Author Mario Vidović
Mentor Sandra Bošković (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Malnar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Midwifery) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation
Abstract Moderno je sestrinstvo prešlo dug razvojni put od marginaliziranog i preĉesto osporavanog zanimanja do cijenjene profesije i plemenitog poziva. Zdravstvena njega, kao dio procesa lijeĉenja i skrbi, iskljuĉivo je i jedinstveno pravo samo medicinske sestre i osnovno je podruĉje njezinoga rada. Manjak dijaloga izmeĊu medicinskih sestara, upravitelja bolnica i medicinskih sestara, te u konaĉnici medija i medicinskih sestara dovelo je do percipiranja sestrinstva kao nevaţne profesije. Budućnost sestrinstva, kako u RH, tako i svugdje u svijetu ovisi samo o medicinskim sestrama. Kako bi ostvarile pune potencijale svoga zanimanja, osigurale svoja prava i preuzele sve odgovornosti koje im donosi proces profesionalizacije medicinske sestre moraju prije svega djelovati zajedniĉkim snagama u kreiranju zdravstvenih politika.
CILJEVI: Istraţiti percepciju javnosti, kao i percepciju medicinskih sestara i ostalih zdravstvenih djelatnika o sestrinskoj profesiji. Istraţivanjem se takoĊer htjelo prikazati probleme modernog sestrinstva i ukazati na potrebu osiguravanja uvjeta za provoĊenje kvalitetne zdravstvene njege.
ISPITANICI i METODE: Istraţivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 353 ispitanika. Za potrebe istraţivanja primijenjena je prilagoĊena verzija anketnog upitnika The National Survey of the Public about Nursing.
REZULTATI: Većina ispitanika(n=346, 98,1%) ima veoma ili djelomiĉno pozitivno mišljenje o medicinskim sestrama. 38% ispitanika navelo je da su tijekom njihovog boravka ili boravka ĉlana njihove obitelji u bolnici imali osjećaj da je skrb i lijeĉenje neadekvatno jer medicinske sestre nisu bile u mogućnosti pravovremeno odgovoriti na njihove potrebe. UtvrĊeno je znaĉajno veće zadovoljstvo njegom i skrbi medicinskih sestara kod osoba koje su pozitivnije procijenile utjecaj njege i skrbi medicinskih sestara na proces lijeĉenja njih ili ĉlana njihove obitelji tijekom boravka u bolnici(ρ=-0.60, p<0.001). Uz mogućnost višestrukog odabira odgovora, 318 ispitanika(90,1 %) smatra kako je posao medicinske sestre emocionalno zahtjevan, 306(86,7%) ih smatra kako je sestrinski posao fiziĉki zahtjevan,dok samo 69 ispitanika(19,5%) smatra da je sestrinstvo dobar izbor za osobe zainteresirane za znanost.
Abstract (english) Modern nursing has gone a long way in its development from a marginalized and too often contested profession to a respected profession and noble calling. Nursing, as part of the curing and caring process, is the exclusive and unique right of nurses only, and is a core area of their work. The lack of dialogue between nurses, hospital managers and nurses, and ultimately the media and nurses, has led to the perception of nursing as an irrelevant profession. The future of nursing, both in the Republic of Croatia and elsewhere in the world, depends only on nurses. In order to realize the full potential of their profession, secure their rights, and assume all the responsibilities entrusted to them by the process of professionalization of nursing, they must, above all, act jointly in the formulation of health policies.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate public perceptions as well as nurses and other healthcare professionals' perceptions of the nursing profession. The research also sought to highlight the problems of modern nursing and highlight the need to provide the conditions for the delivery of quality nursing care.
RESPONDENTS AND METHODS: The study was conducted on a sample of 353 subjects. For research purposes, a customized version of the National Survey of the Public about Nursing was used.
RESULTS: Most respondents (n = 346, 98.1%) have a very or partially positive opinion of nurses. 38% of respondents indicated that during their stay or their family member's stay in the hospital, they felt that care and treatment were inadequate because nurses were unable to respond to their needs in a timely manner. Respondents who expressed higher level of satisfaction with the nursing care during the hospital stay have more positively assessed the impact of nursing care on the process of treating them or their family member during hospital stay (ρ = −0.60, p <0.001). With the possibility of multiple choice of answers, 318 respondents (90.1%) consider the nurse job to be emotionally demanding, 306 (86.7%) consider the nursing job to be physically demanding, while only 69 respondents (19.5%) consider that nursing is a good choice for people interested in science.
percepcija u javnosti
percepcija u medijima
profesionalni identitet
profesionalizacija zanimanja
Keywords (english)
public perception
perception in the media
professional identity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:988414
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Nursing: Healthcare Management (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-11-15 10:46:24