Abstract | UVOD: Jedna od vrsta psihoterapije je kognitivno bihevioralna terapija. KBT polazi od teze da misli utječu na osjećaje, ponašanje i reakcije. Terapijom se uči vještina kako kontrolirati misli te samim time pomaže pri rješavanju određenog problema. Primjenjuje se kod psihičkih poremećaja kao što su: anksioznost, depresija, ovisnosti, poremećaji ličnosti, poremećaji u prehrani, strahovi i kompulzivno-opsesivni poremećaji. Gledajući s aspekta kognitivnog pristupa proučava se način na koji čovjek razmišlja, dok bihevioralni pristup objašnjava ponašanje.
CILJ: Cilj završnog rada je ispitati informiranost opće populacije o kognitivno bihevioralnoj terapiji na temelju prikupljenih statističkih podataka. Ispitat će se je li opća populacija informirana o kognitivno bihevioralnoj terapiji te usporediti informiranost na temelju spola, dobi i stupnja obrazovanja ispitanika. Uz prethodno navedeno ispitat će se stav opće populacije o kognitivno bihevioralnoj terapiji.
METODE: Istraživanje je provedeno putem online upitnika Google Forms, mogućnost sudjelovanja su imali samo punoljetni ispitanici koji su svojevoljno pristupili istraživanju. Upitnik je sadržavao ukupno 15 pitanja, koji su bili podijeljeni u tri dijela. U prvom dijelu ispitivali su se socio demografski podaci, u drugom dijelu informiranost opće populacije o KBT, a u trećem dijelu stav opće populacije o KBT. Na sva pitanja bilo je moguće odgovoriti jednim odgovorom. Razina statističke značajnosti za sve testove kojima su provedene usporedbe je p<0,05. Statistička obrada podataka provedena je u programu Statistica (Version, 1984-2018 TIBCO Software Inc).
REZULTATI: U istraživanju je sudjelovala 261 osoba, od kojih 18,39% osoba muškog spola i 81,61% ženskog spola. Rezultati Upitnika o informiranosti opće populacije o kognitivno bihevioralnoj terapiji pokazuju kako je sveukupno gledajući 98,85% ispitanika dobro informirano o kognitivno bihevioralnoj terapiji. Nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike s obzirom na spol, dob i stupanj obrazovanja ispitanika. Rezultati Upitnika o stavu opće populacije o kognitivno bihevioralnoj terapiji ukazuju kako većina ispitanika ima pozitivne stavove, ukupno njih 89,66% što bi značilo da negativan stav ima 10,34% ispitanika.
ZAKLJUČAK: Opća populacija je informirana o kognitivno bihevioralnoj terapiji. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: One of the types of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the thesis that thoughts influence feelings, behavior and reactions. Through therapy, one learns the skill of how to control one's thoughts, thus helping to solve a certain problem. It is used for psychological disorders such as: anxiety, depression, addictions, personality disorders, eating disorders, fears and compulsive-obsessive disorders. Looking from the aspect of the cognitive approach, the way a person thinks is studied, while the behavioral approach explains behavior.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the final paper is to examine the awareness of the general population about cognitive behavioral therapy based on the collected statistical data. It will be examined whether the general population is informed about cognitive-behavioral therapy, and information will be compared based on the sex, age and level of education of the respondents. In addition to the above, the attitude of the general population about cognitive behavioral therapy will be examined.
METHODS: The research was conducted through an online Google Forms questionnaire, only adult respondents who voluntarily joined the research had the opportunity to participate. The questionnaire contained a total of 15 questions, which were divided into three parts. In the first part, socio-demographic data were examined, in the second part the information of the general population about CBT, and in the third part the attitude of the general population about CBT. All questions could be answered with one answer. The level of statistical significance for all tests with which comparisons were made is p<0.05. Statistical data processing was performed in the Statistica program (Version, 1984-2018 TIBCO Software Inc).
RESULTS: 261 people participated in the research, of which 18.39% were male and 81.61% were female. The results of the Questionnaire on the information of the general population about cognitive behavioral therapy show that overall, 98.85% of respondents are well informed about cognitive behavioral therapy. No statistically significant differences were found with regard to the sex, age and level of education of the respondents. The results of the Questionnaire on the attitude of the general population about cognitive behavioral therapy indicate that the majority of respondents have positive attitudes, a total of 89.66%, which would mean that 10.34% of respondents have a negative attitude.
CONCLUSION: The general population is informed about cognitive behavioral therapy. |