Abstract | UVOD: Sarkopenija je progresivni poremećaj skeletnih mišića karakteriziran gubitkom mišićne mase, snage i funkcije. Sarkopenija u akutnom pankreatitisu (AP), bolesti s potencijalno izraženim katabolizmom i poremećenim unosom hrane, mogla bi dodatno utjecati na tijek i ishod bolesti.
CILJEVI: Ciljevi istraživanja jesu utvrditi prevalencijusarkopenije u bolesnika s AP na temelju kompjutorizirane tomografije (CT) i njezinu povezanost s težinom bolesti i kliničkim ishodima.
BOLESNICI I METODE: Retrospektivno smo analizirali bolesnike hospitalizirane zbog AP u 2023. godini, bez obzira na etiologiju. Pri prijemu su određeni prediktori težine bolesti, APACHE II indeks i BISAP indeks. Kako bi se procijenila nekroza gušterače i lokalne komplikacije, CT abdomena s pojačanim kontrastom s indeksom težine CT-a (CTSI) učinjen je između 3. i 5. dana. Procjena sarkopenije zabilježena je određivanjem mišićnog indeksa psoasa (PMI) i izračunom prosjeka Hounsfieldove jedinice (HUAC) u razini L3 kralješka. Pragovi za PMI postavljeni su na 6,36 cm2/m2 za muškarce i 3,92 cm2/m2 za žene, dok su HUAC vrijednosti određene na razini 25% kvartila vrijednosti izmjerenih kod naših pacijenata. Lokalne i sistemske komplikacije AP definirane su revidiranim Atlanta kriterijima, dok je utjecaj komorbiditeta procijenjen određivanjem Charlsonovog indeksa komorbiditeta (CCI).
REZULTATI: Analizirano je 100 pacijenata, od kojih su 32% bile žene. Prosječna dob bila je 67 godina (IQR 52-73), a srednji indeks tjelesne mase (ITM) 27,88 ± 4,72 kg/m2. Prosječna duljina boravka u bolnici bila je 11,82 ± 7,68 dana. Prevalencijasarkopenije bila je 16% prema PMI i 26% prema HUAC. Nije bilo razlike u prevalencijisarkopenije između spolova. Pronašli smo značajne negativne korelacije PMI s APACHE II (r=-0,38; P=0,006), BISAP (r=-0,32; P=0,02), CCI (r=-0,43; P=0,002) i dobi (r= -0,35; P=0,01), ali nema značajne korelacije s CTSI, ITM i duljinom boravka u bolnici. HUAC je u značajnoj negativnoj korelaciji s APACHE II (r=-0,73; P<0,0001), BISAP (r=-0,58; P<0,0001), ITM (r=-0,39; P=0,005), CCI (r=-0,68; P<0,0001), dob (r=-0,58; P<0,0001) i duljina boravka u bolnici (r=-0,32; P=0,02) ali bez korelacije s CTSI. Prema kriterijima PMI nije utvrđena značajna razlika između skupine ispitanika s izraženom sarkopenijom i skupine bez sarkopenije u svim analiziranim ishodima. Korištenjem HUAC kriterija, pacijenti sa sarkopenijom bili su značajno stariji (76±7,23 naspram 59,22±14,12; P=0,0002) i imali su značajno viši ITM (30,85±3,77 naspram 26,84±4,62; P=0,007). Ista skupina imala je značajno više vrijednosti APACHE II (10,92±20,74 vs 6,32±8,28; P=0,0001) i CCI indeksa (5±2,48 vs 2,19±1,81; P=0,0001). Nisu primijećene razlike u drugim ishodima. Analiza smrtnosti nije bila moguća jer nije bilo smrtnih ishoda.
ZAKLJUČAK: Sarkopenija je prilično česta kod pacijenata s AP već na prijemu. Očekivano, sarkopenija u ovoj skupini također je povezana sa starijom životnom dobi i većim brojem popratnih bolesti, no čini se da je povezana i s višim vrijednostima ITM. Postoje naznake da je sarkopenija povezana s potencijalno težim oblicima bolesti, ali to nije potvrđeno u smislu učestalosti specifičnih kliničkih ishoda. To je vjerojatno posljedica relativno malog broja ispitivanih bolesnika s prilično ograničenim brojem uočenih komplikacija i vrlo malim udjelom bolesnika s teškim AP. Za pouzdanije rezultate potrebna su daljnja istraživanja na većem broju ispitanika s većim udjelom teških oblika AP. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: Sarcopenia is a progressive skeletal muscle disorder characterized by a loss of muscle mass, strength, and function. Sarcopenia in acute pancreatitis (AP), a disease with potentially marked catabolism and impaired food intake, could further affect the disease's course and outcome.
AIMS: The aim of our study is to determine the prevalence of sarcopenia in patients with AP based on computed tomography (CT) and its association with disease severity and clinical outcomes.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed patients hospitalized for AP in 2020, regardless of etiology. Predictors of disease severity, the APACHE II index, and the BISAP index were determined on admission. To assess pancreatic necrosis and local complications, contrast-enhanced CT of the abdomen with CT Severity Index (CTSI) was performed between days 3 and 5. Assessment of sarcopenia was recorded by determining the psoas muscle index (PMI) and the Hounsfield Unit average calculation (HUAC) at the level of the L3 vertebra. Thresholds for PMI were set at 6.36 cm2/m2 for men and 3.92 cm2/m2 for women, whereas HUAC values were determined at the level of the 25% quartile of values measured in our patients. Local and systemic complications of AP were defined using the revised Atlanta criteria, whereas the impact of comorbidities was assessed by determining the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI).
RESULTS: We analyzed 100 patients, of whom 32% were women. The mean age was 67 years (IQR 52-73), and the mean body mass index (BMI) was 27.88 ± 4.72 kg/m2. The mean length of the hospital stay was 11.82 ± 7.68 days. The prevalence of sarcopenia was 16% by PMI and 26% by HUAC. There was no difference in the prevalence of sarcopenia between the sexes. We found significant negative correlations of PMI with APACHE II (r=-0.38; P=0.006), BISAP (r=-0.32; P=0.02), CCI (r=-0.43; P=0.002), and age (r=-0.35; P=0.01) but no significant correlation with CTSI, BMI, and length of hospital stay. HUAC is significantly negatively correlated with APACHE II (r=-0.73; P<0.0001), BISAP (r=-0.58; P<0.0001), BMI (r=-0.39; P=0.005), CCI (r=-0.68; P<0.0001), age (r=-0.58; P<0.0001) and length of hospital stay (r=-0.32; P=0.02) but with no correlation with CTSI. According to the PMI criteria, no significant difference was found between the group of subjects with marked sarcopenia and the group without sarcopenia in all analyzed outcomes. Using HUAC criteria, patients with sarcopenia were significantly older (76±7.23 vs 59.22±14.12; P=0.0001) and had significantly higher BMI (30.85±3.77 vs 26.84±4.62; P=0.007). The same group had significantly higher values of APACHE II (10.92±20.74 vs 6.32±8.28; P=0.0001) and CCI index (5±2.48 vs 2.19±1.81; P=0.0001). No differences were observed in other outcomes. Mortality analysis was not possible because no deaths occurred.
CONCLUSION: Sarcopenia is quite common in patients with AP already on admission. As expected, sarcopenia in this group is also associated with older age and more concomitant diseases, but it also seems to be associated with higher BMI values. There are indications that sarcopenia is associated with potentially more severe forms of the disease, but this has not been confirmed in terms of the frequency of specific clinical outcomes. This is likely a consequence of the relatively small number of patients studied with a rather limited number of observed complications and a very low proportion of patients with a severe AP. Further studies in a larger number of subjects with a higher proportion of severe forms of AP are needed for more reliable results. |