Sažetak | Spolno zdravlje je bitan dio ljudskog života koji utječe i na općenito zdravlje cijelog organizma. Ginekološki pregled je iz tog razloga bitan čin kako bi se zdravlje očuvalo. Isto tako uz ginekološki pregled jednom godišnje bi se trebao raditi i PAPA test. Ukoliko su nalazi loši ili postoje neke komplikacije, na ginekološki pregled bi onda trebalo ići češće po savjetu odabranog ginekologa. Iako većina žena misli da bi na prvi pregled trebalo ići nakon prvog spolnog odnosa, preporuča se otići nakon prve menstruacije radi edukacije i savjetovanja s ginekologom. Ginekološki pregled osim razgovora i uzimanja anamneze se sastoji od bimanualnog pregleda, pregleda u spekulima tokom kojeg se uzima PAPA test ili se testiraju spolne bolesti te ultrazvuk. Pregledavaju se vanjski i unutarnji spolni organi. Na temelju nalaza ginekolog određuje terapiju ukoliko je ona potrebna. Bitno je dijagnosticirati bolest na njenom samom početku kako bi se što prije počelo sa liječenjem i oporavkom.
Spolno prenosive bolesti (SPB) su zarazne bolesti koje se prenose direktnim kontaktom tokom spolnog odnosa. Postoje razne spolne infekcije, a jednu od najpoznatijih i najčešćih je HPV infekcija. Postoje dvije skupine tipova HPV-a visokorizične i niže rizične. Jednako je zastupljena i kod žena i kod muškaraca, ali najviše kod mladih ljudi zbog njihovog neodgovornog načina života, sve ranije stupanja u spolne odnose i čestog mijenjanja partnera. Potrebno je 15-20 godina od infekcije do pojave prvih simptoma. Simptomi su nevidljivi, nespecifični i rijetki. No infekcija može gradirati od lagane ili teške displazije do raka vrata maternice. Kako bi se preveniralo preporučuje se cijepljenje.
U ovom istraživanju cilj je bio ispitati tj. usporediti znanje studentica Fakulteta zdravstvenog studija u Rijeci, studija primaljstva i fizioterapije o važnosti redovitih ginekoloških pregleda. Sudjelovalo je 100 ispitanika prve, druge i treće godine studija. Ispitivanje je provedeno preko online ankete koja je napravljeno isključivo u svrhu ovog istraživanja. Sudjelovalo je 42 (42%) studentica druge godine studija kojih je bilo najviše, zatim treća godina njih 31(31%) te prva godina studija njih 27(27%). Većina ispitanica je završilo medicinsku srednju školu njih 73(73%) dok je njih 27(27%) dolazi iz neke druge srednje škole.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako znanje studentica primaljstva je znatno veće nego znanje studentica fizioterapije. Znanje studentica treće godine primaljstva nije znatno veće od znanja studentica prve i druge godine isto kao i znanje studentica fizioterapije treće godine gdje se znanje ne razlikuje od nižih godina. Studentice koje su završile srednju medicinsku školu imaju znatno veće znanje nego studentice koje su završile neku drugu srednju školu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Sexual health is an important part of human life that also affects the general health of the whole organism. For this reason, a gynecological examination is an important act in order to preserve health. Likewise, along with a gynecological examination, a PAPA test should be done once a year. If the findings are bad or there are some complications, you should go for a gynecological examination more often on the advice of your chosen gynecologist. Although most women think that the first examination should be done after the first sexual intercourse, it is recommended to go after the first period for education and consultation with a gynecologist. In addition to the interview and history taking, the gynecological examination consists of a bimanual examination, a speculum examination during which a PAPA tets is taken or sexually transmitted diseases are tested for, and an ultrasound. External and internal genitals are examined. Based on the findings, the gynecologist determines the therapy if it is necessary. It is important to diagnose the disease at its very beginning in order to start treatment and recovery as soon as possible.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infectious diseases that are transmitted by direct contact during sexual intercourse. There are various sexually transmitted infections, and one of the most well-known and common is HPV infection. There are two groups of HPV types, high-risk and low-risk. It is equally common in women and men, but mostly in young people due to their irresponsible lifestyle, starting sexual relations earlier and often changing partners. It takes 15-20 years from infection to the appearance of the first symptoms. Symptoms are invisible, non-specific and rare. But the infection can range from mild or severe dysplasia to cervical cancer. In order to prevent it, vaccination is recommended.
In this research, the goal was to examine, i.e. compare, the knowledge of female students of the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka, Midwifery and Physiotherapy, about the importance of regular gynecological examinations. 100 respondents from the first, second and third year of study participated. The survey was conducted through an online survey that was created exclusively for the purpose of this research. 42 (42%) second-year students took part, of which there were the most, followed by 31 (31%) third-year students and 27 (27%) first-year students. Most of the respondents graduated from medical high school, 73 of them (73%), while 27 of them (27%) came from another high school.
The research results show that the knowledge of midwifery students is significantly higher than the knowledge of physiotherapy students. The knowledge of third-year midwifery students is not significantly higher than the knowledge of first- and second-year students, as well as the knowledge of third-year physiotherapy students, where the knowledge does not differ from lower years. Female students who graduated from secondary medical school have significantly greater knowledge than female students who graduated from another secondary school. |