Abstract | Uvod i cilj istraživanja
Multipla skleroza ima razne komorbidite. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti tjelesni sastav oboljelih od multiple skleroze s i bez osteoartritisa koljena te ispitati postoje li razlike tih dviju grupa ispitanika.
Materijal i metode
Provedeno je retrospektivno istraživanje probirom medicinske dokumentacije stacionarno rehabilitiranih bolesnika s dijagnozom multiple skleroze tijekom 2018.¬¬¬–2019. godine u Toplicama Lipik. 105 ispitanika je odgovaralo kriterijima. Prikupljeni su podatci o spolu, životnoj dobi ispitanika, dužini trajanja multiple skleroze, osteoartritisu koljena. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije grupe: Grupa 1 – oboljeli od multiple skleroze s osteoartritisom koljena; Grupa 2 – oboljeli od multiple skleroze bez osteoartritisa koljena. Iz nalaza bioelektrične impedancije izdvojeni su indeks bezmasne mase, indeks masne mase, indeks tjelesne vode i razvrstani u kategorije. Učinjena je statistička obrada podataka korištenjem T-testa za nezavisne uzorke i hi kvadrat testa; nivo značajnosti 0,05.
105 ispitanika (82 žene i 23 muškarca), prosječne životne dobi 48,68 godina podijeljeni su u dvije grupe: Grupa 1¬¬¬– n=50; 47,6% (Ž 72%/ M 28%); Grupa ¬¬¬2¬¬¬ ¬¬¬– n=55; 52,4% (Ž 84%/ M 16%). Prosječna životna dob bila je 47,80±9,69 vs. 49,56±11,01 godina; prosječno trajanje multiple skleroze 10,78±7,24 vs. 12,67±10,81 godina. Grupe se nisu značajno razlikovale prema dobi (p=0,388), spolu (p=0,149), trajanju multiple skleroze (p=0,299). Vrijednosti 1indeksa bezmasne mase, 2indeksa masne mase i 3indeks tjelesne vode podijeljene u kategorije nisu pokazale statistički značajnu razliku među grupama (1x2=3,294/ df=3/ p=0,771; 2x2=3,765/ df=3/ p=0,708; 3x2=2,699/ df=2/ p=0,259; p>0,05).
Kod ispitanika oboljelih od multiple skleroze s/bez osteoartritisa koljena nije nađena značajna razlika u sastavu tijela. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction and the aim of the research
Multiple sclerosis has various comorbidities. The aim of the research was to assess body composition in multiple sclerosis patients with and without osteoarthritis of the knee and to examine if there are differences of these two groups of subjects.
Material and methods
A retrospective study was conducted by screening medical records of inpatient rehabilitees in the Lipik Spa during 2018–2019 suffering from multiple sclerosis. 105 respondents met the research criteria. Data was collected on the sex, age of the subjects, duration of multiple sclerosis and knee osteoarthritis. The respondents were divided into two groups: Group 1 – multiple sclerosis patients with knee osteoarthritis; Group 2 – multiple sclerosis patients without knee osteoarthritis. Fat-Free Mass Index, Fat Mass Index and Body Water Index were extracted from the Bioelectric Impedance Analysis and divided into categories. Statistical data processing was performed using the independent T-test and chi-square test; significance level 0,05.
The results of 105 respondents (82 women and 23 men), average age 48,68 years were divided into two groups: Group 1 – n=50; 47,6% (W 72%/ M 28%); Group 2 ¬¬¬– n=55; 52,4% (W 84%/ M 16%). The average age was 47,80±9,69 vs. 49,56±11,01 years; the average duration of multiple sclerosis was 10,78±7,24 vs. 12,67±10,81 years. Groups did not differ significantly according to age (p=0,388), sex (p=0,149) and duration of multiple sclerosis (p=0,299). 1Fat-Free Mass Index, 2Fat Mass Index and 3Body Water Index values divided into categories did not show a statistically significant difference between the groups (1x2=3,294/ df=3/ p=0,771; 2x2=3,765/ df=3/ p=0,708; 3x2= 2,699/ df=2/ p=0,259; p>0,05). |