Sažetak | Sestrinstvo XXI. stoljeća uvelike se razlikuje od sestrinstva Florence Nightingale Viktorijankog doba. Sestrinstvo se razvilo u profesiju, regulirano je zakonima Europske unije i Republike Hrvatske. Iako je sestrinstvo samostalna profesija ono spada u pomažuća zanimanja. Napretkom medicine, novih spoznaja i tehnologija napredovalo je i sestrinstvo. Moderna Hrvatska po mnogočemu zaostaje za ostatkom zapadnog svijeta primjerice u plaćama, uvjetima rada, odnosno zdravstvene njege i liječenja, tehnologije, zaštite radnika i prava radnika. Zato i sestrinstvo koje napreduje kao profesija, a država je adekvatno ne prati, spada u ona zanimanja koja su podložna velikom stresu, izgaranju na poslu i mobbingu.
Stres je fenomen koji je subjektivan, a proizlazi iz neravnoteže zahtjeva postavljenih pred pojedincem i mogućnost, odnosno nemogućnost odgovora na iste. Zbog stresa dolazi do sindroma izgaranja.
Sindrom izgaranja stanje je psihičke, emocionalne i fizičke iscrpljenosti uzrokovane pretjeranim i dugotrajnim stresom.
Mobbing je psihičko maltretiranje koje se ponavlja putem akcija kojima je cilj ili posljedica degradacija radnikovih radnih uvjeta, koje mogu uzrokovati napad i nanijeti štetu ljudskim pravima i ljudskom dostojanstvu, naštetiti fizičkom i mentalnom zdravlju ili kompromitirati žrtvinu profesionalnu budućnost.
Cilj ovoga rada je pokazati da u hrvatskom sestrinstvu postoji mobbing na radnom mjestu spram medicinskih sestara/medicinskih tehničara koji uzrokuje veliku količinu stresa i izgaranje na poslu. Uzročno-posljedičnom vezom s porastom stresa dolazi i do velikog odljeva medicinskih sestara iz Republike Hrvatske.
Pregledavanjem objavljenih znanstvenih radova i članaka te uspoređivanjem sa pozadinskim znanstvenim teorijama dolazi se do spoznaja o stanju u Hrvatskom zdravstvu.
Kao zaključak može se reći da stres u pomažućim zanimanjima postoji oduvijek, da je prisutan i sindrom sagorijevanja, ali se on nije prepoznavao kao takav. Iz literature je vidljivo da je i mobbing kao uzročnik stresa uvijek prisutan, da je on danas prepoznat i na nacionalnoj razini i da se pokušavaju umanjiti posljedice istog programima Hrvatske komore medicinskih sestara. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The 21st century nursing differs a lot from the Florence Nightingale 's nursing from the Victorian age. Nursing developed into a profession, it is regulated by the laws of the European union and the Republic of Croatia.
Although nursing is a profession on its own, it belongs to the helping professions. By the development of medicine, new cognitions and technologies, nursing itself made progress. Modern Croatia falls behind the rest of the western world in many ways, like salaries, working conditions, nursing and medical treatment, technologies, protection of the workers and their rights, too. That's why nursing, which is making progress as a profession, and the state doesn't follow it, belongs to those professions which are susceptible to a major stress, burn out syndrome and mobbing.
Stress is a subjective phenomenon and it comes from the disbalance of the demands put in front of the individual and the possibility or impossibility to respond.
The burn out syndrome comes from the stress. It's the state of psychological, emotional and physical exhaustion caused by the excessive and long term stress.
Mobbing is psychological torture which is repeating by the actions whose aim or consequences are the degradation of the working conditions, which can cause the damage of the human rights and dignity, harm physical or mental health or compromise victim's professional future.
The aim of this work is to show that, in Croatian nursing, there is mobbing at work towards nurses which causes a large amount of stress and burn out syndrome at work. The cause-and-effect relationship with rising stress leads to the large outflow of nurses from the Republic of Croatia. Reviewing the published o f the published works and articles and comparing with the background scientific theories we came to a conclusion about the conditions in Croatian health care.
As conclusion we can say that the stress in helping occupations has always been present, that the burn out syndrome has been present as well, but it wasn't recognized like that. It is visible, from the literature, that mobbing as the cause of the stress is always present, it is recognized on the national level, too, and its consequences are trying to be iminished by the programmes of the Croatian nursing council. |