Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi razinu znanja i spremnosti uključivanja djelatnika zdravstvenog područja sestrinstva i primaljstva u proces supervizije ovisno o dijelu Republike Hrvatske u kojem rade.
Nacrt studije: Presječna studija
Rezultati: Najviše ispitanika je ženskog spola (84%), dobnog raspona od 18 do 64 godina starosti. Obzirom na radni status, najviše zaposlenika zaposleno je u struci preko 20 godina (36.5%), a na ustanovu zaposlenja, najviše ispitanika radi u bolnici (36%). Od ukupno 200 ispitanika, njih 147 poznaje pojam supervizije (73,5%), no samo 61 (30,5%) ispitanik je bio uključen u neki oblik supervizije, dok je njih 26 (13,0%) trenutno uključeno u neki oblik supervizije. Ukupno 171 (85,5%) bi bilo spremno uključiti se u superviziju ukoliko bi bila besplatna, a njih 177 (88,5%) se ne bi uključili ukoliko bi sami morali snositi troškove. Većina ispitanika smatra da je supervizija potrebna (38,5%). Prosječna ocjena potrebe za supervizijom je 3,835 što sugerira relativno visoku potrebu za provedbom iste u zdravstvu.
Zaključak: Na temelju istraživanja važno je istaknuti kako unatoč tome što većina ispitanika nije sudjelovala u bilo kojem obliku supervizije, zdravstveni djelatnici poznaju pojam supervizije te postoji velik interes za uključivanje u istu. Postoji spremnost i potreba za uključivanjem u bilo koji oblik supervizije, no uz određene uvjete iskazane od strane ispitanika. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the research: To determine the level of knowledge and willingness to include nursing and midwifery health workers in the supervision process, depending on the part of the Republic of Croatia in which they work.
Study design: Cross-sectional study
Respondents and methods: In the period from May 22 to July 20, 2022, a survey was conducted in which 200 respondents participated, and it includes health workers, specifically nurses and technicians, midwives, bachelor's degrees in nursing or midwifery, master's degrees in nursing or midwives and graduate nurses employed in Croatia. The results were obtained through an online survey, and SPSS software was used for analysis.
Results: Most respondents were female (84%), aged 18 to 64. Looking at the work status, the majority of employees have been employed in the profession for over 20 years (36.5%), while the majority of employees work in a hospital (36%). Out of a total of 200 respondents, 147 of them know the concept of supervision (73.5%), but only 61 (30.5%) respondents were involved in some form of supervision, while 26 of them (13.0%) are currently involved in some form supervision. A total of 171 (85.5%) would be willing to participate in supervision if it were free, and 177 (88.5%) of them would not participate if they had to bear the costs themselves. The majority of respondents believe that supervision is necessary (38.5%). The average rating of the need for supervision is 3.835, which suggests a relatively high need for examining it in healthcare.
Conclusion: Based on the research, it is important to point out that despite the fact that the majority of respondents did not participate in any form of supervision, health professionals know the concept of supervision and there is a great interest in getting involved in it. There is a willingness and need to be included in any form of supervision, but with certain conditions expressed by the respondents. |