Sažetak | UVOD: Bolesti srca i krvnih žila danas su najčešći uzrok smrti i ozbiljan javnozdravstveni problem. Među njima posebno mjesto zauzimaju aritmije koje su karakterizirane nepravilnim radom srca. Liječenje srčanih aritmija je najčešće medikamentozno, ali se u pojedinim situacijama pribjegava ugradnji srčanog elektrostimulatora. Medicinske sestre/tehničari imaju značajnu ulogu u zdravstvenoj njezi bolesnika prije, tijekom i nakon postavljanja elektrostimulatora srca. Stoga je adekvatna edukacija sestara i njihovo poznavanje uređaja te principa liječenja elektrostimulacijom presudno u kvalitetnom zbrinjavanju bolesnika. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi znanja medicinskih sestara/tehničara o srčanom elektrostimulatoru i kvaliteti života bolesnika s ugrađenim elektrostimulatorom srca.
MATERIJALI I METODE: Podaci su prikupljani putem anonimne ankete izrađene na platformi Obrasci sučelja Google pod nazivom „Znanje medicinskih sestara/tehničara o elektrostimulatoru srca“. Anketa je proslijeđena putem mobilnih aplikacija tijekom svibnja i lipnja 2023. godine. Anketa je sastavljena u tri dijela. Prvi dio pitanja odnosio se na socio-demografske podatke, drugi dio su činila pitanja o elektrostimulatoru srca, a treći dio pitanja o kvaliteti života bolesnika s ugrađenim srčanim elektrostimulatorom. Uzorak istraživanja bile su medicinske sestre/tehničari oba spola, različite duljine radnog iskustva te zaposleni u različitim medicinskim djelatnostima Opće bolnice Pula. U istraživanju je sudjelovao ukupno 51 ispitanik. Rezultati ovog istraživanja prema odgovorima svrstani su u tri skupine: nedovoljno znanje (< 20 bodova), srednje znanje (20 do 32 boda) i zavidno znanje (> 32 boda).
REZULTATI: Utvrđeno je da postoji statistički značajna razlika u znanju s obzirom na radno mjesto. Medicinske sestre/tehničari zaposleni u Službi za internu medicinu imaju statistički značajno veći broj točnih odgovora (M=33,87, SD=2,446) u odnosu na medicinske sestre/tehničare zaposlene u drugim djelatnostima (M=31,45, SD=4,186) - (t(49)=2,61, p=0,012). Također, rezultati ne ukazuju na statistički značajne razlike u znanju medicinskih sestara/tehničara s obzirom na staž (t (49) = -1,06, p = 0.294). U prosjeku se broj točnih odgovora kretao od 32,26 ±4,507 za one koji su imali manje godine radnog staža, do 33,31 ±2,571 za one dužeg staža. Konačno, ispitivanje znanja s obzirom na razinu obrazovanja nije pokazalo statistički značajnu razliku (t (49) =0,73, p = 0,468). Naime, ne samo da ispitanici koji imaju fakultetsko obrazovanje, bilo da se radi o prvostupnicima ili magistrima, nisu ostvarili statistički značajan veći broj točnih odgovora od svojih kolega koji imaju završenu srednju školu, već su imali manje bodova. Tako su ispitanici bez fakultetskog obrazovanja imali u prosjeku 33,28±2,606 bodova, a ispitanici s fakultetskim obrazovanjem 32,58±4,07 bodova.
ZAKLJUČAK: Znanje o elektrostimulatoru značajno više ovisi o radnom mjestu, nego duljini radnog staža i stupnju obrazovanja. Medicinske sestre/tehničari pokazali su zavidno znanje o elektrostimulatoru i kvaliteti života bolesnika sa srčanim elektrostimulatorom, ali je svakako potrebno ujednačavanje ispitivanja na međunarodnoj razini kako bi rezultati bili bolje usporedivi, a time se postavili preduvjeti za usklađeno cjeloživotno specijalističko usavršavanje s ciljem stalnog poboljšanja zdravstvene skrbi bolesnika sa srčanim elektrostimulatorom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death and a serious public health problem. Among them, arrhythmias, which are characterized by irregular heart work, occupy a special place. The treatment of cardiac arrhythmias is most often medical, but in some situations the implanting of a cardiac electrostimulator is crucial for the patient. Nurses/technicians play a significant role in patient's care before, during and after the pacemaker implantation. Therefore, adequate education of nurses and their knowledge of devices and principles of electrostimulation treatment is crucial in quality patient's care. The aim of this research was to determine the knowledge of nurses/technicians about pacemakers and the quality of life of patients with implanted pacemakers.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were collected through an anonymous survey created on the Google Forms interface platform entitled "Knowledge of nurses/technicians about pacemaker". The survey was sent via mobile applications during May and June 2023. The survey was compiled in three parts. The first part of the questions related to socio-demographic data, the second part consisted of questions about pacemakers, and the third part questions about the quality of life of patients with implanted pacemakers. The research sample was nurses/technicians of both sexes, with different lengths of work experience and employed in different medical activities of the Pula General Hospital. A total of 51 respondents participated in the research. The results of this research according to the answers are classified into three groups: insufficient knowledge (< 20 points), medium knowledge (20 to 32 points) and enviable knowledge (> 32 points).
RESULTS: It was found that there is a statistically significant difference in knowledge with regard to the workplace. Nurses/technicians employed in the Internal Medicine Service have a statistically significantly higher number of correct answers (M=33.87, SD=2.446) compared to nurses/technicians employed in other activities (M=31.45, SD=4.186) - (t(49)=2.61, p=0.012). Also, the results do not indicate statistically significant differences in the knowledge of nurses/technicians with regard to the length of service (t (49) = -1.06, p = 0.294). On average, the number of correct answers ranged from 32.26 ± 4.507 for those who had fewer years of service to 33.31 ± 2.571 for those with longer service. Finally, the examination of knowledge with regard to the level of education did not show a statistically significant difference (t (49) =0.73, p = 0.468). Respondents with a college education (bachelor's or master's, didn't achieved a statistically significantly higher number of correct answers than their colleagues who have completed high school (respondents without college education had an average of 33.28±2.606 points, and respondents with college education 32.58±4.07 points).
CONCLUSION: Knowledge about the electrostimulator depends significantly more on the workplace than on the length of work experience and level of education. The nurses/technicians showed enviable knowledge about the electrostimulator and the quality of life of patients with a cardiac electrostimulator, but it is definitely necessary to standardize the tests at the international level so that the results are better comparable. This is the possibility to prepare internationally coordinated lifelong specialist training with the aim of constantly improving health care patients with cardiac pacemakers. |