Author Krešimir Kos
Mentor Andrica Lekić (mentor)
Mentor Ivana Kotri Mihajić (komentor)
Committee member Arijana Krišković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ariana Fužinac-Smojver (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrica Lekić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Human Physiology
Abstract Uvod: Ozljede muskulature stražnje natkoljenične lože predstavljaju najčešću muskulaturnu ozljedu u profesionalnom nogometu, a njihov se nastanak najčešće povezuje sa trčanjem pri visokim brzinama kao motoričkim zadatkom koji čini esenciju nogometne igre, ali i uspjeha u nogometnoj igri s obzirom na to da je dokumentirano da se najveći broj golova upravo postižu iz situacija koje dominantno uključuju linearan sprint. S obzirom na veliku incidenciju ozljeda prilikom trčanja visokim brzinama, ali i veliku važnost repetitivnog svladavanja ovog motoričkog zadatka za vrijeme nogometne igre potrebno je voditi adekvatnu dokumentaciju kako bi se na pravi način moglo pristupiti ovom, sve učestalijem problemu. Adekvatna dokumentacija i prepoznavanje rastućih trendova muskulaturnih ozljeda općenito, a posebno muskulature stražnje natkoljenične lože predstavlja tek prvi korak u prevenciji ovakvih ozljeda, povećanju dostupnosti igrača i u povećanju uspješnosti cijele momčadi.
Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na seniorskoj i razvojnoj momčadi elitnog nogometnog kluba u Aziji. Unutar jedne natjecateljske sezone su, uz pomoć interne klupske tablice, dokumentirane su sve ozljede obje momčadi koje su uzrokovale izbivanje s terena od minimalno tri dana. Momčadi su se razlikovale u broju ispitanika, dobi, broju natjecanja u kojem participiraju te u izlaganju u natjecateljskim utakmicama. Cilj je istraživanja bio provjeriti unutar koje će se momčadi razviti veći broj muskularnih ozljeda, da li će u ukupnome broju dominirati ozljede muskulature stražnje natkoljenične lože, te u kojoj će ih se momčadi razviti veći broj.
Rezultati: Za vrijeme natjecateljske sezone 2020./2021. su unutar prve momčadi dokumentirane 63 ozljede u odnosu na 33 koje su dokumentirane u onoj razvojnoj unatoč većem broju igrača koji su participirali u utakmicama razvojne momčadi. Ozljede muskulature stražnje natkoljenične lože nisu dominirale među četiri najčešće ozljeđivanje mišićne skupine donjih ekstremiteta kako je bilo očekivano s obzirom na prethodne, doduše višegodišnje, studije koje su dokumentirale ozljede profesionalnih nogometaša u elitnim klubovima Europe. Veći je broj ozljeda muskulature stražnje natkoljenične lože dokumentiran unutar prve momčadi što je bilo očekivano s obzirom na zahtjeve u smislu broja natjecanja i broja utakmica koji su na početku sezone stajali pred prvom, odnosno, seniorskom momčadi, ali i isprepletanja drugih čimbenika rizika.
Zaključak: S obzirom na relativno mali istraživački uzorak ne mogu se donijeti nikakvi čvrsti zaključi na temelju provedenog istraživanja. Svakako bi trebalo razmotriti daljnje praćenje
ove dvije momčadi kako bi se potencijalno mogli utvrditi svojevrsni trendovi, ili bi se trebali uključiti klubovi koji također participiraju unutar istih natjecanja kako bi studija dobila na relevantnosti, ali i kako bi se mogle povući paralele i donijeti zaključci slični onima na Europskoj razini.
Abstract (english) Background: The injuries to the hamstrings represent the most common muscle injuries in professional football and they happen due to the high speed running which is the essential motoric task in the football play. Subsequently, these high speed running acts are responsible for success during the game, or simply said the score. It is documented that the higest number of goals are scored precisely during situations where dominantly linear sprints are incorporated. Due to the high incidence of injuries during high speed running and massive importance of repetitiveness of this motor task during the football game, it is necessary to adequately document these injuries in order to establish the most effective approach to this more and more emerging problem. The right documentation and recognition of growing trends in muscle injuries in general, and of the hamstring muscle group injuries specifically, represents the first step in prevention of this class of injuries, improves availability of players and enhances the success rates of the entire team.
Methods: The study was conducted in players of senior and developing (junior) team in an elite football club in Asia. In one competitive season, with the use of internal club database, there were documented all injuries of both teams that caused the player absence longer than three consecutive days. The teams varied in the number of subjects, age, number of contests they participate in and exposure in competitive matches. The aim of this research was proving which team would develop more muscle injuries, would the most of these injuries be the hamstring injuries and which of the teams would suffer from the highest number of the injuries in the forementioned hamstrings. Results: During the season of 2020/2021, there were 63 injuries in the first team, whereas in the second team only 33, in spite of the greater number of players of the second team participating in the matches. The hamstring muscle injuries did not dominate in the group of four most common muscle injuries of the lower extremities as it was anticipated considering the long term studies that were previously conducted in the elite football clubs across Europe. The greater number of muscular injuries to the hamstrings has been documented inside the first team, which was expected due to the bigger demands in terms of the number of leagues and the number of matches played per team, entangled with the risk factors of the senior group, opposed to the developing one.
Conclusion: Based on the small sample of subjects in the conducted research, I cannot derive a firm conclusion. More documentation and following of this pair of subject groups should be considered in order to potentially identify the trends regarding muscle injuries to the hamstrings. On the other side, to give the relevance to the study, more elite football clubs that participate in the same leagues and competitions should be included in the future studies, but also to draw a parallel and derive similar conclusions regarding the European clubs of same level.
stražnja natkoljenična loža
ozljede mišića
Keywords (english)
the hamstrings
muscle injuries
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:451307
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Physiotherapy (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-05-02 12:57:08