Sažetak | Pandemija koronavirusa glavni je javnozdravstveni problem u 2020. godini s više od 20 milijuna slučajeva zaraze u cijelom svijetu te više od 700 tisuća smrtnih slučajeva. Pandemija utječe na kliničko, psihološko i emocionalno zdravlje cijele populacije te uzrokuje i ekonomsko usporavanje kroz kolaps zdravstvenog sustava. Simptomi infekcije COVID-19 variraju od potpuno asimptomatskih slučajeva do prisutnosti suhog kašlja, grlobolje, disanja, umora, bolova u tijelu, mijalgije, mučnine, povraćanja, proljeva, do teške konsolidacije i upale pluća, sindroma akutnog respiratornog distresa (ARDS) i disfunkcije više organa što dovodi do stope smrtnosti od 2 do 3%. U trenutku pisanja ovog rada (10. kolovoza 2020.) u svijetu je potvrđeno više od 20 milijuna slučajeva, a u Republici Hrvatskoj je od veljače do kolovoza zabilježeno 5 604 slučaja zaraze. SZO i Nacionalni stožer civilne zaštite propisuje mjere zaštite i prevencije širenja infekcije koje uključuju zabranu kretanja između zemalja, samoizolaciju u trajanju od 14 dana, zabranu javnih okupljanja i velikih događaja, ograničen rad uslužnih djelatnosti te obavezno nošenje maski i dezinfekciju ruku pri ulasku u trgovine, bolnice ili druge javne ustanove. Cilj istraživanja je prikazati na kojoj su razini medicinske sestre/tehničari educirani o COVID-19, na koji način se provela edukacija i ima li edukacija utjecaj na postojanje stresa s kojim su suočeni. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 130 ispitanika, koji su dobrovoljno ispunili online anketu. Rezultati pokazuju da prosječna starosna dob ispitanika iznosi 34,47 godina, prosječna dužina radnog staža iznosi 13,5 godina te dužina radnog staža u ustanovi u kojoj su ispitanici trenutno zaposleni 10,77 godina. Edukacija o virusu COVID-19 održala se na 78,46% radnih mjesta, u 46,15% slučajeva usmenim putem. Zadovoljstvo edukacijom iskazalo je samo 40,77% ispitanika. Povišenu razinu stresa na radnom mjestu za vrijeme pandemije COVID-19 osjetilo je 82,31% ispitanika, a na ljestvici od 1-10 gdje 1 predstavlja vrlo mali stres, a 10 veliki stres ispitanici su dodijelili prosječnu ocjenu od 6,68. Unatoč tome, 70,77% ispitanika nije iskazalo namjeru da zbog povećane količine stresa na radnom mjestu za vrijeme pandemije COVID-19 promjeni radno mjesto. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The coronavirus pandemic is a major public health problem in 2020 with more than 20 million cases of infection worldwide and more than 700,000 death cases. The pandemic affects the clinical, psychological and emotional health of the entire population and causes an economic slowdown through the collapse of the health system. Symptoms of COVID-19 infection range from completely asymptomatic cases to the presence of dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, myalgia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, to severe consolidation and pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and dysfunction of several organs leading to a mortality rate of 2 to 3%. At the time of writing (August 10, 2020), more than 20 million cases have been confirmed worldwide, and 5,604 cases of infection have been recorded in Croatia from February to August. The WHO and the National Civil Protection Headquarters prescribe measures to protect and prevent the spread of infection, including a ban on movement between countries, self-isolation for 14 days, a ban on public gatherings and major events, limited service activities and mandatory wearing of masks and hand disinfection when entering stores, hospitals or other public institutions. The aim of the research is to show at what level the nurses/technicians were educated about COVID-19, how the education was conducted and whether the education has an impact on stress they face. A total of 130 respondents participated in the research, who voluntarily completed an online survey. The results show that the average age of the respondents is 34.47 years, the average length of service is 13.5 years and the length of service in the institution where the respondents are currently employed is 10.77 years. COVID-19 virus education was held in 78.46% of institutions, in 46.15% of cases verbally. Only 40.77% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the education. Elevated levels of stress in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic were felt by 82.31% of respondents, and on a scale of 1-10 where 1 represents very little stress and 10 high stress respondents were given an average score of 6.68. Despite this, 70.77% of respondents did not express an intention to change jobs due to the increased amount of stress in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. |