Sažetak | Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija definira mentalno zdravlje kao „stanje dobrobiti u kojem pojedinac ostvaruje svoje potencijale, može se nositi s normalnim životnim stresorima, može raditi produktivno i plodno te je sposoban pridonositi zajednici“ (1).
Mentalno zdravlje svakog pojedinca ujedno je najjača, ali i najranjivija komponenta organizma. Linija između održavanja i narušavanja mentalnog zdravlja je vrlo tanka i zato je treba njegovati s posebno puno pažnje i ljubavi prema samom sebi, a onda i drugima. Jedna od mnogih psihijatrijskih bolesti je bipolarno afektivni poremećaj za koji bi se moglo reći da daje vrlo osebujan primjer ljudskog raspoloženja, emocija te stanja uma i tijela. Drugim riječima, bipolarno afektivni poremećaj pruža uvid u obje krajnosti mentalnog zdravlja, jedna krajnost je vesela i idilična dok je druga tmurna i umorna.
Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati razinu znanja redovnih i izvanrednih studenata sestrinstva Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci o bipolarno afektivnom poremećaju. Sveukupno je sudjelovalo 143 studenta, od toga 69 redovnih i 74 izvanrednih. Za potrebe provođenja istraživanja koristio se online anonimni anketni upitnik od 20 pitanja izrađen samo za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Anketni upitnik kreiran je putem Google obrasca. Prva skupina pitanja bila je sastavljena od četiri pitanja općih podataka (dob, spol, završena srednja škola, trenutna godina studiranja). Druga skupina pitanja bila je sastavljena od jednog pitanja vezano za strah od psihijatrijskih bolesnika, jednog pitanja vezano uz asocijaciju na pojam „psihijatrija“ koje je bilo slobodnog tipa odgovora te 14 pitanja koja su bila isključivo za provjeru znanja o bipolarno afektivnom poremećaju. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su studenti većinom upoznati s teorijskim osnovama o bipolarno afektivnom poremećaju, no iznenađujuće je što većina studenata povezuje negativne asocijacije s psihijatrijskim bolesnicima te psihijatrijom kao ustanovom. Zaključno, stavovi studenata sestrinstva kao budućih zdravstvenih djelatnika odražavaju se na opću populaciju te će se time na teži način iskorjeniti diskriminacija i stigmatizacija psihijatrijskih bolesnika. |
Sažetak (engleski) | „Sound mental health and wellbeing of each individual is defined by social inclusion, stress free living and working enviroment, as well as oportunities to learn and grow in socity according to the World Health Organization definition“ (1).
The mental health is at the same time the strongest, as well as the most fragile state for each individual. Good mental health starts with love and care for oneself and then others. Bipolar affective disorder is one of many psychaitric illnesses, but at the same time, an illness that gives most peculiar example of the human mood, emotions, and state of mind and body uniqe to each individual. Bipolar affective disorder studies are providing us with insights into both extremes of individuals mental health, from extremly cheerful and idylic to gloomy, tired and agressive at time on the other end.
Objective of this work about bipolar affective disorder was to conduct the survay and examine the level of knowlege among nursing students of University of Rijeka, Faculty of health studies, for both, full-time and part-time nursing students. A total of 143 nursing students participated in survey, out of wich, 69 were full-time and 74 part-time students. For the purpose of survey, Google online forms were used to create anonymous 20-questions survey. The questionnaire was divided into three groups of questions that offered a choice of one answer from several options, and one question for which it was necessary to enter an answer. The first group consisted of 4 generic questions (age, gender, completed high school, and current year of study). The second group consisted of only two questions, the first concerned the fear of the psychiatric patient, and the second offered the possibility of a free interpretation of the term “psychiatry”. The third group of questions consisted of 14 questions that relate exclusively to testing students' knowledge of bipolar affective disorder. The research showed that most students are familiar with the theoretical foundations of bipolar affective disorder, however, the research also showed greater than expected negative connotations of students towards psychiatric patients as well as psychiatric nursing homes. In conclusion, the attitudes of nursing students as future health professionals are reflected in the general population, which will make it harder to eradicate discrimination and stigmatization of psychiatric patients. |