S MIGRENOM-rad s istraživanjem
Author Amela Trtanj
Mentor Radoslav Kosić (mentor)
Committee member Jasna Grković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grahovac Juretić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Radoslav Kosić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Uvod: Na globalnoj razini migrena pogađa oko 12% populacije dok kronična migrena pogađa i
do 2% populacije. Pojedinci koji boluju od migrene obično češće prijavljuju lošiju kvalitetu života.
Studije sugeriraju da su pacijenti s migrenom, koji imaju veću učestalost napadaja glavobolje
podvrgnuti znatno većoj razini onesposobljenosti i smanjenoj kvaliteti života vezanoj za zdravlje.
Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je ispitati kvalitetu života i stupanj radne onesposobljenosti kod pacijenata s
migrenom liječenih u ambulanti za bol Opće bolnice Karlovac.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u ambulanti za bol Opće bolnice Karlovac na uzorku od 67
ispitanika tijekom svibnja i lipnja 2022. godine. Stupanj onesposobljenosti se ispitivao MIDAS
upitnikom (engl. The Migraine Disability Assessment), a kvaliteta života upitnikom o kvaliteti
života specifičnim za migrenu, verzija 2.1 (engl. The migraine-specific QOL questionnaire (MSQ,
ver. 2.1).
Rezultati: Srednji broj dana onesposobljenosti po MIDAS upitniku bio je 39,48 (±34,44), 62,7%
ih je imalo tešku onesposobljenost. Srednja vrijednost kvalitete života na MQOL upitniku bila je
49,24 (±11,28). Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika ( t=6,189, p=0,015) u danima
onesposobljenosti između žena i muškaraca. Žene su postigle statistički značajno niži rezultat od
muškaraca na domenama restriktivne uloge (t=5.166, p=0.026) i emocionalne funkcije (t=4,518,
p=0,027). Dob, stupanj obrazovanja, bračni i radni status nisu bili značajni prediktori za radnu
onesposobljenost i ukupnu kvalitetu života. Ispitanici koji napade migrene doživljavaju
svakodnevno imaju statistički značajno veći broj dana onesposobljenja od ispitanika koji napade
imaju od jedan put do četiri puta mjesečno (p=0,005) i manje od 12 puta godišnje (p=0,033).
Zaključak: Migrena utječe na sve aspekte funkcioniranja te sprječava oboljele da nesmetano
obavljaju radne zadatke te izravno utječe na njihovu mentalnu dobrobit. Osim pravovremene
posjete liječniku i pridržavanja propisane terapije, osobe s migrenom potrebno je dodatno educirati
kako bi se uspješno nosili sa simptomima migrene te vodili zdrav život izbjegavajući potencijalne
okidače migrene. Oboljelima od migrene također je potrebno osigurati i brigu o mentalnom
zdravlju kako se, ionako niska kvaliteta života, ne bi dodatno narušila.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Globally, migraine affects about 12% of the population, while chronic migraine
affects 1% to 2% of the population. Individuals with migraine are more likely to report poorer
quality of life. Studies suggest that migraine patients who have a higher frequency of headache
attacks experience significantly higher levels of disability and reduced health-related quality of
Objective: The objective of the research is to examine the quality of life and the degree of work
disability in migraine patients treated in the pain clinic of the Karlovac General Hospital.
Methods: The research was conducted in the pain clinic of the Karlovac General Hospital on a
sample of 67 subjects during May and June 2022. The degree of disability was assessed with the
The Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS questionnaire), and the quality of life with the
migraine-specific QOL questionnaire (MSQ, ver. 2.1).
Results: The average number of days of disability according to the MIDAS questionnaire was
39,48 (±34,44), 62.7% of them had severe disability. The mean value of the quality of life on the
MQOL questionnaire was 49,24 (±11,28). A statistically significant difference was found
(t=6,189, p=0,015) in days of fitness between women and men. Women scored statistically
significantly lower than men in the domains of restrictive role (t=5,166, p=0,026) and emotional
function (t=4,518, p=0,027). Age, level of education, marital and work status were not significant
predictors for work disability and overall quality of life. Subjects who experience migraine attacks
daily have a statistically significantly higher number of days of disability than subjects who have
attacks from one to four times a month (p=0,005) and less than 12 times a year (p=0,033).
Conclusion: Migraine affects all aspects of functioning and prevents sufferers from performing
work tasks smoothly and directly affects their mental well-being. In addition to timely visits to the
doctor and compliance with the prescribed therapy, people with migraine need to be further
educated in order to successfully cope with migraine symptoms and lead a healthy life avoiding
potential migraine triggers. Migraine sufferers also need to be provided with mental health care so
that the already low quality of life is not further impaired.
kvaliteta života
radna onesposobljenost
Keywords (english)
migraine disorders
quality of life
work capacity evaluation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:151716
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Nursing: Promotion and Protection of Mental Health (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-08 10:29:16