Sažetak | UVOD: Pacijenti sa stomom doživljavaju promjene u svojim životima, koje su posebno povezane s njihovom društvenom mrežom (posao i slobodno vrijeme) i seksualnošću, pogoršavajući njihov osjećaj nesigurnosti i strah od odbacivanja. Mogući negativni psihološki ishodi i emocionalni problemi koji proizlaze iz stome čine nužnim pružanje sveobuhvatne skrbi za pacijente, uz interdisciplinarni i specijalizirani pristup potrebama pacijenata i njihovih obitelji, s ciljem potpunog fizičkog, emocionalnog i socijalnog oporavka. Bolesnike je potrebno pripremiti, uglavnom tijekom perioperativnog razdoblja, kada doživljavaju tjeskobu i tjeskobu pred nepoznatim, odnosno stomom.
CILJ: Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti, prikazati i opisati psihološke simptome kod pacijenata sa stomom u Općoj bolnici Karlovac.
METODE: Istraživanje je provedeno anketnim upitnikom pripremljenim za ispitanike, odnosno pacijente starosti od 18 do 90 godina, muškog i ženskog spola, koji su bili podvrgnuti operativnom zahvatu umetanja stome. Planirani uzorak ispitanika bio je 50 pacijenta. Podaci su se prikupljali u razdoblju od 01.veljače do 30 lipnja 2024.godine. Pacijenti su ispunjavali anketni obrazac nakon operativnog zahvata umetanja stome. Anketa je bila anonimna te se ispunjavala na Odjelu abdominalne kirurgije Opće bolnice Karlovac prije otpusta sa odjela i u ordinaciji za abdominalnu kirurgiju kod pacijenta koji su dolazili na kontrolne preglede nakon operativnog zahvata.
REZULTATI: Najvišu vrijednost aritmetičkih sredina odgovora ispitanika zabilježilo je pitanje vezano uz vrstu komplikacija nakon zahvata, gdje aritmetička sredina odgovora ispitanika iznosi 1,44, a standardna devijacija 0,50. Za pitanje kojim se ispitivala promjena načina života nakon ugradnje stoma pomagala, aritmetička sredina iznosi 1,26, a standardna devijacija 0,44. Najnižu vrijednost aritmetičkih sredina odgovora ispitanika zabilježilo je pitanje vezano uz vrijeme prilagodbe na stoma pomagalo, gdje aritmetička sredina iznosi 1,07, a standardna devijacija 0,26. |
Sažetak (engleski) | INTRODUCTION: Patients with a stoma experience changes in their lives, which are especially related to their social network (work and free time) and sexuality, exacerbating their feelings of insecurity and fear of rejection. Possible negative psychological outcomes and emotional problems arising from stoma make it necessary to provide comprehensive care for patients, with an interdisciplinary and specialized approach to the needs of patients and their families, with the goal of complete physical, emotional and social recovery. Patients need to be prepared, mainly during the perioperative period, when they experience anxiety and anxiety in front of the unknown, that is, the stoma.
AIM: The main objective of the study was to investigate, present and describe psychological symptoms in patients with stoma in Karlovac General Hospital.
METHODS: The study was conducted using a questionnaire prepared for respondents, i.e. patients aged 18 to 90 years, male and female, who underwent stoma insertion surgery. The planned sample of subjects was 50 patients. The data were collected in the period from February 1 to June 30, 2024. Patients filled out a questionnaire form after stoma surgery. The survey was anonymous and was filled out at the Department of Abdominal Surgery of the Karlovac General Hospital before discharge from the department and in the abdominal surgery office of patients who came for check-ups after surgery.
RESULTS: The highest value of the arithmetic mean of the respondents' responses was recorded by the question related to the type of complications after the procedure, where the arithmetic mean of the respondents' answers was 1.44 and the standard deviation was 0.50. For the question that examined the change in lifestyle after stoma placement, the arithmetic mean is 1.26 and the standard deviation is 0.44. The lowest value of the arithmetic mean of the respondents' answers was recorded by the question related to the time of adaptation to stoma, where the arithmetic mean is 1.07 and the standard deviation is 0.26. |