Author Ingrid Redžepi
Mentor Sandra Bošković (mentor)
Committee member Amir Muzur (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Malnar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Midwifery) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation
Abstract Zdravlje reproduktivnih organa od velike je važnosti u životu svake žene, jer sve veća učestalost pojave bolesti karcinoma maternice i jajnika, stavlja ovu bolest na drugo mjesto, iza karcinoma dojke, kako u Hrvatskoj tako i u svijetu. Najčešće se javlja u srednjoj životnoj dobi, kada su radno aktivne i skrbe za obitelj. (1)
U romskih žena uvijek je pitanje reproduktivnih organa tabu tema, tema o kojoj se ne govori, a s obzirom na nisku razinu obrazovanja, siromaštvo, nezaposlenost izostaje motivacija žena za odlaskom na preglede, pa time izostaje prevencija i zaštita žena od ovih bolesti. Loš status romskih žena uvjetovan je ne samo diskriminacijom, smanjenom emancipacijom i zapostavljenošću žene zbog kulturalnih razlika, već i njihovim izoliranim načinom života i zatvorenošću prema okolini.
Cilj istraživanja bio je saznati koliko romske žene znaju o zdravlju reproduktivnih organa i koliko su upoznate sa rizicima nastanka malignih bolesti te sa važnosti prevencije obolijevanja. Randomiziranim, slučajnim uzorkovanjem odabrane su 63 ispitanice romske nacionalne manjine grada Rijeke, u dobi iznad 30 godina života. Istraživanje je provedeno kao presječno ispitivanje pomoću anonimnog anketnog upitnika uz suglasnost ispitanica.
Deskriptivnom statistikom obrađenih podataka potvrđene su hipoteze da romske žene malo znaju o zdravlju i prevenciji bolesti reproduktivnih organa, važnosti redovitog odlaska ginekologu, važnosti metoda zaštite od spolnih bolesti i kontracepcije, no i da su mlađe, školovanije i zaposlene ispitanice češće imale više znanja od starijih, bez završene škole i nezaposlenih.
Istraživanje je pokazalo da na većinu pitanja bitnih za reproduktivno zdravlje više od 50% ispitanica odgovara sa „ne znam“, no želja za učenjem i povećanjem razine znanja o ovoj temi daje nadu u suradnju za daljnje djelovanje na tom području.
Obzirom na rezultate ispitivanja nužno je potrebno poraditi na edukaciji i osviještenosti, na skidanju stigme srama te podizanju samosvijesti i samopoštovanja osobito mladih romskih žena.
Naša je obveza pridonositi smanjenju predrasuda i stigmatiziranja romske populacije te raditi na integraciji i socijalizaciji Roma u našoj okolini kako bi učvrstili temelje za budućnost.
Abstract (english) The knowledge of the reproductive system is of great importance in every woman's life, especially because of the increased cases of uterine and ovarian cancer. It is considered to be the second most common reproductive system cancer in women, right after breast cancer, not only in Croatia but the world. It most commonly manifests in middle-aged women who are working and taking care of their family. When it comes to Roma women and their culture, learning about their reproductive system is considered tabboo and inapropriate to openly discuss. Bearing in mind their low level of education, poverty and unemployment issues, there is a lack of motivation concerning regular doctor appointments, as well as prevention and protection from the diseases in question. The low status of Roma women is not only influenced by discriminaton, but also the lack of emancipation because of cultural differences and their isolated way of life. The main goal of this research was to find out how much do Roma women actually know about the health of the reproductive system, the risks of malignant diseases and the importance of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Sixty-three women of Roma nationality over the age of 30 living in the city of Rijeka were randomly chosen for completing the surveys. The research was conducted as an average questioning in a form of an anonymous survey-type questionnaire with the separate consent form. Descriptive statistics of processed data confirmed the hypotheses that in Roma women, the knowledge of health, risks and prevention of diseases realated to the female reproductive system, the importance of annual gynecological check ups, and the importance and the knowledge of contraception and prevention of sexually transmited diseases is substandard. In most cases, younger, educated or employed participants had more knowlegde and than the ones who are unemployed with little or no education. This reasearch displays that in more than 50% of the participants the answers to the majority of the important questions about the reproductive system were 'I don't know'. However, the desire to increase the knowledge on the subject was prevalent, giving hope for further improvements in those areas. Given the results of this reasearch, it is beyond necessary to work on providing education, as well as on raising awareness and suppressing the stigma surrounding the subjects in question, especially in young women. Helping young Roma women gain confidence and self respect is of great importance, especially after reviewing this reaserch. It is our obligation to decrease the stigmatisation and judgement of the Roma people and it is crucial to work on the integration and socialization of the Roma people around us to strengthen the foundations for our collective future.
reproduktivno zdravlje
Romkinje i zdravlje
romske žene
Keywords (english)
Reproductive health
Roma woman and health
Roma woman
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:497831
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Nursing: Healthcare Management (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-13 09:54:42