Abstract | UVOD: Čovjek je društveno biće, stoga je komunikacija i interakcija s drugim ljudima, svojstvena njegovoj prirodi, a ujedno je i jedno od temeljnih ljudskih prava. Govor je osnovno sredstvo komunikacije i razumijevanja među ljudima. Međutim, nekada osoba ne razvije govor uslijed različitih jezičnih, motoričkih, kognitivnih i/ili senzoričkih teškoća, poremećaja ili oštećenja i onemogućeno joj je to temeljno ljudsko pravo. To su osobe sa složenim komunikacijskim potrebama.
CILJ: Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati, utvrditi i statistički prikazati stupanj informiranosti fizioterapeuta u RH o PK-i, te saznati njihova konkretna znanja i stavove o upotrebi PK-i.
METODE I ISPITANICI: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 104 ispitanika od kojih je 19,4% ispitanika bilo muškog spola, dok je 80,6% bilo ženskog spola. Istraživanje je provedeno putem elektronske anonimne ankete dizajnirane isključivo za ovo istraživanje u aplikaciji Google obrazac. Anketni upitnik se sastojao od 26 pitanja. Nakon dizajniranja anketnog upitnika, anketni upitnik je objavljen na Facebook stranici “Fizioterapeuti RH” i članovi grupe su zamoljeni za sudjelovanje u istraživanju.
REZULTATI: Na temelju definiranih ciljeva, formirane su četiri hipoteze. Dobivenim rezultatima prva hipoteza koja glasi “Fizioterapeuti u RH najčešće u radu, s pacijentima sa složenim komunikacijskim potrebama, koriste jednostavne metode bez pomagala” je prihvaćena. Također je prihvaćena i druga hipoteza koja glasi “Fizioterapeuti u RH koji su završili diplomski ili poslijediplomski studij fizioterapije, u većem postotku su točno odgovorili na pitanja vezana za stručnu terminologiju u odnosu na fizioterapeute u RH koji su završili preddiplomski studij ili srednju školu. Dok je treća hipoteza “Više od 50% ispitanika ima završenu edukaciju iz područja potpomognute komunikacije” odbačena. I četvrta hipoteza “Fizioterapeuti u RH koji rade u privatnim institucijama više u radu koriste potpomognutu komunikaciju nego fizioterapeuti u RH koji rade u državnim ustanovama.” je odbačena.
ZAKLJUČAK: Istraživanje predstavlja stavove i znanja o PK-i samo određene manje skupine fizioterapeuta u RH. Trebalo bi se provesti opsežnije i strože kontrolirano istraživanje na ovu temu ali na većem uzorku, pošto je uzorak ispitanika koji su pristupili ovom anketnom upitniku premali, kako bi se dobila vjerodostojna slika o znanju i stavovima fizioterapeuta o potpomognutoj komunikaciji na razini cijele Hrvatske. Istraživanje je dobra mi podloga i poticaj za daljnja istraživanja na ovu temu koja je premalo istražena u RH. Također doprinos istraživanja je i informiranje jednog dijela ispitanika o PK, koji prije popunjavanja ankete nisu bili upoznati s pojmom PK-e. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: Humans are social beings, therefore communication and interaction with other people is characteristic to their nature and also one of fundamental human rights. However, some people come across problems in communication, or they can not accomplish communication needs in usual way, by means of speech and/or they are not understanding the language due to various reasons. Thereby disabling them from using a fundamental human right. Right to express inherent desires, needs and thoughts. Alternative and augmentative communication replaces or supports usual ways of communication and thus helps the person to express easier or to understand the language better.
GOAL: Goal of this survey was to examine, determine and present the degree of information of the physiotherapists in the Republic of Croatia about alternative and augmentative communication. Also, to find out their knowledge and opinions about the topic.
METODS AND RESPONDANTS: Participated in this survey was 104 participants of which 19,4% were men, while 80,6% were women. The research was carried out via an electronic anonymous survey, designed exclusively for this research in the Google Form app. The form consisted of 26 questions. After designing the form, it was published on the Facebook page called “Fizioterapeuti RH” and members of that group were kindly asked to fill it out.
RESULTS: Based on the defined goals, four hypotheses were formed. With the obtained results, the first hypothesis "Physiotherapists in the Republic of Croatia most often in their work, with patients with complex communication needs, use simple methods without aid kits" was accepted. The second hypothesis, which reads "Physiotherapists in the Republic of Croatia who have completed graduate or postgraduate studies in physiotherapy, in a higher percentage answered questions that were related to professional terminology correctly in relation to physiotherapists who have completed bachelor degree or high school" was also accepted. While third hypothesis "More the 50% of participants have completed education in the field of alternative and augmentative communication." was rejected. Also, fourth hypothesis "Physiotherapists who work in private institutions in the Republic of Croatia use the alternative and augmentative communication more in their work than physiotherapists in the Republic of Croatia who work in state institutions." was dismissed.
CONCLUSION: Conducted research represents opinions and lore about alternative and augmentative communication of only certain group of physiotherapists in the Republic of Croatia. A more extensive and strictly controlled research on this topic should be conducted, but on a larger sample, as the sample of respondents who approached this research was too small to get a credible picture of physiotherapists knowledge and attitudes about the topic at the state level of Croatia. The research is a good basis and incentive for further research on this problem, which is insufficiently researched in the Republic of Croatia. Also, the contribution of the research is informing a part of the respondents about this theme, who was not familiar with the concept of alternative and augmentative communication before completing the surve. |