Title Znanje studenata sestrinstva o zbrinjavanju kroničnih rana
Title (english) Nursing students knowledge about chronic wound care
Author Sandra Šćuka
Mentor Saša Uljančić (mentor)
Committee member Marija Bukvić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kata Ivanišević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Uljančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract UVOD: Kronična rana je ona koja ne napreduje kroz pravovremen proces cijeljenja ili ona rana kojoj proces cijeljenja ne uspije vratiti anatomski i funkcionalni integritet nakon 3 mjeseca. Zbrinjavanje kronične rane treba voditi prema preporučenim načelima: debridman tkiva u svim slučajevima osim arterijskih ulkusa, kontrola infekcije, ravnoteža vlage i briga o rubovima rane.
CILJ: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi znanje redovnih i izvanrednih studenata sestrinstva o zbrinjavanju kroničnih
... More rana na preddiplomskom stručnom studiju Sestrinstva na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija Rijeka. Sekundarni ciljevi istraživanja su analizirati i usporediti znanje studenata s obzirom na vrstu studija (redovni/ izvanredni studij), obzirom na status zaposlenja (zaposleni/nezaposleni) te obzirom na ustanovu u kojoj su zaposleni.
METODE: U istraživanje je uključen 71 ispitanik, a podaci su prikupljeni putem online anketnog upitnika koji se sastojao od 2 dijela: prvim dijelom prikupljali su se sociodemografski podaci, a drugi dio se sastojao od 15 pitanja usmjerenih na procjenu znanja o zbrinjavanju kroničnih rana. Statistička obrada podataka provedena je u programu Statistica (Version, 1984-2018 TIBCO Software Inc), ukupno znanje ispitanika mjerilo se prema ordinalnoj ljestvici te je obrađeno metodama deskriptivne statistike, a razlike u znanju ispitanika o zbrinjavanju kroničnih rana testirane su Hi-kvadrat testom na razini statističke značajnosti od p <0,05 (5%).
REZULTATI: Većina ispitanika (59,2%) studira na redovnom studiju sestrinstva te ima neznatno više (53,5%) nezaposlenih ispitanika. Ispitanici su u prosjeku imali 13 točnih odgovora te jednak broj ispitanika posjeduje vrlo dobro i odlično znanje (42,3%), dok ostatak ispitanika ima dobro znanje. Nedovoljno, dovoljno i dobro znanje nije pokazao niti jedan ispitanik. Odlično znanje pokazalo je 55,2% studenata izvanrednog studija, dok je odličnu razinu znanja imao svaki treći ispitanik redovnog studija sestrinstva. Više od polovice zaposlenih ispitanika (54,5%) ima odlično znanje o zbrinjavanju rana, dok je kod nezaposlenih udio s odličnim znanjem 31,36%. 81,80% ispitanika koji rade u ustanovi za zdravstvenu njegu u kući ima odlično znanje u zbrinjavanju rana, dok je kod ostalih ispitanika taj udio 35%.
ZAKLJUČAK: Znanje ispitanika o zbrinjavanju kroničnih rana je odlično i vrlo dobro, no postoje značajne razlike s obzirom na vrstu studija, status zaposlenja i ustanovu u kojoj ispitanici rade.
Ključne riječi: dekubitus, kronične rane, sestrinstvo, studenti, ulkusi Less
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: A chronic wound is one that does not progress through the timely healing process or a wound in which the healing process fails to restore anatomical and functional integrity after 3 months. Management of a chronic wound should be guided by the recommended principles: tissue debridement in all cases except arterial ulcers, infection control, moisture balance and care of the wound edges.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the research was to determine the knowledge of full-time and
... More part-time nursing students about the management of chronic wounds at the undergraduate professional course in Nursing at the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka. The secondary objectives of the research are to analyze and compare students' knowledge regarding the type of study (full-time/part-time), regarding employment status (employed/unemployed) and with regard to the institution where they are employed.
METHODS: 71 respondents were included in the research, and the data were collected through an online questionnaire consisting of 2 parts: the first part collected sociodemographic data, and the second part consisted of 15 questions aimed at assessing knowledge about chronic wound management. Statistical data processing was carried out in the Statistica program (Version, 1984-2018 TIBCO Software Inc), the total knowledge of the respondents was measured according to the ordinal scale and was processed using descriptive statistics methods, and the differences in the knowledge of the respondents about chronic wound management were tested by Hi- square test at the level of statistical significance of p <0.05 (5%).
RESULTS: Most respondents (59.2%) are studying full-time nursing, and there are slightly more (53.5%) unemployed respondents. The respondents had an average of 13 correct answers, and the same number of respondents have very good and excellent knowledge (42.3%), while the rest of the respondents have good knowledge. Not a single respondent showed insufficient, sufficient, and good knowledge. Excellent knowledge was demonstrated by 55.2% of part-time study students, while every third respondent of regular nursing studies had an excellent level of knowledge. More than half of the employed respondents (54.5%) have excellent knowledge of wound care, while among the unemployed, the share with excellent knowledge is 31.36%. 81.80% of respondents who work in a home health care facility have excellent knowledge in wound care, while the share of other respondents is 35%. Less
kronične rane
Keywords (english)
chronic wounds
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:473983
Study programme Title: Professional study of nursing (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-07 17:52:53