Abstract | Uvod: Nogomet je složen kontaktni sport koji uključuje relativno visoke rizike i stope ozljeda kod profesionalnih igrača tijekom treninga i utakmice. S obzirom na karakter nogometne igre u kojoj prevladavaju visoke dinamične kretnje, koje osim brze i snažne muskulature zahtijevaju i visoku fleksibilnost mekih tkiva, a samim time i sposobnost opuštanja i relaksacije mišića, programi vježba istezanja morali bi naći mjesto u svakodnevnom trenažnom procesu.
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati znanje nogometaša o važnosti vježba istezanja u prevenciji sportskih ozljeda. Specifični ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su ispitati koje tehnike istezanja koriste nogometaši, tip i učestalost sportskih ozljeda, dominaciju ekstremiteta, kontaktne u odnosu na ne kontaktne ozljede, ozljede na utakmici u odnosu na trening i čimbenike koji pridonose sportskim ozljedama.
Ispitanici i metode: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 85 ispitanika s područja cijele Republike Hrvatske. Ispitanici su bili seniorski nogometaši koji igraju u Prvoj, Drugoj ili Trećoj Hrvatskoj nogometnoj ligi. Za prikupljanje podataka potrebnih za istraživanje koristio se anketni upitnik koji nije standardiziran već je osmišljen za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati ovog primarnog istraživanja su prikazani u programu Microsoft Excel 2013. sustava Office i obrađeni deskriptivnom statistikom pomoću programa Statistica
Rezultati: Na temelju prikupljenih podataka ustanovljeno je da se većina ozljeda kod nogometaša događa na donjim ekstremitetima, s visokim udjelom ozljeda stopala, nožnog zgloba i koljena. Učestalost ozljeda veća je tijekom utakmice nego tijekom treninga, a kod većine ispitanika ozljeda se pojavila na dominantnoj nozi. Ispitanici provode vježbe istezanja prije i poslije svakog treninga/utakmice. Najčešće korištena tehnika istezanja je statičko istezanje, nakon čega slijedi dinamičko istezanje, dok je PNF istezanja najmanje zastupljeno.
Zaključak: Rezultatima ovog istraživanja možemo zaključiti da vježbe istezanja imaju bitnu ulogu u prevenciji sportskih ozljeda. Nadalje, ovim istraživanjem želimo podignuti svijest i potaknuti nogometaše da se educiraju od strane stručne osobe o pravilnom izvođenju vježba istezanja. Razvijanjem programa prevencije ozljeda koji uključuje upoznavanje sportaša s epidemiologijom ozljeda, postupanju s ozljedama i programom tehnika istezanja može pridonijeti smanjenju sportskih ozljeda i zaštitit od stresova koje one nose. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Football is complex contact sport that involves relatively high risks and injury rates in professional players during training and matches. Considering the character of the football game, which is dominated by highly dynamic movements, which in addition to fast and strong musculature, also require high flexibility of soft tissues, and at the same time the ability to relax muscles, stretching exerscises programs should find a place in daily training process.
Aim: The objective of this research was to examine the knowledge of footbal players about the stretching ecercises in the prevention of sports injuries. The specific goals of this research were to examine which streching techniques football players use , type and frequency of sports injuries, limb dominance, contact versus non-contact injuries, and factors that contribute to sports injuries.
Participants and methods: In this research participated 85 examinees from the entire Croatia republic.The examinees were senior footbal players who play in the First, Second or Third Croatian Footbal League. To collect the data needed for the research, a non standardized questionnaire was used, but it was designed for the needs of this research. The results of this primary research were presented in Microsoft Excel 2013 of the Office system and processed with descriptive statistics using the Statisctica program.
Results: Based on the collected data, it was determined that most injuries in football players occure in the lower extremities, with a high proportion of foot, ankle and knee injuries. The frequency of injuries is higher during a match than during training, and in most examinees the injuries appeared on the dominant leg. Examinees perform stretching exercises before and after each training session/match. The most common used stretching technique is differential stretching, followed by dynamic stretching, while PNF stretching is the least common.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this research, we can conclude that stretching exercises play an important role in the prevention of sports injuries. Furthemore, with this research, we want to raise awareness and encourage football players to be educated by an expert on the proper performance of stretching exercises. By developing an injury prevention program that includes familiarizing athletes with the epidemiology of injuries and a program of stretching techniques, it can contribute to the reduction of sport injuries and protect them from the stress they carry. |