Author Ivana Horvat
Mentor Tatjana Kehler (mentor)
Committee member Marko Zelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tatjana Kehler (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Brumini (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Provedeno je istraživanje u Specijalnoj bolnici Arithera kako bi se pokazao utjecaj prednjeg operativnog pristupa, koji je rijeđe zastupljen, na utjecaj plućnog kapaciteta, Cobbovog kuta i visinu pacijenata. Smatra se da prednji operativni pristup stresnije utječe na plućni kapacitet, pa je cilj ovog istraživanja bio uvidjeti u kolikom postotku se forsirani vitalni kapacitet (FVC) i forsirani ekspiracijski volumen u prvoj sekundi (FEV1) razlikuju u odnosu na preoperativnu i postoperativnu fazu. Uz to, cilj je bio uvidjeti razliku u Cobbovom kutu preoperativno i postoperativno, te u kojoj mjeri dolazi do promjene u visini kod pacijenata postoperativno. Istraživanje je sadržavalo 30 pacijenta koji su operirani u Specijalnoj bolnici Arithera u razdoblju od svibnja 2017. godine do svibnja 2019. godine. Procjena plućnog kapaciteta izvršena je metodom spirometrije. Cobbov kut mjeren je na temelju rtg slika napravljenih preoperativno i postoperativno koje su obrađene u programu za očitavanje Cobbovog kuta RadiAnt, a mjerenje visinne vršeno je običnim metrom za mjerenje. Rezultati spirometrije pokazali su da prosječna vrijednost FVC-a prije operacije iznosi 76 +/- 50 % u odnosu na očekivanu vrijednost, dok prosječna vrijednost FVC-a nakon operacije iznosi 57 +/- 40 što znači da su rezultati FVC-a postoperativno za oko 13 % slabiji od rezultata preoperativno. Rezultati FEV1 prije operacije iznose 70,1% +/- 50, dok postoperativno iznose 48,4% +/- 30, što znači da su rezultati postoperativno za oko 22% slabiji od rezultata preoperativno. Što se tiče rezultata visine, u prosjeku je svaki pacijent nakon operacije bio viši za 1,8 cm, a najveća promjena u visini preoperativno i postoperativno bila je 4 cm. Zaključno tome slijedi da prednji operativni pristup u dosta velikoj mjeri utječe na plućni kapacitet i upravo zbog toga bi se trebali uvesti preventivni preoperativni programi, koji bi se bazirali na vježbama za poboljšanje plućne funkcije i kapaciteta, kako bi postoperativni rezultati spirometrije bili što bolji i kako bi pacijent što lakše prošao kroz process oporavka. Također bi se trebala provoditi preventivna konzervativna terapije kako se se ojačala muskulatura te kako bi sam pacijent lakše prošao kroz operativni process.
Abstract (english) A study was conducted at Arithera Special Hospital to show the impact of the anterior operating approach, which is less commonly represented, on the impact of pulmonary capacity, Cobb angle, and patient height. The anterior operative approach is thought to have a more stressful effect on pulmonary capacity, and the aim of this study was to see how much the forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) differ from the preoperative and postoperative phase. In addition, the goal was to see the difference in Cobb's angle preoperatively and postoperatively, and to what extent the height change occurs in patients postoperatively. The study included 30 patients operated on at Arithera Special Hospital between May 2017 and May 2019. Pulmonary capacity assessment was performed using the spirometry method. Cobb angle was measured on the basis of rtg images taken preoperatively and postoperatively, which were processed in the program for reading Cobb's angle RadiAnt, and height measurements were made using a regular meter. Spirometry results showed that the average FVC value before surgery was 76 +/- 50% relative to the expected value, while the average FVC value after surgery was 57 +/- 40 which means that FVC results are postoperative for about 13% worse than results preoperatively. FEV1 results before surgery are 70.1% +/- 50, while postoperatively they are 48.4% +/- 30, which means that the results are about 22% lower postoperatively than the results preoperatively. In terms of height results, on average, each patient was 1.8 cm taller after surgery, and the largest change in height preoperatively and postoperatively was 4 cm. In conclusion, it is clear that the anterior operating approach has a significant impact on pulmonary capacity and that is why preventative preoperative programs should be introduced, based on exercises to improve pulmonary function and capacity, to maximize postoperative spirometry results and how would allow the patient to go through the recovery process as easily as possible. Preventive conservative therapies should also be performed to strengthen the muscles and to help the patient go through the operative process more easily.
prednji operativni pristup
Cobbov kut
Keywords (english)
anterior operating approach
Cobb angle
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:028716
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Physiotherapy (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-02-18 09:35:09