Sažetak | Uvod: Sport i rekreacija sastavni su dio promoviranja zdravog i kvalitetnog načina života, no uključuju i negativan dio, a to su ozljede. Nogomet i vaterpolo vrlo su popularni sportovi današnjice koji sa sobom donose specifične ozljede. Dinamičnost ovih sportova iziskuje od igrača dobru pripremljenost za igru, spremnost na mogućnost ozljeđivanja, sudjelovanje u rehabilitacijskom procesu, te provođenje prevencije kao važnog faktora u izbjegavanju ozljeda.
Cilj: Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi i usporediti specifične ozljede u nogometu i vaterpolu. Specifični ciljevi bili su ispitati povezanost terena sa ozljedama u nogometu, usporediti povezanost specifičnih ozljeda u nogometu i vaterpolu sa prisutnošću fizioterapeuta u klubu te kakvo je zadovoljstvo sportaša s istim.
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 219 osoba, od toga 107 (48,9%) nogometaša te 112 (51,1%) vaterpolista s područja Republike Hrvatske. Za prikupljane podataka koristio se online anketni upitnik oformljen za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Cjelokupna statistička obrada podataka izvršena je pomoću programa IBM SPSS, v26, za analizu uzorkovanih podataka, te se koristila deskriptivna i inferencijalna statistika.
Rezultati: Analiza podataka pokazala je kako postoji statistički značajna razlika (p=0,000) između frekvencija ozljeda gornjih i donjih ekstremiteta kod vaterpolista i nogometaša: kod nogometaša su češće ozljede donjih ekstremiteta, a kod vaterpolista gornjih ekstremiteta. Rezultati su pokazali kako nema statistički značajne razlike u pojavnosti ozljeda s obzirom na teren na kojem nogometaši igraju (p=0,290). Što se tiče prisutnosti fizioterapeuta u klubu, nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u učestalosti ozljeda kod klubova koji imaju fizioterapeuta i onih koji nemaju fizioterapeuta u klubu (p=0,346). Igrači koji su imali fizioterapeuta u klubu bili su zadovoljni njegovim radom (srednja ocjena „vrlo dobar“).
Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su kako postoji razlika u specifičnim ozljedama kod vaterpolista i nogometaša, gdje vaterpolisti dominiraju s ozljedama gornjih ekstremiteta, a nogometaši s ozljedama donjih ekstremiteta. Preko 90% sportaša koji su sudjelovali u ovom istraživanju zadobilo je sportsku ozljedu u svojoj karijeri, što upućuje na važnost spoznaje ovog negativnog aspekta sporta. Potrebno je što bolje educirati sportaše i cijeli sportski tim o tehnikama prevencije i rehabilitacije ozljeda kako bi se spriječile i umanjile negativne posljedice ovog globalnog problema u sportu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Introduction: Sports and recreation are the integral part of promoting a healthy and quality lifestyle, but also include some negative features such as injuries. Nowadays football and water polo are very popular sports having specific types of injuries. Due to the dynamics of these sports, the players are required to be well prepared, aware of the possibility of being injured, being a part of rehabilitation and prevention as an important factor related to avoiding injuries.
Goal: The main goal of the research was to determine and compare specific injuries in football and water polo. The specific goals were to identify the relationship between football pitch and injuries in football and between specific injuries in football and water polo and the presence of physiotherapists in the club, together with how players are satisfied with the physiotherapist.
Examinees and methods: Out of 219 participants of the research there are 107 (48,9%) football players and 112 (51,1%) water polo players of Republic of Croatia. A means for collecting data was an online questionnaire created specially for the purpose of this research. The statistical data treatment was made in an IBM SPSS, v26 together with the descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The data analysis suggested a statistically significant difference (p=0,000) between football and water polo players in terms of the frequency of upper and lower limb injuries: football players usually have lower limb injured, whereas water polo players have upper limb injuries. The results have suggested that there is no statistically significant difference in the presence of injuries related to playing on the football pitch (p=0,290). Regarding the presence of the physiotherapist in the club, there was no statistically significant difference in the frequnency of the injuries in the clubs having a physiotherapist and the ones without them (p=0,346).The players who had a physiotherapist in their club were satisfied with their work (with the average grade „very good“).
Conclusion: The results of this research suggest that there is a difference in specific injuries of football and water polo players, with the latter having more upper limb injuries, whereas football players usually suffer lower limb injuries. More than 90% of participants have suffered a sports injury which indicates the importance of being aware of this negative aspect in sports. It is necessary to educate the players and the sport staff about the prevention techniques and injury rehabilitation in order to prevent and reduce the negative consequences of this global sports problem. |