Title Znanje žena reproduktivne dobi o redovitim ginekološkim pregledima
Title (english) Knowledge of women of reproductive age about the regular gynecological chek-ups
Author Paula Riđan
Mentor Iva Keglević (mentor)
Committee member Damir Čerimagić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miljenko Manestar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Keglević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Gynecology and Obstetrics
Abstract Ginekološki pregled i PAPA test preporuča se svim ženama obavljati prema savjetu i preporukama ginekologa što ovisi o njihovom stanju i nalazu. Ako su prethodni pregledi i PAPA testovi bili uredni, na ginekološki pregled dovoljno je odlaziti jednom godišnje. Ginekološki pregled započinje anamnezom te nakon toga slijedi bimanualni pregled, pregled u spekulima te na kraju ultrazvuk. Na temelju ginekološkog pregleda, nalaza PAPA testa i/ili testiranja na HPV, ginekolog će odrediti terapiju ukoliko je ona potrebna. Ginekološkim pregledom mogu se utvrditi postojeće promjene na unutarnjim i vanjskim spolnim organima kao što su krvarenje, promjene na koži i sluznici, anomalije. Ginekološki pregled uključuje pregled unutarnjih i vanjskih spolnih organa, ali se može napraviti i rektalni pregled. Ovisno o rezultatima PAPA test, ginekolog može uputiti ženu na daljnje pretrage kao što je testiranje na HPV infekciju i/ili kolposkopiju. Ukoliko se otkrije neka spolno prenosiva bolest važno je na vrijeme početi s liječenjem.
Spolno prenosive bolesti (SPB) su zarazne bolesti koje se prenose svim oblicima spolnog odnosa. Spolno prenosive bolesti su jedan od većih svjetskih problema zbog epidemijske proširenosti, komplikacija, ali i troškova koje zdravstveni sustav odvaja za liječenje. Prevencija spolno prenosivih bolesti temelji se na edukaciji mladih prije stupanja u spolne odnose te dijagnostici i liječenju.
HPV infekcija najčešća je spolno prenosiva bolest. Najčešće se javlja kod žena i muškaraca mlađih od 25 godina. HPV infekcija može imati različite stupnjeve. Stupnjevi mogu napredovati od slabe, umjerene i teške displazije pa sve do raka vrata maternice. Postoje dvije skupine virusa koje dijelimo na visokorizične i niskorizične. Virus možemo prevenirati upotrebom cjepiva za najčešće tipove HPV-a.
Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio na području Republike Hrvatske ispitati znanje žena reproduktivne dobi o redovitim ginekološkim pregledima. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 361 žena reproduktivne dobi te je ono provedeno pomoću online upitnika izrađenog za potrebe ovog istraživanja. 287 (79,50%) žena bilo je u dobi 15-35 godina, dok je 74 (20,50%) bilo u dobi 36-50 godina. 179 (49,58%) žena ima niži stupanj obrazovanja (završena niža i/ili srednja stručna sprema), dok 182 (50,42%) ima viši stupanj obrazovanja (završena viša i/ili visoka stručna sprema).
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako više znanja imaju žene u dobi 36-50 godina u odnosu na žene u dobi 15-35 godina te žene koje imaju završen viši stupanj obrazovanja u odnosu na one koje imaju niži stupanj obrazovanja.
Abstract (english) Gynaecological examinations and PAPA tests are recommended to women in accordance with their gynaecologist’s recommendations, depending on their condition and test results. If prior checkups showed no reason for concern, a yearly examination is sufficient. The examination begins with an anamnesis, followed by a bimanual examination, a speculum examination and finally an ultrasound. Based on the examination and the results of the PAPA test and/or the HPV test, the gynaecologist will determine if any form of therapy is necessary. The examination is used to identify existing changes in the internal and external genitals, such as bleeding, changes of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as other anomalies. However, a rectal examination can also be performed if needed. Depending on the results of the PAPA test, the gynaecologist may refer the woman to further examinations such as testing for HPV infection and/or colposcopy. If a sexually transmitted disease is detected, it is important to start treatment promptly.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infectious diseases that are transmitted through all forms of sexual intercourse. STDs are one of the world's major health problems due to their infectiousness, risk of complications, and great costs of treatment that burden health care systems. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is based on providing sexual education to young people, as well as proper diagnosis and treatment.
HPV infection is the most common STD. It predominantly occurs in women and men under the age of 25. HPV infection has a number of stages that progress from mild, moderate and severe dysplasia all the way to cervical cancer. There are two groups of viruses that we divide into high-risk and low-risk. We can prevent the virus by using vaccines for the most common types of HPV.
The aim of this research was to examine how knowledgeable women of reproductive age are about regular gynaecological examinations in the Republic of Croatia. A total of 361 women of reproductive age participated in the research, which was conducted using an online questionnaire created specifically for the purposes of this research. 287 (79.50%) women were aged 15-35, while 74 (20.50%) were aged 36-50. 179 (49.58%) women have a lower level of education (completed primary and/or secondary vocational education), while 182 (50.42%) have a higher level of education (acquired a bachelor’s and/or a master’s degree).
The research results show that women aged 36-50 have more knowledge compared to women aged 15-35, as well as women who have completed a higher level of education compared to those who have completed a lower level of education.
ginekološki pregled
HPV infekcija
spolno prenosive bolesti
Keywords (english)
gynaecological checkups
HPV infection
sexually transmitted diseases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:638462
Study programme Title: Professional study of Midwifery (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) - Part-time study program Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik / prvostupnica (baccalaureus / baccalaurea) primaljstva (stručni/a prvostupnik / prvostupnica (baccalaureus / baccalaurea) primaljstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-05 14:10:39