Sažetak | Uvod i cilj istraživanja: Antenatalna skrb je važna odrednica zdravlja, a dostupnost, učinkovitost i pristup antenatalnoj skrbi izravno su povezani s dobrim ishodima majke i novorođenčeta. Specifični cilj je utvrditi znanje prijediplomskih redovnih i izvanrednih studenata Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija Sveučilišta u Rijeci o antenatalnoj skrbi.
Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno sa redovnim i izvanrednim studentima prve, druge i treće godine prijediplomskog stručnog studija Sestrinstva na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija Rijeka putem anonimnog upitnika u „Google forms-u“. Upitnik se sastojao od dva dijela. Prvi dio upitnika sačinjavao se od 5 pitanja o socio-demografskim podatcima koji se odnose na dob, spol, studijski program, godinu studija, radni odnos te radno mjesto. Drugi dio upitnika sastojao se od 11 pitanja vezanih za znanje studenata o antenatalnoj skrbi.
Rezultati: U provedenom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 73 studenta od kojih je 86,30% (n= 63) ženskog spola i 13,70% (n= 10) muškog spola. Prosječna dob ispitanika iznosila je 30,11 godina. Najveći postotak ispitanika imao je 21 do 30 godina, njih 45,21% (n= 33). Niti jedan ispitanik nije bio stariji od 50 godina. Među ispitanicima je bilo 56,16% (n= 41) izvanrednih studenta prijediplomskog studija sestrinstva te 43,84% (n= 32) redovnih studenta prijediplomskog studija sestrinstva od kojih je većina u radnom odnosu, njih 63,01% (n= 46) Od 46 zaposlenih ispitanika njih 10,87% (n= 5) je zaposleno u području ginekologije i porodništva, a najviše ispitanika je zaposleno na ostalim radnim mjestima u zdravstvu, njih 80,43% (n= 37). Ispitanici su najvećim dijelom ostvarili manje od 6 bodova (nedovoljan 1) u anketnom upitniku, njih 58,91% (n= 43) te niti jedan od ispitanika nije ostvario 10 do 11 bodova (izvrstan 5). Podjelom ispitanika prema studijskom programu vidljivo je da su izvanredni i redovni studenti stručnog studija sestrinstva najvećim dijelom imali nedovoljno znanje o antenatalnoj skrbi (53,66%, n= 22; 65,63%, n= 21). Podjelom ispitanika prema radnom mjestu vidljivo je da nema statistički značajne razlike u znanju među ispitanicima. Podjelom ispitanika prema radnom mjestu unutar zdravstvenog sustava također je vidljivo da nema statistički značajne razlike u znanju među ispitanicima.
Zaključak: U istraživanju je ispitano i uspoređeno znanje o antenatalnoj skrbi među izvanrednim i redovnim studentima stručnog studija Sestrinstva. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem ukazuju na nedovoljno znanje ispitanika o antenatalnoj skrbi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Introduction and research objective: Antenatal care is an important determinant of health, and availability, efficiency and access to antenatal care are directly related to good maternal and newborn outcomes. The specific goal is to determine the knowledge of undergraduate regular and part-time students of the Faculty of Health Studies of the University of Rijeka about antenatal care.
Materials and methods: The research was conducted with full-time and part-time students of the first, second and third year of undergraduate professional studies in Nursing at the Faculty of Health Studies Rijeka through an anonymous questionnaire in "Google forms". The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part of the questionnaire consisted of 5 questions on socio-demographic data related to age, gender, study program, year of study, employment and workplace. The second part of the questionnaire consisted of 11 questions related to students' knowledge of antenatal care.
Results: 73 students participated in the research, of which 86.30% (n= 63) were female and 13.70% (n= 10) were male. The average age of the respondents was 30.11 years. The largest percentage of respondents were 21 to 30 years old, 45.21% of them (n= 33). Not a single respondent was older than 50 years. Among the respondents were 56.16% (n= 41) part-time undergraduate nursing students and 43.84% (n= 32) full-time undergraduate nursing students, most of whom are employed, 63.01% (n= 46 ) Of the 46 employed respondents, 10.87% (n= 5) are employed in the field of gynecology and obstetrics, and the majority of respondents are employed in other positions in healthcare, 80.43% of them (n= 37). Most of the respondents achieved less than 6 points (insufficient 1) in the questionnaire, 58.91% of them (n= 43), and none of the respondents achieved 10 to 11 points (excellent 5). The division of the respondents according to the study program shows that part-time and full-time nursing students mostly had insufficient knowledge about antenatal care (53.66%, n= 22; 65.63%, n= 21). The division of respondents according to workplace shows that there is no statistically significant difference in knowledge among the respondents. The division of the respondents according to the workplace within the health system also shows that there is no statistically significant difference in knowledge among the respondents.
Conclusion: The research examined and compared the knowledge of antenatal care among part-time and full-time students of Nursing. The results obtained from the research indicate insufficient knowledge of the respondents about antenatal care. |