Abstract | UVOD: Mobing obuhvaća bilo kakvu vrstu maltretiranja ili uznemiravanja na radnom mjestu od strane pojedinca ili cijelog tima, što uzrokuje najdublju izolaciju kod žrtava, koje se obično osjećaju nesposobnima demonstrirati napade i artikulirati problem i, ako to i učine, nerijetko im nedostaje podrška od strane kolega i/ili nadležnih službi. Učestalost mobinga kod medicinskih sestara/tehničara se kreće od 1 do 90,4%, a združena prevalencija iznosi 26,3%.
CILJ: Istražiti učinkovitost naglašavanja posljedica mobinga na učestalost istog. Istražiti učinkovitost edukacije o mobingu na učestalost istog. Istražiti učinkovitost stvaranja sigurnog okruženja na radnom mjestu na učestalost prijavljivanja mobinga.
METODE: Podaci za istraživanje prikupljali su se putem online upitnika objavljenog na platformi Google Forms, a poveznica na online upitnik dostavljena je ispitanicima putem Facebook društvene mreže u korisničke grupe medicinskih sestara/tehničara. U svrhu dobivanja odgovora na postavljene ciljeve sve tri hipoteze koristio se Pearsonov hi-kvadrat test na razini značajnosti p<0,05,
REZULTATI: U istraživanju su sudjelovala ukupno 453 ispitanika, od čega je njih 77,70% navelo kako je doživjelo i/ili doživljava mobing na radnom mjestu, a njih 86,98% kako je svjedočilo mobingu na radnom mjestu. Međutim, osobno doživljeni mobing prijavilo je samo 22,52% (n=102) ispitanika, a mobing kojem su svjedočili samo njih 14,79%. Samo 12,80% ispitanika izjavilo je kako na njihovom radnom mjestu nadređene osobe postavljaju pitanja o postojanju mobinga, 9,05% kako ih isti educiraju o mobingu, vrstama i načinima prijavljivanja istog, a 13,69% kako su na njihovom radnom mjestu jasno naglašene posljedice mobinga i kako su upozoreni da se isti neće tolerirati. 30,68% ispitanika smatra da na njihovom radnom mjestu vlada sigurno okružje, u kojem žrtve mobinga ne moraju strahovati zbog prijavljivanja istog.
ZAKLJUČAK: Mobing je značajan problem među medicinskim sestrama/tehničarima koji sudjeluje u sve većem nedostatku istih, no preventivne strategije su još uvijek nezadovoljavajuće. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: Mobbing encompasses any type of bullying or harassment in the workplace by an individual or an entire team, which causes the deepest isolation in the victims, who usually feel unable to demonstrate the attacks and articulate the problem and, if they do, often lack support from colleagues and/or competent services. The frequency of mobbing among nurses/technicians ranges from 1 to 90.4%, and the combined prevalence is 26.3%.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effectiveness of emphasizing the consequences of mobbing on its frequency. Investigate the effectiveness of mobbing education on its frequency. To investigate the effectiveness of creating a safe environment in the workplace on the frequency of reporting mobbing.
METHODS: Data for the research were collected through an online questionnaire published on the Google Forms platform, and the link to the online questionnaire was delivered to the respondents through the Facebook social network in user groups of nurses/technicians. To obtain answers to the set objectives of all three hypotheses, the Pearson chi-square test was used at the significance level of p<0.05.
RESULTS: A total of 453 respondents participated in the research, of which 77.70% stated that they experienced and/or are experiencing mobbing at the workplace, and 86.98% stated that they witnessed mobbing at the workplace. However, personally experienced mobbing was reported by only 22.52% (n=102) of respondents, and mobbing witnessed by only 14.79% of respondents. Only 12.80% of respondents stated that at their workplace superiors ask questions about the existence of mobbing, 9.05% that they educate them about mobbing, types, and ways of reporting it, and 13.69% that at their workplace they are clearly emphasized the consequences of mobbing and how they were warned that it will not be tolerated. 30.68% of the respondents believe that there is a safe environment in their workplace, where victims of mobbing do not have to fear about reporting it.
CONCLUSION: Mobbing is a significant problem among nurses/technicians that contributes to the increasing shortage of them, but preventive strategies are still unsatisfactory |