Abstract | Kinesio taping (KT) metoda je postala jako popularna metoda u tretiranju ozljeda zadnjih
godina. Kinesio Taping metodu osmislio je japanski kiropraktičar Kenzo Kase te postoji više
od 40 godina, ali postala je široko popularna tek nakon OI u Pekingu 2008. godine. Od tada se
puno intenzivnije istražuju i analiziraju učinci takve metode kod različitih mišićno-koštanih
problema i bolnih stanja. KT metoda se koristi u cilju facilitacije prirodnih regeneracijskih
procesa tijela mikroskopskim podizanjem kože s kojom se povećava protok krvi i limfe te
utječe na različite somatosenzorne receptore u cilju modulacije rada živčanog sustava. Kinesio
Taping utječe na neuromuskularni sustav, smanjuje bol i upale, sprječava ozljede i poboljšava
cirkulaciju te pomaže vraćanju tijela u homeostazu. Prikladna je za duže korištenje. Elastične
trake, Kinesio Tex Tape, koje se koriste svojstvima podsjećaju na kožu. Postoji 8 tehnika
primjene ove metode, a biraju se ovisno o problemu i cilju tretmana. Inhibicija i facilitacija
dvije su mišićne tehnike, koje se koriste kada je problem mišićni, a mehanička, fascijalna,
prostorna, tetivna/ligamentarna, funkcionalna i cirkulatorna/limfatička korekcija spadaju u
preostalih šest korektivnih tehnika. Ove tehnike moguće je kombinirati, ali geslo koje prati
Kinesio Taping metodu je „manje je više“. Zato je potrebno odgovorno pristupiti pacijentu,
razmišljajući i koristeći svo svoje znanje kroz tretman.
Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi kakvi su stavovi i znanje fizioterapeuta u
Hrvatskoj o Kinesio Taping metodi. Podaci su bili prikupljeni isključivo putem kreirane online
ankete koju su ispitanici dobrovoljno ispunjavali, a sastojala se od 22 pitanja. Anketu je
dobrovoljno ispunilo 133 fizioterapeuta.
Prilikom formiranja istraživanja postavljene su tri hipoteze. Hipoteza 1 koja govori da
fizioterapeuti smatraju KT metodu kao dobru dodatnu metodu je prihvaćena. Analizom
podataka većina ispitanika se složilo da je Kinesio Taping metoda korisna u rehabilitaciji kao
pomoćna metoda. Treća hipoteza je isto bila prihvaćena, jer hrvatski fizioterapeuti imaju znanje
o Kinesio Taping metodi. Druga hipoteza bila je odbačena, jer fizioterapeuti navode da koriste
ovu metodu više od mjesečno kako se pretpostavljalo.
Kroz analizu istraživanja možemo reći da većina fizioterapeuta posjeduje znanje o Kinesio
Taping metodi i ima pozitivno mišljenje o korištenju ove metode kao dodatne metode u
fizikalnoj terapiji. Istraživanje ima dobar temelj i predstavlja stavove i znanja fizioterapeuta koji rade u
sustavu zdravstva u Hrvatskoj i upoznati su s Kinesio Taping meodom. Proučavanjem ove
metode i diskutiranjem fizioterapeuta međusobno može se uvidjeti na koji način možemo
unaprijediti kvalitetu i zadovoljstvo pacijenata i samih fizioterapeuta. |
Abstract (english) | The Kinesio taping (KT) method has become a very popular method in the treatment of
injuries in recent years. The Kinesio Taping method was invented by Japanese chiropractor
Kenzo Kase and has existed for more than 40 years, but it became widely popular only after
the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Since then, the effects of such a method in various musculoskeletal
problems and painful conditions have been much more intensively investigated and analyzed.
The KT method is used to facilitate the body's natural regeneration processes by
microscopically lifting the skin, which increases blood and lymph flow and affects various
somatosensory receptors in order to modulate the nervous system. Kinesio Taping affects the
neuromuscular system, reduces pain and inflammation, prevents injuries and improves
circulation, and helps restore the body to homeostasis. It is suitable for longer use. Elastic
bands, Kinesio Tex Tape, which use properties reminiscent of leather. There are 8 techniques
for applying this method, and they are chosen depending on the problem and the goal of the
treatment. Inhibition and facilitation are two muscle techniques, used when the problem is
muscular, and mechanical, fascial, spatial, tendon / ligament, functional, and circulatory /
lymphatic correction are among the remaining six corrective techniques. These techniques can
be combined, but the password that accompanies the Kinesio Taping method is "less is more".
Therefore, it is necessary to approach the patient responsibly, thinking and using all their
knowledge through treatment.
The main goal of this research was to determine the attitudes and knowledge of
physiotherapists in Croatia about the Kinesio Taping method. Data were collected exclusively
through an online survey created by respondents who completed them voluntarily and consisted
of 22 questions. The survey was completed voluntarily by 133 physiotherapists.
During the formation of the research, three hypotheses were set. Hypothesis 1, which states
that physiotherapists consider the CT method as a good additional method, has been accepted.
After analyzing the data, most of the respondents agreed that the Kinesio Taping method is
useful in rehabilitation as an auxiliary method. The third hypothesis was also accepted, because
Croatian physiotherapists have knowledge of the Kinesio Taping method. The second
hypothesis was rejected because physiotherapists state that they use this method for more than
a month as assumed.
Through the analysis of the research we can say that most physiotherapists have knowledge
about the Kinesio Taping method and have a positive opinion about the use of this method as
an additional method in physical therapy.
The research has a good foundation and presents the attitudes and knowledge of
physiotherapists who work in the health care system in Croatia and are familiar with the
Kinesio Taping method. By studying this method and discussing physiotherapists with each
other, we can see how we can improve the quality and satisfaction of patients and
physiotherapists themselves. |