling the evaluation of distal complications of arterial trauma and its relations to other bodily structures. The quality of the CT examination has great value in preserving the life of a patient, minimalising damage and the return of function.
The research used data collected from the Registry of patients of the Clinic of Vascular Surgery in Rijeka and from the IBIS and ISSA systems. This way, a total of 29 patients with arterial trauma have been found in the year 2018. The research was based on the incidence of arterial trauma in males and females, age predispositions, methods of diagnosis, significant artefacts on the CT, localization of arterial trauma and the etiology of the arterial injury in patients whose diagnosis has been proven by the CT examination.
In a total of 29 patients, 21 of them were male and 8 were female. The age group with the biggest number of arterial trauma was that between the age of 61 and 70 years old with 9 patients sorted into this group. 19 patients received their diagnosis using CT, 5 diagnoses have been determined using clinical examination, and 3 using ultrasound while it was not possible
to access the data of 2 patients. All the CT examinations have been technically successful and only one showed more significant artefacts of a metal object. However, these artefacts didn't disrupt the lesion area nor the diagnosis. In the total of 19 patients whose diagnosis was proven by CT, 17 patients were affected by iatrogenic trauma - the injury was of cardiological nature in 7 patients, chirurgical in 6 and interventional radiological in 3 patients. The biggest number of patients (10) were diagnosed with trauma of the common femoral artery. These results are in correlation with the increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases and a greater need for endovascular and chirurgical procedures of the vascular system.
trauma arterije
kompiuterizirana tomografija
Keywords (english)
arterial trauma
computerized tomography
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:921052
Study programme Title: Radiological Technology Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) radiološke tehnologije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) radiološke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-01-30 13:47:03