Sažetak | U današnje vrijeme stavovi o BCG cijepljenju djece uglavnom su negativni ili podijeljeni, zbog toga je vrlo bitno ispitati stavove te podijeliti pozitivna mišljenja i stavove. Znanstveni dokazi su najveći argument o dobrobiti cijepljenja.
Cilj istraživanja: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati stav studenata primaljstva i fizioterapije o BCG cijepljenju djece s obzirom na smjer studija koji pohađaju, godinu studija te najčešći izvor informacija.
Ispitanici i metode: Prikupljanje podataka za ovo istraživanje provedeno je putem online ankete, anonimno. Anketa je izrađena uz pomoć Google forms obrasca te je online ispunjavana. U izrađivanju ankete sudjelovale su izvođačica istraživanja te njena mentorica. Anketa sadrži 14 pitanja i podijeljena je u dva dijela. U prvom dijelu su pitanja koja se odnose na sociodemografska obilježja kao što su spol, smjer studija i godina studija. U drugom djelu ankete pitanja su karakterizirana na temelju istina i zabluda o BCG cijepljenju djece na koja ispitanici odgovaraju ocjenjivanjem slaganja s tvrdnjom od 1-5 (1. U potpunosti se ne slažem – 5. U potpunosti se slažem). Prije ispunjavanja ankete ispitanici su bili obavješteni o prikupljanju podataka u svrhu izrade završnog rada.
Rezultati: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 80 ispitanika te je njih 6 (7,5%) izbačeno jer su se izjasnili kako nisu suglasni sudjelovati u istraživanju. Od preostalih 74 (92,5%) ispitanika sudjelovalo je 10 (13,5%) muškaraca i 64 (86,5%) žena. S obzirom na godinu studija, 29 (39,2%) ispitanika pohađa prijediplomski stručni studij primaljstva, dok njih 45 (60,8%) pohađa prijediplomski stručni studij fizioterapije. S obzirom na smjer studija, sudjelovalo je 29 (39,2%) ispitanika prve godine, 22 (29,7%) ispitanika druge godine te 23 (31,1%) ispitanika treće godine oba smjera. Prosječan stav studenata primaljstva i fizioterapije o BCG cijepljenju djece izražen je aritmetičkon sredinom i standardnom devijacijom koja iznosi: M = 31,324 (3,994). S obzirom na smjer studija, stav studenata primaljstva iznosi: M = 31,069 (3,788), dok stav studenata fizioterapije iznosi: M = 31,489 (4,154). S obzirom na godinu studija, stav studenata primaljstva prve godine iznosi: M = 32,000 (2,944), stav studenata primaljstva treće godine iznosi: M = 31,333 (3,733). S obzirom na najčešći izvor informacija, stav studenata primaljstva i fizioterapije o BCG cijepljenju koji se izjasnio kako im je najčešći izvor informacija fakultet iznosi: M = 31, 720 (4,335), stav studenata primaljstva i fizioterapije o BCG cijepljenju djece koji se izjasnio da su im najčešći ostali izvori informacija iznosi: M = 31,122 (3,839). 25 (33,8%) ispitanika navodi da im je najčešći izvor informacija o BCG cijepljenju djece fakultet, 3 (4,1%) ispitanika navodi društvene mreže, 2 (2,7%) ispitanika je informacije dobilo od prijatelja, 9 ( 12,2%) ispitanika navodi literaturu odnosno knjige, a 35 ( 47,3%) ispitanika navodi da im je internet najčešći izvor informacija o BCG cijepljenju djece.
Zaključak: Provjerom hipoteza utvrđeno je da je potvrđena samo prva hipoteza. Rezultati su pokazali kako je prosječan stav studenata primaljstva i fizioterapije o BCG cijepljenju djece većim dijelom pozitivan M = 31,324 (3,994). Studenti primaljstva nemaju pozitivniji stav o BCG cijepljenju djece u odnosu na studente fizioterapije. Studenti treće godine primaljstva nemaju pozitivniji stav o BCG cijepljenju djece u odnosu na studente prve godine primaljstva. S obzirom na najčešći izvor informacija, studenti koji su znanja o BCG cijepljenju djece stekli uglavnom na fakultetu nemaju pozitivniji stav u odnosu na druge ispitane izvore. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Today, the attitudes about BCG vaccination of children are mostly negative or divided, therefore it is very important to examine attitudes and share positive opinions and attitudes. Scientific evidence is the biggest argument for the benefits of vaccination.
The aim of the research: The main objective of this research is to examine the attitude of midwifery and physiotherapy students about BCG vaccination of children with regard to the study they are attending, the year of study and the most common source of information.
Respondents and methods: Data collection for this research was conducted through an online survey, anonymously. The survey was created with the help of Google forms and was completed online. The researcher and her mentor participated in creating the survey. The survey contains 14 questions and is divided into two parts. In the first part, there are questions related to socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, field of study and year of study. In the second part of the survey, the questions are characterized based on truths and misconceptions about BCG vaccination of children, to which the respondents answer by rating their agreement with the statement from 1-5 (1. Completely disagree - 5. Completely agree). Before completing the survey, respondents were informed about the collection of data for the purpose of preparing the final paper.
Results: 80 respondents participated in this research, and 6 of them (7.5%) were excluded because they declared that they did not agree to participate in the research. Of the remaining 74 (92.5%) respondents, 10 (13.5%) men and 64 (86.5%) women participated. With regard to the year of study, 29 (39.2%) of the respondents attend a pre-graduate vocational course in midwifery, while 45 (60.8%) of them attend a pre-graduate vocational course in physiotherapy. With regard to the field of study, 29 (39.2%) first-year respondents participated, 22 (29.7%) second-year respondents and 23 (31.1%) third-year respondents from both fields. The average attitude of midwifery and physiotherapy students about BCG vaccination of children is expressed arithmetically with the mean and standard deviation, which is: M = 31.324 (3.994). Regarding the course of study, the attitude of midwifery students is: M = 31.069 (3.788), while the attitude of physiotherapy students is: M = 31.489 (4.154). Regarding the year of study, the attitude of first-year midwifery students is: M = 32,000 (2,944), the attitude of third-year midwifery students is: M = 31,333 (3,733). Regarding the most common source of information, the attitude of midwifery and physiotherapy students about BCG vaccination who declared that their most common source of information is the faculty is: M = 31,720 (4,335), the attitude of midwifery and physiotherapy students about BCG vaccination of children who declared that the most common other sources of information are: M = 31,122 (3,839). 25 (33.8%) respondents state that their most common source of information about BCG vaccination of children is the university, 3 (4.1%) respondents state social networks, 2 (2.7%) respondents received information from friends, 9 (12 .2%) of respondents cite literature or books, and 35 (47.3%) respondents state that the Internet is their most common source of information about BCG vaccination of children.
Conclusion: By checking the hypotheses, it was determined that only the first hypothesis was confirmed. The results showed that the average attitude of midwifery and physical therapy students about BCG vaccination of children is mostly positive M = 31,324 (3,994). Midwifery students do not have a more positive attitude about BCG vaccination of children compared to physiotherapy students. Third-year midwifery students do not have a more positive attitude about BCG vaccination of children compared to first-year midwifery students. With regard to the most common source of information, students who acquired knowledge about BCG vaccination of children mainly at university do not have a more positive attitude compared to other surveyed sources. |