Abstract | Medicinski djelatnici, a naročito fizioterapeuti, trebaju promovirati aktivni zdravi način života i uravnoteženu prehranu s ciljem prevencije i liječenja bolesti modernog načina života-pretilosti i debljine te kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti.
Cilj rada je istražiti prehrambene navike i razinu tjelesne aktivnosti fizioterapeuta. Istraživanje je provedeno na 100 ispitanika, uključujući oba spola, različitih godina života. Fizioterapija je zanimanje u kojem prevladava ženski spol, no ne uočava se značajna razlika rezultata u načinu života između spolova. Ispunjavanje anketnog listića dalo je rezultate o antropometrijskim mjerama, prehrambenim navikama i fizičkoj aktivnosti fizioterapeuta. Prvi dio upitnika odnosi se na fizičku aktivnosti tijekom dana i aktivnostima tijekom tjedna, dok se drugi dio sastoji od FFQ upitnika o količini pojedinih namirnica koje se konzumiraju jednim obrokom i učestalosti kojom se konzumiraju tijekom tjedna.
Dobivenim rezultatima uočava se neočekivani ishod hipoteza, te fizioterapeuti ne potvrđuju da poznaju niti provode pravilnu uravnoteženu prehranu, niti dovoljnu tjelesnu aktivnost. Iako konzumiraju preporučene količine kruha, žitarica, te orašastih plodova i maslinovog ulja, zadovoljene potrebe pokrivaju samo temelj i vrh mediteranske piramide zdrave prehrane. Nedostatno konzumiranje preporučene količine mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda, ribe i mesa, voća i povrća ipak čini njihovu prehranu neadekvatnom. Isto tako, bez obzira na to što se bave fizički aktivnim zanimanjem, u slobodno vrijeme ne bave se dovoljnim intenzitetom tjelovježbe da bi zadovoljili smjernice SZO.
Fizioterapeuti bi trebali biti uzor pacijentima tijekom terapije ali i provođenjem edukacije pomoći u prevenciji javnozdravstvenih problema sadašnjice i unaprjeđenju zdravlja. Svojim zvanjem najviše povezuju važnost tjelesne aktivnosti, kretanja, prehrane i samim time zdravog načina života. Ovi podaci su upozoravajući jer se uočava problematika zdravstvenih djelatnika, nedostatka edukacije iz srodnih područja medicine, kao i problematika pasivnog sjedilačkog života. |
Abstract (english) | Medical professionals, especially physiotherapists, should promote an active healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet with the aim of preventing and treating modern lifestyle diseases -overweight, obesity, and chronic non-infectious diseases.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the eating habits and level of physical activity of physiotherapists. The study was conducted on 100 subjects, including both sexes, of different ages. Physiotherapy is a female-dominated occupation, but there is no significant difference in lifestyle outcomes between the sexes. Filling out the questionnaire gave results on anthropometric measures, eating habits and physical activity of the physiotherapist. The first part of the questionnaire refers to physical activity during the day and activities during the week, while the second part consists of the FFQ questionnaire on the amount of individual foods consumed in one meal and the frequency with which they are consumed during the week.
The obtained results show an unexpected outcome of the hypotheses, and physiotherapists do not confirm that they know or implement a proper balanced eating habits or sufficient physical activity. Although they consume the recommended amounts of bread, cereals, and nuts and olive oil, the needs met are covered only by the foundation and top of the Mediterranean pyramid of healthy eating. Insufficient consumption of the recommended amount of milk and dairy products, fish and meat, fruits and vegetables, however, makes their diet inadequate. Likewise, despite engaging in a physically active occupation, in their spare time they do not engage in sufficient exercise intensity to meet WHO guidelines.
Physiotherapists should be a role model for patients during therapy, but also by conducting education to help prevent current public health problems and improve health. With their vocation, they mostly connect the importance of physical activity, movement, diet and thus a healthy lifestyle. These data are warning because the problems of health professionals, lack of education in related fields of medicine, as well as the problem of passive sedentary life are observed. |