Sažetak | UVOD: Koža je najveći organ u ljudskom tijelu, a prema anatomskoj podjeli se dijeli na 3 sloja: epidermis, dermis i hipodermis. Rak kože ima jednu od najvećih globalnih incidencija bilo kojeg oblika raka, a točan uzrok je nepoznat. Smatra se kako razvoj raka započinje kada se ošteti DNK, a organizam nije u stanju popraviti nastalu štetu. Kao najznačajniji čimbenik rizika dokazano je izlaganje UV zračenju. CILJ: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi jesu li ispitanici upoznati s važnosti samopregleda kožnih promjena i jesu li upoznati s važnošću redovitih pregleda specijaliste dermatologa. METODE: U istraživanje se prigodnim uzorkovanjem uključilo 234 ispitanika različite dobi oba spola, a istraživanje je provedeno na grupi ispitanika pronađenoj na Facebook društvenoj mreži pod imenom Vinodol (Drivenik Tribalj Grižane Bribir Ledenice). Podaci za istraživanje prikupljali su se putem online anonimne ankete koja se sastojala od 16 pitanja, baziranih na jednostavnim ponuđenim odgovorima. Svi prikupljeni podaci korišteni su isključivo u svrhu izrade završnog rada, uz poštivanje anonimnosti ispitanika. Obrada podataka provedena je u programu Microsoft Office Excel 2016, a podaci su prikazani u obliku grafova i tablica. Obje varijable (znanje o važnosti samopregleda i pregleda kod specijaliste dermatologa) su omjerne te su rezultati opisani pomoću aritmetičke sredine. REZULTATI: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 82,50% ispitanika ženskog i 17,50% ispitanika muškog spola, a najveći broj ispitanika (64,1%) pripada dobnoj skupini od 31 do 50 godina. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, samo njih 24,40% ne provodi samopregled kože te njih 92% smatraju da znaju prepoznati promjene na svojoj koži. Većina ispitanika (89,90%) ne provodi redoviti (barem jednom godišnje) pregled spec.dermatologa, dok samo 11,10 % ispitanika provodi isti. Kod većine ispitanika (91,45%) nitko u obitelji ne boluje od melanoma kože, no većina ispitanika (79%) je tijekom života provela digitalnu dermatoskopiju. Manje od polovice ispitanika ne nanosi kremu za sunčanje (40,6%) i ne nosi odjeću koja štiti od sunca (42,3%), no samo 3% ispitanika ne smatra da je važno voditi računa o dobi dana kada se izlažu suncu. ZAKLJUČAK: Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja, kao i mnogih drugih dosadašnjih istraživanja, većinski dio populacije provodi samopregled kože, no ne pristupa redovnim pregledima kod spec.dermatologa i ne pridržava se smjernica za prevenciju raka kože. |
Sažetak (engleski) | INTRODUCTION: The skin is the human body’s largest organ, and according to the cross-section of the skin, is divided into 3 layers: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. Skin cancer is one of the leading global forms of cancer, and the exact cause is unknown. It is believed that the development of cancer begins when DNA is damaged, and the body is unable to repair the damage. Exposure to UV radiation has been proven to be the most significant risk factor. GOAL: The goal of this study was to determine whether subjects were aware of the importance of self-examination when they detect skin changes and of the importance of regular examinations performed by a dermatologist. METHODS: There’s a total of 234 respondents of different ages and sexes included in the research. The research was conducted on the „Vinodol“ Facebook social network group (Drivenik, Tribalj, Grižane, Bribir, Ledenice). Survey data was collected through an anonymous online survey system that consisted of 16 questions and offered simple answer choices. All collected data was used exclusively for the purpose of preparing the thesis while respecting the respondents’ anonymity. Data processing was performed using Microsoft Office Excel 2016, and the data is presented in the form of graphs and tables. Both variables (knowledge of the importance of self-examination and examination by a dermatologist) are proportional and the results are described using an arithmetic mean. RESULTS: 82.50% of female and 17.50% of male respondents participated in the research, and most of respondents (64.1%) belong to the 31—50 age group. Only 24.40% of the respondents do not conduct a self-examination of the skin and 92% of them believe that they know how to recognize changes in their skin. Most respondents (89.90%) do not undergo regular dermatologist examinations, while only 11.10% of respondents do. Most respondents (91.45%) have no family history of melanoma, but most respondents (79%) have had digital dermatoscopy during their lifetime. Less than half of the respondents do not apply sunscreen (40.6%) and do not wear clothing that protects against the sun (42.3%), but only 3% of respondents do not think it is important to consider the time of day when they are exposed to the sun. CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, as well as many other studies to date, most of the population conducts self-examination of the skin but does not access regular examinations by dermatologists and do not follow the guidelines for skin cancer prevention. |