Abstract | Uvod: Duhovna i religijska uvjerenja, s njima povezani ciljevi i praksa od velikog su značaja u životima mnogih pojedinaca. Ona utječu na njihov afekt, kogniciju, ponašanje pa i motivaciju. Zadovoljstvo životom odnosi se na subjektivni doživljaj kvalitete života te označava kognitivnu evaluaciju pojedinčevog vlastitog cjelokupnog života, preko koje svaki pojedinac procjenjuje vlastiti život i njegove okolnosti. Stres se svodi na razne okolnosti koje od osobe iziskuju fizičke i psihičke napore, ali isto tako i one emocionalne odgovore koje pojedinac u određenim trenucima iskusi. Pandemija COVID-19, kao i njezine posljedice predstavljaju rizik i izazivaju zabrinutost za mentalno zdravlje stanovništva. Panedmija i mjere zaštite posebno su se odrazile na studentsku populaciju. Veliki (moglo bi se reći negativan) utjecaj odrazio se na obrazovni sustav, a studenti su se, uz već brojne postojeće, morali suočiti s dodatnim stresovima. Pandemija koronavirusa nameće smetnje, prijetnje i prepreke fizičkom, psihičkom ali i duhovnom zdravlju. Takve teme i njihova međusobna povezanost za mnoga područja postaju od velikog istraživačkog interesa.
Ciljevi: Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su ispitati povezanosti i odnose religioznosti, zadovoljstva životom i stresa povezanog s pandemijom COVID-19 kod studenata Sveučilišta u Rijeci, kao i ispitati povezanost navedenih čimbenika s obzirom na jačinu simptoma preboljenog virusa.
Metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 211 ispitanika koji su studenti Sveučilišta u Rijeci. U svrhu provedbe ovog istraživanja objedinjene su tri ljestvice koje su, uz opća pitanja na početku, sačinjavale anketni upitnik. To su: upitnik religioznosti, skala zadovoljstva životom, skala Covid stresa.
Rezultati: Ispitanici ne iskazuju razlike u razini zadovoljstva životom u doba pandemije ovisno o simptomima COVID-a koje su doživjeli, kao ni razlike u razini stresa povezanog s pandemijom. Razina stresa povezanog s pandemijom nije značajno povezana s razinom religioznosti u ispitanikam, kao ni sa zadovoljstvom života u doba pandemije. Ispitanici koji iskazuju višu razinu religioznosti pokazuju i veće zadovoljstvo životom u doba pandemije.
Zaključak: Dobivena je pozitivna korelacija religioznosti i zadovoljstva životom. Religioznost je bitan čimbenik koji pozitivno utječe na zadovoljstvo životom što se pokazalo i u ovom istraživanju za vrijeme pandemije koronavirusa. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Spiritual and religious beliefs, the goals and practices associated with them are of great importance in the lives of many individuals. It affects their affect, cognition, behavior and motivation. Life satisfaction refers to the subjective experience of the quality of life, and it signifies the cognitive evaluation of the individual's own entire life, through which each individual evaluates his own life and its circumstances. Stress comes down to various circumstances that tempt a person's physical and mental efforts, but also those emotional reactions that an individual has in certain moments of experience. The COVID-19 pandemic, as well as its consequences, pose a risk and cause concern for the mental health of the population. The pandemic and protective measures have had a special effect on the student population. A large (one could say negative) impact reflected on the education system, and students, in addition to the already numerous existing ones, had to face additional stresses. The coronavirus pandemic imposes disturbances, threats and obstacles to physical, mental and spiritual health. Such topics and their interconnections are becoming of great research interest for many areas.
Objectives: The objectives of this research were to examine the connection and relationship between religiosity, life satisfaction and stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic among students at the University of Rijeka, as well as to examine the connection of the aforementioned factors with regard to the severity of the symptoms of the recovered from the COVID-19 virus.
Methods: 211 respondents who are students of the University of Rijeka participated in the research. For the purpose of conducting this research, three scales were combined which, along with the general questions at the beginning, made up the survey questionnaire. These are: religiosity questionnaire, life satisfaction scale, Covid stress scale.
Results: Respondents do not report differences in the level of life satisfaction during the pandemic depending on the symptoms of COVID they experienced, as well as differences in the level of stress related to the pandemic. The level of stress related to the pandemic is not significantly related to the level of religiosity in the respondents, as well as to life satisfaction during the pandemic. Respondents who express a higher level of religiosity also show greater satisfaction with life during the pandemic.
Conclusion: Results showed a positive correlation between religiosity and life satisfaction. Religiosity is an important factor and is prone to have a positive effect on life satisfaction, and positive correlation between these factors seems to be unaffected during the coronavirus pandemic. |