Abstract | Stoma uzrokuje promjene u fizičkoj, psihološkoj, društvenoj i duhovnoj dimenziji, kroz koncept kvalitete života koja ovisi o zdravlju, bez obzira na razloge izvedbe.
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati na koji način je ugradnja stome povezana s razinom kvalitete života osobe nosioca stome u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Hipoteze istraživanja bile su da je u osoba sa stomom smanjena ukupna kvaliteta života kao i pojedini aspekti u fizičkoj, psihičkoj, socijalnoj i duhovnoj domeni funkcioniranja osobe. Kvaliteta života povezana je s vremenom proteklim od operativnog zahvata izvedbe stome, na način da je niža procijenjena kvaliteta neposredno nakon ugradnje stome i unutar 6 mjeseci od ugradnje stome, a manje je narušena u pacijenata koji stomu imaju duži period (više godina).
Ispitanici su osobe sa stomom u dobi od 18 -80 godina, koji žive sa stomom najmanje tri mjeseca iza operacije, članovi su ILCO -a i HUCUK-a.
Metoda istraživanja bio je specifični anonimni upitnik za procjenu zdravljem uvjetovane kvalitete života osoba sa stomom, City of Hope- Quality of Life – Ostomy Questionnaire.
Rezultati: Postoji statistički značajna razlika u prosječnim rezultatima kroz pojedine aspekte u psihičkoj, socijalnoj i duhovnoj domeni funkcioniranja s obzirom na trajanje stome. Na subskali fizičke prilagodbe s obzirom na trajanje stome, nema statistički značajne razlike. Dokazali smo statistički značajno nižu psihološku prilagodbu kod osoba koje imaju stomu do 6 mjeseci, u odnosu na osobe koje ju imaju više od 8 godina (p<0.05). Statistički značajno nižu socijalnu prilagodbu imaju pacijenti koji imaju stomu 6-12 mjeseci u odnosu na pacijente koji ju imaju duže od 8 godina (p<0.05). Statistički značajnu razliku dokazali smo i na spiritualnoj skali gdje ispitanici s duljim trajanjem stome imaju veći prosječan rezultat na mjeri kvalitete života.
Zaključak: Izvedba stome smanjuje razinu kvalitete života osoba sa stomom. Vrijeme proteklo od kreiranja stome jaki je prediktor kvalitete života osoba sa stomom. U osoba sa stomom u periodu od 6-12 mjeseci statistički je značajno niza ukupna QOL naročito u psihičkoj, socijalnoj i spiritualnoj domeni funkcioniranja. |
Abstract (english) | An ostomy causes physical, psychological, social, and spiritual changes, through the concept of quality of life that is contingent on health, regardless of the reasons for placing the ostomy.
The aim of the study was to examine how the placement of an ostomy is related to the quality of life of a person with an ostomy in the Republic of Croatia.
The study hypotheses were that, in a person with an ostomy, the overall quality of life as well as certain physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of a person's functioning were reduced. Quality of life is associated with the time elapsed since the operative placement of an ostomy, in such a way that the lower quality is estimated immediately after the placement of an ostomy and within 6 months of the placement of the ostomy, and is less impaired in patients who have had an ostomy for a longer period of time (several years).
The subjects were patients with ostomies between the ages of 18-80, who have been living with an ostomy for at least three months after surgery, and are members of ILCO and the Croatian Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Association (HUCUK).
The study method was a specific anonymous questionnaire for assessing the health-conditioned quality of life of people with an ostomy, City of Hope- Quality of Life - Ostomy Questionnaire.
The results: There is a statistically significant difference in average scores across individual aspects in the psychic, social, and spiritual domain of functioning with respect to the duration of having an ostomy. There is no statistically significant difference in the physical adjustment subscale with respect to the duration of having an ostomy. We have proven a statistically significant lower level of psychological adjustment in persons who have had an ostomy for up to 6 months, compared with persons who have had it for more than 8 years (p <0.05). Significantly lower social adjustment was observed in patients who have had an ostomy for 6-12 months compared to patients who have had it longer than 8 years (p <0.05). A statistically significant difference was also demonstrated on a spiritual scale where subjects who have had an ostomy for longer had a higher average score on the quality of life scale.
Conclusion: The placement of an ostomy reduces the quality of life of the person with an ostomy. The time elapsed since the placement of an ostomy is a strong predictor of the quality of life of a person with an ostomy. In persons with ostomies, the total QOL is significantly lower in the 6-12 months period, especially in the psychic, social, and spiritual domains of functioning. |