Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: S obzirom na moguće preklapanje genetičke etiologije metaboličkog
sindroma i shizofrenije, pojedine komponente metaboličkog sindroma, kao što su dislipidemija,
dijabetes i pretilost, mogle bi biti povezane s težom kliničkom slikom i ranijim nastupom
shizofrenije. Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je ispitati doprinosi li, i u kojoj mjeri, dob nastupa bolesti,
koncentracijama lipida i glukoze u plazmi, te vrijednostima indeksa tjelesne mase (BMI), u
hrvatskih bolesnika sa shizofrenijom i shizoafektivnim poremećajem.
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 245 kroničnih bolesnika (muškarci/žene:
131/114). Na temelju vrijednosti medijana dobi prve hospitalizacije za cijeli uzorak bolesnika, dob
nastupa bolesti klasificirana je kao rana (≤ 26 godina) i kasna (> 26 godina).
Rezultati: Ovisno o dobi nastupa bolesti, samo su koncentracije triglicerida i glukoze u
muškaraca pokazale statistički značajne varijacije (P < 0,05). Vrijednosti triglicerida u plazmi bile
su značajno više u muškaraca s ranijom dobi nastupa bolesti negoli u muškaraca s kasnim nastupom
bolesti (2,5 1,4 vs. 1,7 0,8; z = 2,01, P = 0,042). S druge strane, koncentracije glukoze u plazmi
u muškaraca s kasnim nastupom bolesti, bile su značajno negoli u muškaraca s ranim nastupom
bolesti (5,9 1,4 vs. 5,3 0,7; z = -2,59, P = 0,009). Dob nastupa bolesti doprinosi s približno 12%
varijabilnostima koncentracije triglicerida te s 8% varijabilnostima vrijednosti glukoze.
Zaključak: U skladu s našim rezultatima možemo zaključiti da dob nastupa bolesti
doprinosi komponentama metaboličkog sindroma isključivo u muškaraca. Muškarci s ranijim
nastupom bolesti imaju više vrijednosti triglicerida i niže vrijednosti glukoze u odnosu na muškarce
s kasnijim nastupom bolesti, a dob nastupa bolesti pridonosi s približno 8 – 12% varijabilnostima
koncentracije navedenih metaboličkih parametara. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Background: Metabolic syndrome and schizophrenia may be related to a shared genetic
liability. Components of metabolic syndrome, such as dyslipidemia, diabetes and obesity may
therefore be associated with the more severe forms of illness and an earlier onset. In this study, we
aimed to investigate whether and to what extent the age of disease onset contributes to plasma lipid
and glucose concentration and body mass index (BMI) values in Croatian patients with
schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.
Patients and methods: Our study group consisted of 245 chronically ill patients
(males/females: 131/114). Age at onset was classified as early (≤ 26 years) or late (> 26 years),
based on the median age for the entire sample at the first hospital admission due to a psychotic
episode which included the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
Results: Only triglyceride and glucose concentration in males showed significant
variations according to the disease onset (P < 0.05). Triglyceride levels were higher in males with
early, compared to males with late onset (2.5 ± 1.4 vs. 1.7 ± 0.8, z = - 2.01, P = 0.042). On the other
hand, glucose levels were higher in males with late compared to early onset (5.9 ± 1.4 vs. 5.3 ± 0.7,
z = - 2.59, P = 0.009). The age of disease onset accounts for approximately 12% of the variability
in triglyceride concentration and 8% of the variability in glucose levels.
Conclusion: According to our results, we may conclude that age of disease onset
contributes only to components of metabolic syndrome in male patients. Males with an earlier onset
manifest with higher triglyceride and lower glucose concentration compared to male patients with
late onset, and age of disease onset accounts for approximately 8 – 12% of variability of these
metabolic parameters. |