Sažetak | Multipla skleroza je najčešća upalna demijelinizacijska bolest središnjeg živčanog sustava. Karakterizirana je upalnom reakcijom uslijed koje dolazi do propadanja mijelinske ovojnice produžetaka živčanih stanica koje služe prijenosu impulsa.
Posljedično dolazi do stvaranja demijelinizacijskih plakova – ožiljaka, lezija, u strukturama mozga ili u kralješničkoj moždini, na mjestima nastanka mijelinske ovojnice.
Bolest se sastoji od dvije faze, upalne koja dominira u početku, te degenerativne koja se javlja paralelno s upalnom, ali je više izraženija u kasnijim stadijima bolesti.
Multipla skleroza pojavljuje se u 5 kliničkih oblika: CIS ( klinički izolirani sindrom), RRMS ( relapsno – remitirajući), SPMS ( sekundarno – progresivni), dobroćudni oblik multiple skleroze i PPMS ( primarno progresivni).
Najčešći oblik pojave je Relapsno- remitirajući oblik multiple skleroze koji se dijagnosticira kod otprilike 85% novooboljelih.
Dijagnostika multiple skleroze uključuje niz pretraga koji potvrđuju bolest i isključuju ostala oboljenja slične simptomatologije.
Multipla skleroza je bolest koja može uzrokovati veliki raspon različitih simptoma koji se često razlikuju od osobe do osobe. Neki od uobičajenih simptoma uključuju umor, bol, slaba tolerancija na promjene okolišne temperature, kognitivne probleme, spastičnost i depresiju. U većine oboljelih, simptomi se povremeno javljaju, a progresijom same bolesti mogu se mijenjati u svojoj jakosti i trajanju.
Liječenje multiple skleroze ovisi o kliničkom obliku multiple skleroze i stupnju progresije bolesti.
S obzirom na nepredvidivi tijek bolesti, mnogi oboljeli traže alternativne načine kojima bi mogli kontrolirati bolest, mijenjaju način prehrane, prakticiraju redovite tjelovježbe, koriste različite suplemente. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Multiple sclerosis is the most common inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It is characterized by an inflammatory reaction resulting in the deterioration of the myelin sheath of nerve cell extensions that serve to transmit impulses.
As a result, there is the formation of demyelinating plaques - scars, lesions, in the structures of the brain or in the spinal cord, at the places where the myelin sheath is formed.
The disease consists of two phases, inflammatory, which dominates in the beginning, and degenerative, which occurs parallel to the inflammatory, but is more pronounced in the later stages of the disease.
Multiple sclerosis appears in 5 clinical forms: CIS (clinically isolated syndrome), RRMS (relapsing-remitting), SPMS (secondary-progressive), benign form of multiple sclerosis and PPMS (primarily progressive).
The most common form of the phenomenon is the relapsing-remitting form of multiple sclerosis, which is diagnosed in approximately 85% of new patients.
Diagnostics of multiple sclerosis includes a series of tests that confirm the disease and exclude other diseases with similar symptoms.
Multiple sclerosis is a disease that can cause a wide range of different symptoms that often vary from person to person. Some of the common symptoms include fatigue, pain, poor tolerance to environmental temperature changes, cognitive problems, spasticity, and depression. In the majority of patients, the symptoms appear periodically, and with the progression of the disease itself, they can change in strength and duration.
The treatment of multiple sclerosis depends on the clinical form of multiple sclerosis and the degree of disease progression.
Considering the unpredictable course of the disease, many patients look for alternative ways to control the disease, change their diet, practice regular exercises, use different supplements. |